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History behind Poland and Turkey's Relationship

calcedonia  4 | 67
12 Nov 2011   #31
You morbid decadent people with horrible habits! Govna

Why you talk like that?
Seanus  15 | 19666
12 Nov 2011   #32
Crow, maybe you are better placed than I to comment, I don't know, but I'm not aware of Turkey having done anything wrong recently. I know their past to a certain extent but invading was rife at that time. Britain was far worse and still is. There are few angels when it comes to past international conduct. However, I don't think it's wise to typecast a whole nation. There are good Turks and bad Turks, good Serbs and bad Serbs, good Scots and bad Scots etc etc. What is it that you object to the most about modern Turkey?

As for the historical relationship, well, its effects don't seem to feature that much in current thinking.
Crow  154 | 9560
12 Nov 2011   #33
Why you talk like that?

when they give back decapitated Polish heads i would re-think of my words for them
Seanus  15 | 19666
12 Nov 2011   #34
They still have them, Crow?
rock  - | 428
12 Nov 2011   #35
While thousands of Serbian rapers are still walking freely in the streets of Belgrade, Novi Sad, Nis and other Serbian cities in the 21th century, you are talking about murders of middle age.

Shame on you.
Crow  154 | 9560
12 Nov 2011   #36
it is interesting that Turks rely on EU`s, NATO`s and Islamic league anti-Serbian propaganda in order to achieve their sympathies on Polish forums. Definitely, any sane Polish patriot must be convinced how are EU and NATO deeply anti-Polish

Shame on you.

see you in Constantinople.
rock  - | 428
12 Nov 2011   #37
It is interesting that you obsessively puke your hatred to Turks every day, while as Turkish posters of the forum we are talking about improving friendship among Balkan nations and Turkey.
calcedonia  4 | 67
12 Nov 2011   #38
I never heard what you talking about,it was not correct,lie history but if its happen how many years ago maybe 500 years ago, and this time civilization not much, even if happened like that realy disgusting,Ive never proud of turkish war and ottoman history I hate all empires all of them, I just proud of humanism doesnt matter nationality , for me good person greek or serb or russian what ever better than bad turkish person. But you cant say this for you importand just wars, glory,nationality,religion, you cant broken your box,you are in box inside nationalism, wars,hates. I just want to say if Turks did this I hate them and sorry for 500 years ago but after wars our relitionship with polish so nice ,we help and we worked with them and we didnt fight with them because we respect this people in that century,they have high class carecter, our relitionship realy good you like or no doesnt matter you cant change this with give exemple 500 years ago. What you say about Turkish you can say about russians ,and germans,and austrians what they did to polish people and country? Can you say to them? No you cant ,your target is diffrent, just near history happen things you cant write in this forum, but give exemple 500 years ago right? You can say sorry of Bosnian people? Please I dont like to talk this barbaric talks,but if some body must to say about turkish in history happen, Polish have right to say not Serb,ok?

I read your messages you dont write like civilization european, all the time write some hate and angry,you insult turks all the time ,I read read read I keep silent and what you try to do,whats this hate? I dont hate serbs I tell you and greek and armenian no of them I dont care also Im turkish I dont believe nationality.I hate turkish patriot also ,some turkish forums they write same like you, but I know one thing whole world civilization cant establish with this hate and discrimination. Ok you see us barbaric mongoloid 3 class people and I ask you I write anything barbaric anything with hate? Civilization people all the time eastern are agrasive and angry and with hate,but I ask you who write with hate? You just angry about Constantinapol Istanbul, you write this all the time ok I will go and say turkish prime minister we must to leave Istanbul give back to Greek, But first you must to go Usa and say them leave this land this land for american indians, and go south africa and say this whites leave this land this land owner Africans,and go new zelland and say to govement leave this land this land real owner is polinesian, If they agree to you and leave, give back to lands to american indians,africans,and polinesians, we will give back and leave ok? Turks has many mistakes Im embarrassed many thing but in history not onley one and all biggest empires did same I dont like all,but you say some of them have right to do everything some no? No you are wrong.
rock  - | 428
12 Nov 2011   #39
calcedonia, are you a liberal or socialist or communist ?
calcedonia  4 | 67
13 Nov 2011   #40
No one. Im Agnostic humanist.
rock  - | 428
13 Nov 2011   #41
Very nice. But unfortunately very naive and utopic too. I mean agnostic humanists will not be a majority in the world. A great mutation of human race is needed :)
calcedonia  4 | 67
13 Nov 2011   #42
World demolished and all wars because of most people thinking others naive and utopic. But I like to be naive and utopic,I dont force to nobody what I believe,but they forced naive and utopic people all the time you know right? Nationalism,patriotism,religions,communism,capitalism. Just imagine he said. imagine rock noting lose.

forget about power or other bulls.t and do it what he say.
Crow  154 | 9560
13 Nov 2011   #43
problem isn`t in idea about peace. Its ok. Problem is that Poland, Slavs in general (except Russia) in approach to peace coming from position of side that was/is historically defeated and then other side don`t take Polish/Slavic interests in consideration. That`s the problem. That`s the problem (among else) on which, for example, Serbian Gavrilo responded

But, i don`t accept this situation and seek for peace which would respect Polish/Slavic interests

In the meanwhile... i fu** all who work against Slavs!
peterweg  37 | 2305
13 Nov 2011   #44
Poland, Slavs in general (except Russia) in approach to peace coming from

Serbs and Poles have nothing in common, stop trying to link them together. Serbs are, as you continue to demonstrate, insane.

Definitely, any sane Polish patriot must be convinced how are EU and NATO deeply anti-Polish

Proving my point...
Seanus  15 | 19666
13 Nov 2011   #45
Peterweg, this is about Poland and Turkey. Very sorry to burst your bubble but quite a few Poles see Serbs as a kind of brother and fight for their cause in Kosovo.

Now, Turkey. Calcedonia, are you £ódź the Boatman's brother? ;) I like what you write in places, a little gullible as some may find it. It's important to have ideals at times but I prefer virtues :)
sascha  1 | 824
13 Nov 2011   #46
Peterweg, this is about Poland and Turkey. Very sorry to burst your bubble but quite a few Poles see Serbs as a kind of brother and fight for their cause in Kosovo.

as his nick indocates, he is still trying to find the knowledge and understanding. he doesnt know much about slavic people, although living in pl. maybe he will some day... ;)

calcedonia, are you a liberal or socialist or communist ?

what is that labelling good for? that is soo western style. out!

History behind Poland and Turkey's Relationship

maybe good for trading rindwurst... ;)
calcedonia  4 | 67
13 Nov 2011   #47
Rock sorry Im not talking about you but sascha is right about labelling. Yes sascha Turkey they like to labelling people, patriot,religious,communist,socialist,liberal,soscial democrat, you must to be something ,all the time if you denied all they will angry to you and they say ''you must to be something''. I dont like this. But I seen something in west ,they give advise to Turkey all the time but they dont do themself what they advise something.
Seanus  15 | 19666
13 Nov 2011   #48
Labelling is not sth I encourage at all. It can really lead to unnecessary problems.
sascha  1 | 824
13 Nov 2011   #49
It can really lead to unnecessary problems.

it lead already to the problems we face in our society right now. to a great deal those etiketten are the ones which cause this chaos...
rock  - | 428
13 Nov 2011   #50
I am against labelling too. I did not ask with a prejudice or a negative thinking. I asked as I found his opinions interesting. I am sure he understood me.
Seanus  15 | 19666
13 Nov 2011   #51
I think so, yes. Ever been to Poland, rock?
rock  - | 428
13 Nov 2011   #52
No, not yet. I visited countries around Poland; Czech rep., Hungary, Austria, Germany, Russia, Sweden and Finland. I am sure one day I will visit. EURO2012 could be a good reason for coming but unfortunately Turkey is out.
Seanus  15 | 19666
13 Nov 2011   #53
Do you have a second team to support here? You are quite safe in Poland. I've never heard of an attack on any Turkish person here.
rock  - | 428
13 Nov 2011   #54
I do not have a second team. But, I want Poland be succesful as a host country. I am sure Poland is safe. I do not feel uncomfortable in any European country.
Seanus  15 | 19666
13 Nov 2011   #55
I wish them well too but I just can't see them winning.
rock  - | 428
13 Nov 2011   #56
I did not follow their preparation and friendly matches but I can not say Poland is weak football country when I take into consideration their past performances. I remember very good players like Lato, Boniek, Zmuda, Smolarek.

If they can pass group stage, everything can happen.
Seanus  15 | 19666
13 Nov 2011   #57
That's a big 'if' but they must learn to play as a team. When they play that way, they could do reasonably well.
rock  - | 428
13 Nov 2011   #58
I think they will have chance of being in the first pot in group stages as a host country. That means countries like Spain, Germany, Netherlands will not be in Poland's group. They have to use this chance.

Have you travelled a lot in Europe Seanus ? Any plan for visiting Turkey ?
calcedonia  4 | 67
13 Nov 2011   #59
I remember boniek how he played football,I think he was the best polish football player,and he is in pele's all of the time best of 100 football paleyer list onley one polish.

All very well, but this is not a football thread. If you don't get back to the topic this thread will be closed.
jwojcie  2 | 762
13 Nov 2011   #60
Fortunately it seems that now we can put aside this:

Bitwa pod Wiedniem

(Bitwa pod Wiedniem, Józef Brandt, 1863)

and focus on this:


It seems that amount of trade between Poland and Turkey is below potential...

From economic point of view both countries are of lower importance to each other - about 1 - 1,5% of foreign trade (for Poland and for Turkey similarly).

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