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POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country?

Polson  5 | 1767
30 Oct 2007   #1
Some people say it's a Central European country, while others say Eastern..
I think i heard that most of the Poles consider themselves as Central Europeans.

I do myself prefer the word Central, more than Eastern, cause "Eastern" makes me think of communism, you know, as the part of Europe that was beyond the Iron Curtain was called Eastern Europe...

What's your opinion ?
Lukasz  49 | 1746
30 Oct 2007   #2
When we look in to old books ;) Germany, Austria, Hungary, Poland and so on are central european countries. Russians, Ukrainians and so on are eastern.

map of central europe and poland
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
30 Oct 2007   #3
ive always thought that countries behind the iron curtain were eastern europe - curtain has gone which now puts poland in central europe for me
Yogibear  - | 40
30 Oct 2007   #4
North Eastern geographically but for a long time Eastern Europe was a concept.
OP Polson  5 | 1767
30 Oct 2007   #5
Wikipedia articles (in French, English, German and Polish) show Poland as a Central Europe country.

But we often hear in the British press for example, Poles are Eastern Europeans, and sometimes, Central ones...

I think things will change with the time. Wait for a few more years, and everybody will say that Poland is in Central Europe...
30 Oct 2007   #6
i would have said Poland is Central European :)
OP Polson  5 | 1767
30 Oct 2007   #7
North Eastern geographically

I saw articles mentionning North Central too...

And even Northern Europe in its extended meaning

  • The light blue part...

  • A Dutch map of Northern Europe in 1601...
Zeze  9 | 79
30 Oct 2007   #8
EE Market

I guess we all know what EE stands for dont we

Nobody want make Poles fell bad or low them

is just what it is

East Europe not Central

and Russia is not Europe at all
OP Polson  5 | 1767
30 Oct 2007   #9
East Europe not Central

Don't agree, for me Poland is Central Europe...

Russia is not Europe at all

Don't want to "defend" Russia, but the extrem West side belongs to Europe by definition...
Zeze  9 | 79
30 Oct 2007   #10
like that Turkey is also Europe !!!!!
dtaylor  9 | 823
30 Oct 2007   #11
why not, the more the better id say. this idea of europe being some kind off elite group of nations is rubbish
Zeze  9 | 79
30 Oct 2007   #12
some kind off elite group of nations

that is what it is if you like or not
Lukasz  49 | 1746
30 Oct 2007   #13
like that Turkey is also Europe !!!!!

some say UK isnt true Europe as well ...
30 Oct 2007   #15
Geographically Poland is central. The name's "Western Europe" and "Eastern Europe", are highly politicized words, which simply subsituted for the phrases "good guys" and "bad guys", the ruling elite making it simple in laymans terms; a legacy of the cold war. However, it has been preserved because the concept is so deeply ingrained in the "western mind". Why confuse the masses by bring up "central", keep it simple.

Maps are draw up by the victors. Countries are where the victors say they are.
30 Oct 2007   #16
some say UK isnt true Europe as well ...

we are but a little island just offshore :D lmao
30 Oct 2007   #17
yeah the UK offshore bank account for, the supr rich, third world dictators, oligarchs and terrorists.
30 Oct 2007   #18
Countries are where the victors say they are.

30 Oct 2007   #20
Poland is in CEE (central & eastern Europe)
z_darius  14 | 3960
30 Oct 2007   #21
Well, if Europe's center is indeed in Poland, and if Poland's area is greater than that central point (which seems to be true) then Poland is in CNESW (center, north, east, south and west).
szarlotka  8 | 2205
30 Oct 2007   #22
CNESW (center, north, east, south and west).

Let's settle on centre of the known universe then
OP Polson  5 | 1767
30 Oct 2007   #23
Well, if Europe's center is indeed in Poland, and if Poland's area is greater than that central point (which seems to be true) then Poland is in CNESW (center, north, east, south and west).

The center of Europe is said to be in the area of Krakow ;)

But apart from the geography, the Poles have more a Western "mind"...actually it's a mix, for me...But i think that Western Poland is more westernized than the Eastern part.
z_darius  14 | 3960
30 Oct 2007   #24
Let's settle on centre of the known universe then

Ya know, considering how your head may be sometimes spinning when you're in Poland... yeah, that is a possibility ;)
szarlotka  8 | 2205
30 Oct 2007   #25
considering how your head may be sometimes spinning when you're in Poland

Really? I've always been impeccably stone cold sober out there myself. Well apart from the occasional lapse or ten. LOL
Michal  - | 1865
30 Oct 2007   #26
The Poles are certainly Central European and are not really the same race as the Russians at all. The Russians are tougher and that fact comes from the fact that historically, the Russians came from Mongolia and probably therefore have more in common with the Turks. That is why in 1945, Europe was saved by the Russians, almost single handedly.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
30 Oct 2007   #27
the Russians came from Mongolia and probably therefore have more in common with the Turks.

OP Polson  5 | 1767
30 Oct 2007   #28
The Russians are tougher

What do you mean by "tougher" ?...

That is why in 1945, Europe was saved by the Russians, almost single handedly.

Do you remember the US troops coming...for me, THEY saved Europe along with English, and some French, Poles, etc. more than the Russians.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
30 Oct 2007   #29
THEY saved Europe along with English, and some French, Poles, etc. more than the Russians.

If you mean defeating Gerries then no doubt Soviet Union did much more than western allies.
z_darius  14 | 3960
30 Oct 2007   #30
The Poles are certainly Central European and are not really the same race as the Russians at all. The Russians are tougher

Lie expectancy: (females/males/avg)
Poland 75.6/71.3/79.8
Russia 65.5/59.0/72.6

Russians came from Mongolia and probably therefore have more in common with the Turks

You need to brush up your IndoEuropean history.
Russians did not come from Mongolia. Mongols came from Mongolia and Ruled Russians for 300 year.

That is why in 1945, Europe was saved by the Russians, almost single handedly.

Saved? Millions in Poland, Romania, Hungary, Estonia, Germany, Czechoslovakia etc, did not feel saved at all. As a matter of fact, in some of those countrie WW2 ended in 1989.

Home / History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country?

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