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POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country?

Paulina  19 | 4556
6 Jan 2013   #811
Still cant let it go, ehh?

No, actually I'm educating people about Eastern Europe, as it seems you guys just don't have a clue, and I know a thing or two :)

What's wrong, Westerners don't like to learn about other cultures?

Now you only need to convince everybody on how language and ethnicity wise Poland belongs to the West and you are ready to start the New Year as the epicenter of the world.

Don't worry, sweetie, I'm not going to take away your precious West! :D

A hint: Lead with the alphabet, continue with German, the French and even English loan words and culminate how Poland was in space.

Did you know that the first man in space was sent not by Germans, not by French and not even by the British?? :D
He was sent by Russians! His name was Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin - I'm sure they teach you in the West such basic things :))))
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
6 Jan 2013   #812
but paulina if as you say Poland is in the 'west' why are you referring to 'westerners' as 'other'
Paulina  19 | 4556
6 Jan 2013   #813
but paulina if as you say Poland is in the 'west'

I've never claimed Poland is in the West. What I'm writing all the time is that Poland is Central Europe.
berni23  7 | 377
6 Jan 2013   #814
As always taking the thread off topic with your elementary school knowledge.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
6 Jan 2013   #815
geographically of course but politically there isn't really such a thing.
who berni????
Paulina  19 | 4556
6 Jan 2013   #816
As always taking the thread off topic with your elementary school knowledge.

Berni23, berni23, you still haven't answered my elementary question: which countries do you consider Eastern European? :)

geographically of course but politically there isn't really such a thing.

What do you mean by that?
Lenka  5 | 3548
6 Jan 2013   #817
geographically of course but politically there isn't really such a thing.

But that's the title of this thread.
berni23  7 | 377
6 Jan 2013   #818
who berni????

Paulina ofc.

Berni23, berni23, you still haven't answered my elementary question: which countries do you consider Eastern European? :)

I have answered it several times, you are just to lazy to count them yourself.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
6 Jan 2013   #819
Politically Poland is in the EU and NATO, geographically Poland is in Central Europe. Maybe in terms of mentality Poland is Eastern Europe?

I don't know, but I know this old joke in which two blokes boarded a train, one of them did so in Paris, the other did so in Moscow, and when they got off in Warsaw by mistake, they were both convinced they reached their respective destinations.
Paulina  19 | 4556
6 Jan 2013   #820
I have answered it several times, you are just to lazy to count them yourself.

Liar, liar, as Harry would write :) Not even once have you answered my question. You've just posted some maps that were contradicting each other.

You're not able to name Eastern European countries. Or you don't wan't to name them - I wonder why? :)
berni23  7 | 377
6 Jan 2013   #821
Just take the language and ethnicity map and you have the countries belonging to the Eastern European group.

I will happily name them after you give me an enumerated, color coded based on the number of letters and bolded starting with a consonant list of all countries in the world. Additinally i want you to sort them alphabetically reversed and after that switch every 3rd country with each other.

Those are the maps btw:

Paulina  19 | 4556
6 Jan 2013   #822
As I thought - you don't want to name them.

Just take the language and ethnicity map and you have the countries belonging to the Eastern European group.

So, according to you Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine are Eastern Europe, yes?

Then what about such countries like:

Are these countries: Central, Western or Eastern?
berni23  7 | 377
6 Jan 2013   #823
As I thought - you don't want to name them.

"You're not able to name the countries. Or you don't wan't to name them - I wonder why? :)"

So, according to you Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine are Eastern Europe, yes?

Although you missed several countries, yes, as i said several times Slavs live predominantly in what is Eastern Europe today.

Then what about such countries like:

I fail to see what this has to do with categorizing Poland geographically based on ethnicity and language.
Paulina  19 | 4556
6 Jan 2013   #824
I fail to understand what this has to do with categorizing Poland geographically based on ethnicity and language.

Terms "Western Europe", "Central Europe" and "Eastern Europe" are broader terms and aren't only based on geography, ethnicity and language.

If they were, country like Greece wouldn't be considered Western. Greek language belongs to Hellenic languages and Greece is in the South of Europe and it belongs to the Balkans together with Bulgaria, Albania, Serbia, Croatia, etc.

What the Finnish people with their Finnish language from Uralic language family have to do with Italians or the Portuguese? They're closer to Karelian people living in Russia than to them. But Finland, Italy and Portugal are considered Western, yes?

Even the Slavic nations, based on their ethnicity, language and culture can be divided into West Slavs, East Slavs and South Slavs. I didn't come up with this division, you know :) Professionalists did.

So, again, what about such countries like:

Are these countries: Central, Western or Eastern?
They have to be called somehow, they're not "Martian Europe" after all, right? :)
berni23  7 | 377
6 Jan 2013   #825
This is my quote from 7 pages ago that started your crusade to prove otherwise:

Ethnically, linguistically and culturally Poland is still Eastern Europe. ;)

Since than you brought religion, art and even architecture to prove otherwise.
Now you are throwing Greeks, Finns and the poor Portuguese into your equation.
I have proven my point repeatedly, know that the majority of the scientific community would agree with that statement and am tired of you drifting off.
Wulkan  - | 3136
6 Jan 2013   #826
i said several times Slavs live predominantly in what is Eastern Europe today.

according to you only countries who speak slavic language are Eastern Europe? thats something new
6 Jan 2013   #827

Are you scientist yourself?
berni23  7 | 377
6 Jan 2013   #828
according to you only countries who speak slavic language are Eastern Europe? thats something new

Im not even going to dignify that with an answer.
Wait, i just did, it was simply too tempting.
Paulina  19 | 4556
6 Jan 2013   #829
Since than you brought religion, alphabets and even architecture to prove otherwise.
Now you are throwing Greeks, Finns and the poor Portuguese into your equation.
I have proven my point repeatedly, know that the majority of the scientific community would agree with that statement and am tired of you drifting off.

First of all, I was also discussing with jon357, not only with you, and so I "brought religion, alphabets and even architecture".
Secondly, there's no such thing like "Eastern Europe" in terms of ethnicity and language, just like there's no such thing like "Western Europe" in terms of ethnicity and language as I've just proven in my previous post.

Besides, if we would take your map into account we could still divide Europe into Central, Eastern and Southern:

Polish, Czech and Slovak languages are clearly Central.

And, look, Sweden and Finland are right above Poland! Aren't they Eastern by any chance, in terms of geography? lol
berni23  7 | 377
6 Jan 2013   #830
Secondly, there's no such thing like "Eastern Europe" in terms of ethnicity and language

If you say so. Linguists might disagree with you though.

as I've just proven in my previous post.

You did? Must have escaped me.

And, look, Sweden and Finland are right above Poland! Aren't they Eastern by any chance, in terms of geography? lol

Resistance is futile.

I am done repeating myself(and this was not once or twice).
May the PF members make up their own mind.

I leave you with a map of the UN:

Nothing to do with my original statement.
Paulina  19 | 4556
6 Jan 2013   #831
You did? Must have escaped me.

I can repeat myself then, no problem :)
Simple question: are Finnish and Portuguese both Western languages?

Linguistically, Finnish, spoken by most Finns, is part of the Uralic language family and is most closely related to other Finnic languages such as Karelian and Estonian, while Swedish, spoken by Swedish-speaking Finns, is unrelated to the Finnish language and a member of the Indo-European language family. Finnish has loanwords from Swedish, other Germanic and broader Indo-European languages in different chronological layers while Swedish has few loan words from the Finnic languages. Some scholars have argued that, genetically, Finns "have been shown to differ strikingly from other European populations".[16]

Quote from: /wiki/Finns

Finnish belongs to the Uralic language family and is most closely related to Karelian and Estonian.
Portuguese is Iberian Romance language.
The Finnish and the Portuguese people even look different. In terms of looks probably Poles and Germans are more alike :)

So how would you call Finnish language? (the Uralic language family)
Estonian? (the Uralic language family)
Hungarian? (the Uralic language family)

Western? Eastern? Central?

Nothing to do with my original statement.

Then why are you posting it?
6 Jan 2013   #832
So how would you call Finnish language? (the Uralic language family)Estonian? (the Uralic language family)Hungarian? (the Uralic language family)

Not to mention that Romanian is a romance language just like French and Italian.
Paulina  19 | 4556
6 Jan 2013   #833
Indeed: /wiki/Romanian_language

Romanian [...] is a Romance language spoken by around 24 million people as a native language, primarily in Romania and Moldova, and by another 4 million people as a second language.[4][5] It has official status in Romania, Republic of Moldova, the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina in Serbia and in the autonomous Mount Athos in Greece.

6 Jan 2013   #834
Then why are you posting it?

I see it's not only me who doesn't understand his basic concepts. First he shows some map of temperament-scale among European nations, which was supposedly to prove common culture among Eastern European nations, in the same time ignoring the fact that France, part of Spain and part of Italy were marked with the same colour as Poland.

Now he shows some maps which only illustrate what is the range of Slavic language groups, then he tell us to compare it with some political maps where Eastern and Western Europe is distinguished, but we are still supposed to ignore the fact that there are many countries which are placed in Eastern Europe and shares the same language group with Western countries. So what's the conclusion? Very convoluted.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
6 Jan 2013   #835
Linguists might disagree with you though.

So what is an Eastern European language ?
6 Jan 2013   #836
PS Since when "deviantart" is a source of information?
Paulina  19 | 4556
6 Jan 2013   #837
So what is an Eastern European language ?

There's no such thing.
Languages of Europe are divided into:

1. Indo-European languages:

a) Albanian
b) Armenian
c) Baltic languages
d) Celtic
e) Germanic
f) Greek
g) Indo-Iranian languages
h) Romance languages
i) Slavic

2. Languages not from the Indo-European family:


PS Since when "deviantart" is a source of information?

What do you mean?
6 Jan 2013   #838
What do you mean?

He put some map of ethnicieties from deviantart. It's on the previous page. Note that England and Ireland are marked with the same colour (unless my screen display it wrongly), while Wales and Scotland with other... obviously most of Irish are not Celts. Sensational!

It's always good to post something not knowing what it is ;)
Paulina  19 | 4556
6 Jan 2013   #839
He put some map of ethnicieties from deviantart.

OMG, you're right - I didn't even notice that! ;D
DeviantART is an art site, there's definitely nothing scientific about it lol:

From the artist's comment:

I know that I forget many people but its a good beginning right ?

Oh dear ;D
kcharlie  2 | 165
7 Jan 2013   #840
Wait, what's everyone arguing about? It all depends on the definition you use.

Wrt geography, central.
Wrt language, eastern.
Wrt religion, western.

If the Slavic and Finno-Ugric languages are considered eastern, then Finland, Estonia, Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Bulgaria, Slovenia and what have you are eastern linguistically.

The Japanese have no qualms about being eastern. I don't see what the problem is.

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