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POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country?

jkb  - | 197
11 Feb 2013   #901
I would say geographically, countries such as Poland, Slovakia or Hungary are Central European countries. Consider a parallel line originating in Ural mountains and ending in western Ireland. I'd say its middle point lays within, or even east (albeit close), to Poland's boundaries. Considering the political aspect in determining Poland's location, these countries used to be a part of Eastern Bloc. Hence, one could easily say they were in Eastern Europe. However, today, when all these countries are part of the EU and Schengen, you can say they belong to the West.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
11 Feb 2013   #902
I'm sorry Poland, but you'll always be Eastern Europeans.
The huge political, cultural and economical gulf between East and West is too pronounced.

Whatever silly opinions the notoriously unemployed Hudsonhicks may diffuse here on the PF, the one about the gulf between East and West seems to be true. This gap exists and it exists more on the political and cultural plan than on any other one. The so-called "social capital" is much lower in the countries of the eastern part of the continent than in those of the western part.

Once I met a couple of Dutch people who were amazed, after having stayed in Gernany on holiday, that the the Wessis were always capable of distiguishing between themselves and the Ossis. And it was not the matter of language, but rather of general behaviour, manners and that something which were not perceived by the Dutch eye, but was obvious for the West German one. In the light of the above, shouldn't the border between East and west be placed on the river Elbe rather than on the river Oder?

Finally, a personal remark: if I myself were to qualify Hudsonhicks to one camp or the other, I would definitely describe him (and some other "Western" members of the PF) as an Ossi rather than a Wessi in terms of culture, behaviour and manners. This means that the true border really runs between our hearts and not our lands.
11 Feb 2013   #903
[********************** has destroyed many other cultures with deepest contempt so you shouldn't expect too much of appreciation. [/quote]

right, because eastern cultures, over the past thousand years, have done nothing but sing kumbaya and give back massages to all who they've encountered.

Is Poland's teritory going to move to the west in 10 years? Your jokes are a real fail

the real question is, is their language going to change, will they start eating completely different food, will their culture take an about face, will people on the streets stop looking like their dog just died.....
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
11 Feb 2013   #904
will they start eating completely different food

Isn't it a good thing that we don't eat so many hamburgers and don't drink so much coca-cola as the Americans do, and as a result we are not in general so obese as the Americans are?
APF  4 | 106
11 Feb 2013   #905
"The United Nations Statistics Division developed a selection of geographical regions and groupings of countries and areas, which are or may be used in compilation of statistics. In this collection, the following ten countries were classified as Eastern Europe: Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, and Ukraine."

Ziemowit  14 | 3936
11 Feb 2013   #906
And that ends up the whole discussion. The UN simply cannot be wrong, nor can be Wikipedia.

Except perhaps for the fact that most of Russia's territory is in Asia, not in Eastern Europe.
jon357  72 | 23654
11 Feb 2013   #907
And that ends up the whole discussion

Really, the whole discussion has only actually proved one thing. Namely, that there are wildly differing opinions on the issue.
Wulkan  - | 3136
11 Feb 2013   #908
will people on the streets stop looking like their dog just died.....

German people are like that and also have reputation of having no sense of humor. Here in England.

And that ends up the whole discussion. The UN simply cannot be wrong, nor can be Wikipedia.

What about CIA? xD........... We're going round and round...
jon357  72 | 23654
11 Feb 2013   #909
German people are like that

Russians too....
Wulkan  - | 3136
11 Feb 2013   #910
There are many countries with people like that which you would not clasify as Eastern Europe or even Europe.
jon357  72 | 23654
11 Feb 2013   #911
Or even Central...
APF  4 | 106
11 Feb 2013   #912
German people are like that

Ever been here?? There are no single stray dogs in Germany, while Poland is full of them .. when I was in Beuthen, 6 dogs tried to steal my shopping bags when I get out of the supermarket.

A other thing is, that Germans adore dogs .. a dogs life is in many cases more worth than a humans one. They are crazy over dogs. If you punch a dog, you go to jail.

And is the English "humor" even humor??
jon357  72 | 23654
11 Feb 2013   #913
There are no single stray dogs in German

What do you do with them?
APF  4 | 106
11 Feb 2013   #914
Calling the Police, giving it back to the owner or to special animal homes.
Ironside  51 | 13083
11 Feb 2013   #915
What do you do with them?

eat them poor creatures
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
11 Feb 2013   #916
A other thing is, that Germans adore dogs .. a dogs life is in many cases more worth than a humans one.

Says a lot about you, feckers.
crochetbitch88  2 | 83
11 Feb 2013   #917
I'm sorry Poland, but you'll always be Eastern Europeans.

You don't need to be sorry, the more we know about the West the happier we are to be Eastern Europeans

And it seems to me that the West of Europe recently has been becoming more and more Eastern too, hasn't it?

By the way, what is your culture - the xfactor?
jon357  72 | 23654
11 Feb 2013   #918
is your culture

One of the richest in the world - though people acknowlege that it is impossible to classify - as I would say Polish culture is.
Vlad123  7 | 204
11 Feb 2013   #919
If georaphy of the country is defined by its culture then Western Europe soon to become part of
Middle East.Somebody could think of it as a something worthwhile...
crochetbitch88  2 | 83
11 Feb 2013   #920
One of the richest in the world

I bet I know more about it than Hudsonhicks
jon357  72 | 23654
11 Feb 2013   #921
I bet you do too ;-)
monia  3 | 212
11 Feb 2013   #922
CIA`s look at Central Europe

Poland is located not in the west or east but in the very heart of Europe. Classification of Poland as Eastern sounds always derogatory as it brings always cold war era naming to my mind.

Well-read person will always know that we are central European country.

  • Central_Europe_in_CI.png
Vlad123  7 | 204
11 Feb 2013   #923
Well-read person will always know that we are central European country.

But fist you have to convince Germans,Swiss and Austrians to become
part of Central Europe instead of Western as they accustomed to be. [EXT]

This link you provided cuts in half some countries.
APF  4 | 106
11 Feb 2013   #924
Says a lot about you, feckers.

I am not German, you Tommy-Pole :D:D I am inhabitant of Germany .. but not German :D:D
Ironside  51 | 13083
11 Feb 2013   #925
no matter you are a dickhead and dumb-ass you don't need any other label
APF  4 | 106
11 Feb 2013   #926
Everyone who has critique must be that in your eyes .. same like everyone who dont finish his Bigos in a Polish restauarant is a racist and everyone who thinks that the Polish national 11 in football is weak, must be a nazi ..

Thats Polish logic!
Wulkan  - | 3136
11 Feb 2013   #927
everyone who thinks that the Polish national 11 in football is weak, must be a nazi ..

Thats Polish logic!

most of polish people claim that Polish national football team sux, how does this work with your logic xD
crochetbitch88  2 | 83
11 Feb 2013   #928
Classification of Poland as Eastern sounds always derogatory

No, it doesn't. Why do you think the word eastern is derogatory? By saying something like that you are showing disrespect for all the great cultures and nations from Ukraine to Japan. It is just a name and it's neutral. I don't understand what's the problem with Poland being a part of Eastern Europe, it actually is, it's not Western Europe for sure, and I'm fine with that, why can't you be?
Vlad123  7 | 204
11 Feb 2013   #929
By saying something like that you are showing disrespect for all the great cultures and nations from Ukraine to Japan.

Not even talking about Australia!
Ironside  51 | 13083
11 Feb 2013   #930
Thats Polish logic!

what it has to do with anything? You are just internationally acclaimed dumb-ass of the year!

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