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History behind Poland and Turkey's Relationship

beyaz turk  1 | 1
11 Nov 2011   #1
As you know we have a strongly connected history between Turkey and Poland. Even we are far away from each other.

So what do you know and think about us? What does a Polish citizen know about us? (Generally)

We were politically close to Germany during world war 1 and 2... But we never participated their Nazi policy. Actually we saved some innocent people from been massacred.

And even in cyber world we have a good relationship. for example in this online mmorpg game we are in a good alliance:
Seanus  15 | 19666
11 Nov 2011   #2
Most Poles tend not to look far beyond kebabs tbh.
Crow  154 | 9552
11 Nov 2011   #3
Its quite idiotic to me to see Poland and Turkey in alliance. Its morbid humiliation of Poland
sascha  1 | 824
11 Nov 2011   #4
Most Poles tend not to look far beyond kebabs tbh.

just for vacations...if at all. ;)
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
11 Nov 2011   #5
Its quite idiotic to me to see Poland and Turkey in alliance. Its morbid humiliation of Poland

wake up call, Polish insurgents found haven in Ottomon Empire and they allways asked where Poland's ambassador is!

That's for you my dear pro-Russian friend :)
hythorn  3 | 580
11 Nov 2011   #6
Its quite idiotic to me to see Poland and Turkey in alliance

it is no more idiotic than Poland and Serbia in alliance

Poles have embraced Turkish culture to the point that you cannot walk 50 metres in any Polish city without coming across a kebab shop :-)
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
11 Nov 2011   #7
That's a bit over the edge don't make the Serbian hospital's work for no use

it is no more idiotic than Poland and Serbia in alliance

pitty but, it's far less moronic I agree
gumishu  15 | 6228
11 Nov 2011   #8
So what do you know and think about us? What does a Polish citizen know about us? (Generally)

an average Polish citizens knows kebab, remembers Turkish woolen sweaters and Turkish jeans (early 90's) and knows Turkey is a beautiful country with brilliant seaside and lots of historic places

some remember from history lessons that there were wars between Poland and Turkey
calcedonia  4 | 67
11 Nov 2011   #9
Dear Polish friends I don't like to write here about'' Polish what thinking about Turks'',because if some Polish met with bad character Turkish,he knows all are bad,some Polish met good character they knows good about Turks.I don't believe nationalism and religion friendship ,friendship could be any time any where,we are so far with Japanese but Turkey Japan friendship so strong believe me,and we love Poland and Polish different than other Europa because I'm sure Polish high culture and character,they are so modest,calm and gentleman people, and war they acted like that and Ottoman empire was respect them, we know about Polish '' they respect even their enemy'' and doest matter who doesn't know about history and culture don't like Turkey and Turkish, but someone's really jealous if Polish likes Turkish all the time they show Turkey eastern primitive,underdeveloped country, I make remember them when we were empire some country was like village but any way we respect all if shows just Turkey is Islam religion because of primitive they are wrong ,I can say many country less civilization than Turkey and near history barbaric war they had but I never say this,Kebab's name I thing came from Arabic,Please like all Italian open pizzeria and all Turkish open kebab shop wrong and in Poland Turkish kebab not good and class. Islam in Turkey really better than other Islamic country because of Ataturk, he was agnostic and establish new Turkish republic like that but not finish this,I'm not accept Islam I denied ,many Turkish same but government closed this. west and north side people believe Islam they are not fanatic very soft religion believe and good Muslims but east near the Iran Iraq yes Islam is not soft many stupid guys try to marry with 4 women I am ashamed of this ,it is not Islamic republic ,modern Turkish law never let this,yes we have problem with primitive believer,but west Turkey,north,and south really good for vacation and live ,if Polish didn't visit go visit specially Istanbul and please compare vith other big cities London,Paris,Moscow,if you seen difference please tell ,yes we have also ghetto problem eastern moved west but what can you do if free country people can move in their country freely,I just want to say in history 200.000 Polish stayed in Turkey in SAFE, some other countries attack them we protect those people ,and we will do all the time this beautiful and good people. we dont forced people Turkish Polish friendship must to be ,if even they don't like Turkish ,we respect this people. ALL POLES WELCOME TO TURKEY.
Seanus  15 | 19666
11 Nov 2011   #10
There doesn't appear to be any conflict here. The Turks I see here are quiet and unassuming, even broody.

As for knowledge, well, indifference is likely the norm.
southern  73 | 7059
12 Nov 2011   #11
The Turks I see here are quiet and unassuming, even broody.

Turks have this characteristic slowness.A Greek is always moving.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366
12 Nov 2011   #12

beautiful clip, I am sure it is a beautiful country.
hythorn  3 | 580
12 Nov 2011   #13
Turks have this characteristic slowness.A Greek is always moving

what form does this movement take?

I am really intrigued
southern  73 | 7059
12 Nov 2011   #14
what form does this movement take?

Now hin and front with Germanics behind.
hythorn  3 | 580
12 Nov 2011   #15
it sounds interesting but difficult to picture

any chance of providing a diagram? :-)
Ironside  50 | 12955
12 Nov 2011   #16
So what do you know and think about us?

I know plenty about Turky.

What does a Polish citizen know about us? (Generally)

Generally ?Not much really.
blackadder  1 | 114
12 Nov 2011   #17
Turks are alright,nice country,great sportsman.
I can't see why European Union rejects them,better have them in Europe than in Putin's new Euroasian alliance.
southern  73 | 7059
12 Nov 2011   #18
Turks are alright,nice country

What do you expect from a Croat?

I can't see why European Union rejects them

It is the Germans stupid.(like it is the capitalism stupid).
blackadder  1 | 114
12 Nov 2011   #19
Turks have this characteristic slowness.A Greek is always moving.

Greek go to work,you know what working is,right?
There's a sayin-''Lazy as a Greek'',you heard it?
southern  73 | 7059
12 Nov 2011   #20
I know angry as a Turk.
Anyway the Germans do not want the Turks inside the EU since they don't know what to do with the 3 million turkish immigrants residing in Germany.
rock  - | 428
12 Nov 2011   #21
Turks have this characteristic slowness.A Greek is always moving.

Yes, you run away very quickly. hahaha

Turks are alright,nice country,great sportsman.

Thanks blackadder. I think that these comments are mutual. We Turks look Croatians with sympathy as well. After a shock defeat against Croatia, all Turks applauded Croatian team yesterday.
blackadder  1 | 114
12 Nov 2011   #22
Your insult was uncalled for,you know that?
Maybe you should concentrate your energy at something more productive.I know that Germans have problem with Turks,but if Putin's alliance come to life it's better have Turkey on our side.

I choose tolerance above nationalism anytime.

Thanks blackadder. I think that these comments are mutual. We Turks look Croatians with sympathy as well. After a shock defeat against Croatia, all Turks applauded Croatian team yesterday.

Well respect is mutual.I don't like nationalism,this thread is about friendship and tolerance.World will never be a better place if we don't respect each others.

Yesterday's match was really great,intense,attacking match.Turkey is a strong team,you were unlucky to have Germany in group,and now you faced team equal to you,not stronger.
sascha  1 | 824
12 Nov 2011   #23
Anyway the Germans do not want the Turks inside the EU since they don't know what to do with the 3 million turkish immigrants residing in Germany.


We Turks look Croatians with sympathy as well. After a shock defeat against Croatia, all Turks applauded Croatian team yesterday.

really? no bad press today about the huge defeat? heard that the press already fired your national coach???

I choose tolerance above nationalism anytime.

nice. how do you think about greece and serbia? they are your neighbours? just curious.

We Turks look Croatians with sympathy as well

whom do you not look with sympathy these days? ;)
rock  - | 428
12 Nov 2011   #24
really? no bad press today about the huge defeat? heard that the press already fired your national coach???

Of course we do not blame Croatia for this defeat. They play perfect, deserved this win and were applauded.

Yes, as I told before Hiddink is the most responsible person for this defeat and not only the press but all Turks are waiting without patience for his resignation or fired.

whom do you not look with sympathy these days? ;)

Pesonally, I do not look with sympathy to France, Germany, Israel and USA. It is not about the folks of these countries but their governments and/or state policies for sure.
blackadder  1 | 114
12 Nov 2011   #25
nice. how do you think about greece and serbia? they are your neighbours? just curious.

I wish all best to both of them.
I only hate extreme nationalism and people who think they are superior to others,no matter if they are my countrymen or Serb.
calcedonia  4 | 67
12 Nov 2011   #26
Southern I dont know are you greek or no but I would lile to say I respect greeks not because of they are nationalist or something I respect them anarchist charecter, realy we dont have this , Turkish still worship goverment and religion, I think our minus this of european, but Im not talking stupit arabic spring, they show how they can bring democracy with lynch culture. But I can tell you Im respect greeks how protest all this crisis. Maybe some european angry to me they thing they dont have right because they are lazy,its not correct, all southern country same because hot weather, but yes Turkish are so angry and agrasive but empty onley for flag or other stuation I dont like nationalistic act ,but greeks fights for their rights. realy I congratulate to greek, they changed goverment.
Crow  154 | 9552
12 Nov 2011   #27
That's for you my dear pro-Russian friend :)

you are pro-Russian. i am pro-Polish. :)

after all, Russian people likes Polish people. Politicians/government/regimes are something else. But look at me... i don`t like Tusk, still i like Poles.

Poles have embraced Turkish culture to the point that you cannot walk 50 metres in any Polish city without coming across a kebab shop :-)

for your information, Turks aren`t inventors of `kebab`.... and, its not `kebab` but `cevap`. `Cevap` is national dish in Serbia.

But, during Ottoman occupation of Serbian lands on Balkan, Turks came in contact with `cevap`. They then spread that kind of dish all were the Near East all the way to Arabic land. Then, Arabs turned Serbian/Slavic `cevap` into the `kebab`. Today, most of experts consider `kebab` to be Arabic national dish.

Now, listen this... even tru name of `cevap` applied on the meat you can understand that we speak about grilled minced meat, prepared in the form of cylinder. Exact Serbian word for Eng. word `cylinder` is `cev`. That`s how you got `cevap`. Cev > Cevap or Cevapcis (meat in the form of cylinder). See? Cevap is Slavic/Serbian national dish not Arabic and especially not Turkish.
rock  - | 428
12 Nov 2011   #28
In 2014 we are going to celebrate the 600th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Turkey and Poland.

Here are some links for Turkish Polish relations and friendship.
calcedonia  4 | 67
12 Nov 2011   #29
Crow what is Cevap? Cevap means Turkish answer. And whats is connection arabs and serbs, of course Kebabs came from Turks but Turks took this name of arabs and west Turkey kebab name Iskender Kebab(Alexander kebab) this named came from Bursa old named ( Cius) and best and first one this kebab and what sale in poland as a kebab orginal name is Doner, russians call shaurma, yes arabic dont have this style food ,they have grilled kebab,with farsh or piece of meat, and Turkish and balkan orgianl food is Kofte you know this ,balkan countries best koftes because of they have nice lamb meat. Anyway Greeks also call baklava is greek,but doesnt matter I eat greek baklava ,if you give greek baklava in turkey free even nobody eat ,because so amateur. If someone eat baklava in Gaziantep Oldest city in the world'' Ayintab'' syrian Turkish cultured,They never eat baklava nowhere else.
Crow  154 | 9552
12 Nov 2011   #30
In 2014 we are going to celebrate the 600th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Turkey and Poland.

Here are some links for Turkish Polish relations and friendship.

don`t BS. just give back heads of Zawisha Czarny and Wladislaw Varnenchic

You morbid decadent people with horrible habits! Govna

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