Semi free elections, June 4th, 1989. Let`s remember, Poland`s neighbours, Czecholsovakia, East Germany, were still fully communist countries with scanty opposition.
Contract Sejm (Polish: Sejm kontraktowy) is a term commonly applied to the Polish Parliament elected in the Polish parliamentary elections of 1989. The contract refers to an agreement reached by the Communist Party and the Solidarity (Solidarność in Polish) movement during the Polish Round Table Agreement. Solidarność became a legitimate and legal political party.Elections in Poland

Checking results

Solidarnośc office in a cafe.

All Solidarity candidates had a photo with Lech Walesa taken.

Famous posters

Known celebrities took part in Solidarity campaign
Jane Fonda
Rally in Poland
Sticking posters
We must win

On the same day, Chinese communist dictators ordered the army to massacre revolted students in Tiananmen Square.
PS. Naturally, I took part in voting. The week before had been very busy, I helped sticking posters all over the area. Then, on the election day, I had a terrific satisfaction crossing out communist candidates, those red stinking *******. Served them well!!!! ;D ;D
The country-wide list comprising the most hardened communists. They were all turned down except for one.
Today commemoration A giant poster on Warsaw skyscraper
Today in Poland
Memorial stone in a Polish town
Cabinet of Tadeusz Mazowiecki, a Solidarity leader, opposition activist, was sworn to office on 12 September 1989. The government comprised both opposition and communist party members. Communists were still too strong to ignore them.
During his first parliamentary speech as Prime Minister, Mazowiecki nearly fainted. However, it was not to be an omen of things to come. Mazowiecki's government managed to carry out many fundamental reforms in a short period. The political system was thoroughly changed; a full range of civil freedoms as well as a multi-party system were introduced and the country's emblem and name were changed (from the People's Republic of Poland to the Republic of Poland). On December 29, 1989, the fundamental changes in the Polish Constitution were made. By virtue of these changes, the preamble was deleted, the chapters concerning political and economic forms of government were changed, the chapters concerning trade unions were rewritten and a uniform notion of possession was introduced. Thanks to these changes, the economic transformation was enabled.
Mazowiecki gestures triumphantly after the election of his cabinet on September 12, 1989.

There`s government! The other Poland comes to power.

Poland and Germany - conciliation.

A few days ago the 20th anniversary was celebrated. Parliament paid a tribute to old Mazowiecki.
What are the results of the change of the system? Multiple. But most important is the fact that in 1989 Poland`s GNP equaled 30% of European Union`s. Today it is 55% and still growing. GDP per capita came to about $6,000 in 1989 and now is above $17,000,
Poland is the only country in Europe which is going to enjoy an economic growth this year: