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Its decided. If Germany interfere in Silesia, Russia would support Poland. New winds

Crow  155 | 9699
30 Apr 2011   #1
are we all witnesses of new times, of new winds in Europe?

Its maybe time for Poland and Russia to reconcile their relations. Judging by the complete political environment, speaking of mega trends or about untold (and told) signs, if tries to interfere into the Silesian situation, Germany may found itself on the `tin ice`. Whenever Germany tried to endanger Poland in past, Germany played on the inter-Slavic divisions and regularly played dirty schemes with Russia. But, now is different. Not only that Russia won`t support German actions against Poland but, most probably, Russia may act unexpectedly violent in favor of Poland`s sovereignty.

i don`t know for other people here but, for me this development is obvious.
Seanus  15 | 19666
1 May 2011   #2
Crow, look back at Soviet/Russian history. They keep out when they should step in. WWII Warsaw and Kosovo spring to mind. They have a strong business relationship with Germany and won't jeopardise that. Also, Poland is thinking about the missile shield again and that will anger Russia.

Here in Silesia, all is quiet on that question.
1 May 2011   #3
This is just a fantasy, not reality. There will not be any Silesian seperation from Poland. Polish people don't want it, and silesians don't want it. This is just bullshit made up because people have nothing to do with their free time. Germany if anything, wants Silesia under their control because Silesia is close to their border and during Polands history was at one time part of Germany during the Polish Lithuanian commonweath era, and after WW2. silesia has lots of coal and resources, thus Germans want it. This is just powergrab for Germans and powergrab for Russians.
Seanus  15 | 19666
1 May 2011   #4
That's pretty much it in a nutshell :)
OP Crow  155 | 9699
1 May 2011   #5
Crow, look back at Soviet/Russian history.

its different now. Don`t you see?

when i looking back in history i see that balance inside of Slavic world disappeared with Turkish invasion on Europe and occupation of Balkan. After that power of Poland began to drop and Islamo-Germany penetration deeper into Slavic world forced Russia to enter in `strange` schemes with hostile non-Slavic Germany.

Time has changed. Slavic Balkan isn`t under Turkish occupation anymore and no matter all odds, pro-Polish element (Serbia/Serb. Rep. within Bosnia) on Balkan strengthen.

In new situation, Russia is forced to reconfigure its approach to Slavic world in general. Both- Russia and Poland sees their clear interests in strengthening of Slavic Balkan. On the other side, Slavic Balkan (Serbians) has its specific interests that tend to restore old wealth flow on the Balkan-Baltic line, where are Warsaw and Belgrade in the middle of it.

It is also of significant importance how Vatican analyze development. In my opinion, Vatican must conclude that Poland represent more reliable `defender` of specific Vatican`s interests in the region (on Balkan/Balkan-Baltic line in general) then it is traditional major Vatican`s player- Germany. Once when Vatican switch its `total` support from Germany to Poland, we would have Catholic-Orthodox compromise on Balkan and in entire Europe. Ultimately, we would have reunion of Christianity. This situation would greatly stimulate increased safety and progress of Slavic world in general.
1 May 2011   #6
i don`t know for other people here but, for me this development is obvious.

The thing which is obvious for everybody here is that you are an utterly delusional twat.
sascha  1 | 824
1 May 2011   #7
utterly delusional twat

Talking to yourself?

then it is traditional major Vatican`s player- Germany

I would go for Italy. :)

Here in Silesia, all is quiet on that question.

That was for most of the time like that. Quiet but hard-working. ;)

look back at Soviet/Russian history. They keep out when they should step in.

I think that they deeply regret their inactivity then, now.
OP Crow  155 | 9699
26 Sep 2013   #8
This is an old thread. i started it in Apr 30, 2011

Think. Its still actual topic, just we are now closer to the D-Day
OP Crow  155 | 9699
31 Jan 2018   #9
Moment when Putin explained to Merkel >


Merkel: ``You see, we fly high.``
Putin: ``Yes, but no, you shouldn`t. See, if you fly too high, you can fall very low.``
Merkel: ``True? True?``
Putin: ``Yes, yes. Believe me.``
Alien  26 | 6527
7 Jun 2024   #10
just we are now closer to the D-Day

It's already passed
OP Crow  155 | 9699
8 Jun 2024   #11
True. Look at when I started this thread. 2011. And it will happen exactly as I announced. Germany will attack Poland and Russia would cancel Germany.
Alien  26 | 6527
8 Jun 2024   #12
Germany will attack Poland

Why the hell would they do that... and with what? Beer cans?
OP Crow  155 | 9699
8 Jun 2024   #13
This all is Drang Nach Osten. The mad river. The river will overflow where it can.

For the last time.
Tacitus  2 | 1269
8 Jun 2024   #14
Crow is simply projecting his own desires on others.

He dreams of war and violence against those his country has historical grievances with, and can only imagine that others feel the same.
OP Crow  155 | 9699
8 Jun 2024   #15
Germany is the machine. Still. Desperate for resources, as always. At a time when EU and NATO turning to a bloody joke. When world isn`t Uni but Multi-polar, when you can`t just jump on other continents and loot. So, we see what will happen. What must happen. Poland will happen. Poland is isolated from other Slavs. It seams like that. Germany and Poland are in NATO and all what happen within NATO is suppose to be NATO thing. At lease, that is how Germany`s and western European magnates would like to be. That Germany`s attack on Poland, that will come, represent NATO`s internal thing.

And it would pass if not for Serbia on the map of Europe. We would never accept that, even if Russia decide not to interfere. So, when Germany move on Poland, Serbian public would react and destabilize wide region. Then, western Europe would move against Serbians, and then, Russia would be forced to react, on behalf of Serbia and Poland.

We Serbians would never calmly look at the demise of Poland. Poland won`t be sold.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
8 Jun 2024   #16
We would need immigrants for Silesia....or any other new territory.....Germany just lacks the Germans for a new "Drang nach Osten".

BTW....has anybody heard from Seanie? Long time no post!
OP Crow  155 | 9699
9 Jun 2024   #17
If Germany move against Poland we are ready and we fu*k it to the Arkona!

Serbian Vucic, Hungarian Orban observe Serbian military exercises

Home / History / Its decided. If Germany interfere in Silesia, Russia would support Poland. New winds

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