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POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country?

TheOther  6 | 3596
11 Feb 2013   #931
Not even talking about Australia!

Leave us people in the north alone with this issue... ;)

crochetbitch88  2 | 83
11 Feb 2013   #932
I'm getting dizzy from looking at this map

Vlad123: The term Eastern isn't exclusive to Ukraine and Russia
monia  3 | 212
12 Feb 2013   #935
it doesn't. Why do you think the word eastern is derogatory? By saying something like that you are showing disrespect for all the great cultures and nations from Ukraine to Japan. It is just a name and it's neutral. I don't understand what's the problem with Poland being a part of Eastern Europe, it actually is, it's not Western Europe for sure, and I'm fine with that, why can't you be?

You don`t understand a bit of what I`ve said . I suppose most of people here understood my explanation. I suppose that you are not Polish so you can`t feel the undertones of such naming .

I will say it clearer- it doesn`t matter where Poland is located if someone , 20 years after the fall of the iron curtain , still uses this east- west differentiation which was strictly political , it means for me that this individual uses such language for his agenda mainly to stigmatize Poles as backward nation coming from a country located behind the iron curtain - I don`t need to dwell on this subject any further .

Europe UN

Where have you found it , in your closet ? Without any link this map could be 50 years old , so don`t bother .
Lenny88  1 | 7
12 Feb 2013   #936
In my opinion it's Central Europe.
TheOther  6 | 3596
12 Feb 2013   #937
getting dizzy from looking at this map

It's a word play ... Downunder = Australia

Where have you found it
crochetbitch88  2 | 83
12 Feb 2013   #938
you are not Polish

I am Polish, Monia, and very happy to be. But if there's one thing I sincerely dislike about Poles it's that constant need of some for getting patronising pats on the back from the West and being told "Well done,you've become so Western now". Why do we need to become Western? We are Eastern Europe, we are stigmatised by communism. That's who we are. Unless you see the value of who you are, no one else will see it. Cudze chwalicie, swego nie znacie - ciągle aktualne.

as backward nation

In what exactly are we backwards? I've lived in "the West" for years and I can't see in what way they are so forward comparing to us. They are just different. And richer as countries (not so much as individual people), but that's another story.
monia  3 | 212
12 Feb 2013   #939
It is too bad that you didn`t cite their explanation . They clearly inform you what it means and where it comes from - the name "eastern" . So they give many definitions but they also say that name eastern Europe is volatile .

Eastern Europe is the eastern part of the European continent. The term has widely disparate geopolitical, geographical, cultural and socioeconomic readings, which makes it highly context-dependent and even volatile, and there are "almost as many definitions of Eastern Europe as there are scholars of the region".[1] A related United Nations paper adds that "every assessment of spatial identities is essentially a social and cultural construct".[2]

The one who created this site forgot that there is central Europe too . So it is outdated and irrelevant to today`s Europe .
TheOther  6 | 3596
12 Feb 2013   #940
It is too bad that you didn`t cite their explanation

You only asked where “godzilla853” found the map...
legend  3 | 658
12 Feb 2013   #941
Nice map crochet88, although England will be Pakistan Jr., France Islamic Republic, and Germany New Turkey.

I am Polish, Monia, and very happy to be.

I agree for the most part.
I think I said earlier that I am okay with Central or Eastern European though.
Nickidewbear  23 | 609
12 Feb 2013   #942
Nickidewbear: That's because many Poles are actually Jews or Poles of Jewish descent who have Khazar blood in them.
crochetbitch88  2 | 83
12 Feb 2013   #943
why no one seems to have noticed my map? I think it's great :D I find it particularly accurate...

Edit: Oh, thanks Legend ;)

England will be Pakistan Jr

I like the name Passive-Aggressive Kingdom though. Very apt
Vlad123  7 | 204
12 Feb 2013   #944
Nice map crochet88, although England will be Pakistan Jr., France Islamic Republic, and Germany New Turkey.

Germany could also become ``velika Albania`` and all Europe will be Eurabia...
monia  3 | 212
12 Feb 2013   #945
Crochet - east- west does not exist any more . Such differentiation finished more than 20 years ago . So only backard people use this term . I love Poland and I know the value of Polish people , I appreciate our past , our history , our heritage . I am very proud of being a Polish lady , lol. So you don`t need to explain to me anything .

From the same site which TheOther cited we can read -

Contemporary developments

The fall of the Iron Curtain brought the end of the East-West division in Europe,[21] but this geopolitical concept is sometimes still used for quick reference by the media.[22]
crochetbitch88  2 | 83
12 Feb 2013   #946
Crochet - east- west does not exist any more . Such differentiation finished more than 20 years ago . So only backard people use this term .

No offence Monia, but you're talking rubbish

When people say they are proud, I'm always tempted to ask: why? Because most people don't know the answer. "Poland is great, because I'm Polish" "England is great because I'm English" "Pakistan is great because I'm Pakistani" - that's the root of nationalism. I'm not proud, I don't think being Polish is something special or better than being anybody else. But I quite like being Polish :)
monia  3 | 212
12 Feb 2013   #947
You only asked where "godzilla853" found the map...

Ah , ok , it was another poster , I am sorry for my mistake .
Vlad123  7 | 204
12 Feb 2013   #948
Classification of Poland as Eastern sounds always derogatory as it brings always cold war era naming to my mind.

Crochet - east- west does not exist any more . Such differentiation finished more than 20 years ago . So only backard people use this term .

There is contradiction somewhere in these statements.Why pay attention to backard people?
monia  3 | 212
12 Feb 2013   #949
offence Monia, but you're talking rubbish

Sorry , but you are one frustrated lady who can`t understand anything and my efforts to explain you some facts came to an end . Goodnight .
crochetbitch88  2 | 83
12 Feb 2013   #950
There is contradiction somewhere in these statements.Why pay attention to backard people?



12 Feb 2013   #951
Isn't it a good thing that we don't eat so many hamburgers and don't drink so much coca-cola as the Americans do, and as a result we are not in general so obese as the Americans are?

2 things: who said anything about whether what Poles eat is good or bad? that's not what we're discussing. secondly, what in the world does this have to do with the USA?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
12 Feb 2013   #952
One thing: who said

the real question is will they start eating completely different food?

. If their food is bad, they should start eating something else, and American food would naturally be the first choice as the US sets example to all civilised world. But if the food good why they should start "eating completely different food"?


what in the world does this have to do with the USA?

. It does since the US is the leading and most advanced country of the "West" and as such the US sets example to Western Europe which is sharply contrasted here to Eastern or Central Europe which in turn is the subject of this thread.

Poniał towariszcz?
12 Feb 2013   #953
One thing: who said
the real question is will they start eating completely different food?
. If their food is bad, they should start eating something else,

AGAIN, who said their food is bad? What the hell are you talking about.

It does since the US is the leading and most advanced country of the "West"

irrelevant. i don't even know who you're talking to.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
12 Feb 2013   #954
I have been expecting some more witty answers from you than "who you are talking to" or "what the hell are you talking about". It all sounds so simplistic, Fuzzie!
22 Mar 2014   #955
Poland is in Central Europe, but politicialy and economicaly is Western Europe. So Poland is Central-Western country.
22 Oct 2014   #956
I agree with Seb.
4 Jan 2015   #957
I used to see Poland as being eastern Europe before, but now I feel that for the past several years the term central Europe and the idea that Poland is central european have been gaining more popularity. Unlike some people on this forum, evidently, I don't see the term "Eastern Europe" as bad. Yes, for much of the 20th century it was associated with communism, poor economics, and general backwardness, but to me "Eastern Europe" is also very much a cultural term - of which the Slavic culture and makes a large part. Slavic culture is European, but it is quite different from germanic or romance culture, and I don't see how that's a bad thing. I think it's always better to be proud of who you are and of your roots rather than try to whitewash the uniqueness out of yourself in order to try to approximate something or someone else. So I actually would like for Poland to be continued to be considered Eastern European, because that seems to be more unique and to have more meaning than "Central European," which honestly sounds kind of water-downed and vague and boring to me. Plus, everyone loves Eastern European women, so I love being able to say I am one! ;) You don't hear people singing high praises of "central european women," do you? However, I do understand why some people and entities may want to call Poland a central European country for political reasons.

Also, I am in my mid-20's. So I'm sure my associations with eastern europe are somewhat different than someone who is older, particularly someone who lived through the cold war era and communism. And I totally get those associations and why those people would not want Poland to be considered EE. BUT times change and meanings change, and I think that today, at least for younger generations, this term has more of cultural meaning than communism/cold war/etc.
Wulkan  - | 3136
4 Jan 2015   #958
but now I feel that for the past several years the term central Europe and the idea that Poland is central european have been gaining more popularity.

No, in Poland we always were thought in geography lessons that Poland is in Central Europe. For the first time I came across the term Eastern Europe at the age of 24 when I was in England. If I'm from Eastern Europe then why I didn't know that before? It's a bullsh1t ideology that makes it a seperate continent. Can you imagine a guy from Nigeria coming to Europe and finding out that he is from Africa?

I think it's always better to be proud of who you are and of your roots rather than try to whitewash the uniqueness out of yourself in order to try to approximate something or someone else.

You completely don't understand it here, every Slavic country is different from one another so there is no such a thing like one Slavic culture that applies to every Slavic country. There are also countries that are not Slavic like Hungary, Romania, Estonia etc and how they are supposed to feel about that Eastern European bullsh1t?

edited by moderator
gregy741  5 | 1226
4 Jan 2015   #959
Central E. geographically but considered Eastern European culturally(slavic) and politically(definition created during cold war-eastern block).and because huge economical difference from "western countries"

its like with Norway or Sweden-"western countries" who geographically located in the north...Finland is considered western country but is located even further east than Poland
Paulina  19 | 4556
4 Jan 2015   #960
Central E. geographically but considered Eastern European culturally(slavic) and politically(definition created during cold war-eastern block).and because huge economical difference from "western countries"

Not all countries considered Eastern European are Slavic and politically this division isn't applicable anymore since Poland and some other countries are in the EU.

So I guess it boils down to the "economical difference" nowadays.
Europe A (the West) and Europe B (the rest) lol

edited by moderator

Thanks, mod.

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