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Weimarer  6 | 357
1 Mar 2020   #31

Propably because Thuringians raided poland. The Thuringian flag shows a lion, thats also in many other flags.

Of course not. Nobody in my family is jewish. Maybe yours
kaprys  3 | 2076
1 Mar 2020   #32
Lyzko, if you have any sort of academical background, you know about the migration of peoples and people.
To sum it up, people move. You can't expect all families from a certain place to live there for centuries or over a millenium. Sometimes it's an individual case, sometimes whole regions.

Also, the presence of Germanic tribes in present day Poland and Slavic tribes in present day Germany plus centuries of living next to one another can't really make it clear what a pure German /Pole is.

You're funny. But go on. Tell me more about it.
Ironside  50 | 12940
1 Mar 2020   #33
After all,if I weren't sure of my statements,

It is immaterial whether or not you're sure of your statements. Are those statements make much sense. I must say - not so much.

You're funny. But go on. Tell me more about it.

Are you teasing him or are you both having a big kindergarten fall out?

Propably because Thuringians raided poland

Thank you very much, they happened to be an excellent soil enrichment.
pawian  226 | 27395
1 Mar 2020   #34
Of course not. Nobody in my family is jewish. Maybe yours

Never say nobody. Many people claimed it and later were deeply shocked discovering the truth. :)

they happened to be an excellent soil enrichment.

You mean the Field of Dogs? You certainly remember stories about it from your primary school. But the latest findings suggest there wasn`t such a battle at all!
jon357  72 | 23482
1 Mar 2020   #35
Many people claimed it and later were deeply shocked discovering the truth

Quite. It's very possible in that region. I wonder if he's had a dna test.
pawian  226 | 27395
1 Mar 2020   #36
Exactly. Reminds me of an old Polish theatre play I watched once on communist TV - a German SS officer comes to the Polish gentry manor to find out about his ancestors. After some research in archives and questioning witnesses, he learns they were Jewish. He breaks down but Poles promise not to reveal his secret to anybody. hahaha That was a funny comedy with great actors.
Weimarer  6 | 357
2 Mar 2020   #37
The fact that Poland is christian today they can say thanks to the Germans, because it was the Germans who forced christianity on them.

As for jewish, nope i have a DNA test. I´m R1. Nothing jewish on me.

Would be pretty weird, since Germany never had many jews. At no time did their umbers reach 5% of population in Germany.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
2 Mar 2020   #38
Although whether Germans actually BECAME Christians in their hearts, souls, and minds, whether or not they truly internalized both the teachings of Christ, later of St. Francis, definitely cannot be gleaned from the savagery with which, post-(failed) Enlightenment, Germany aka the Nazi Era, descended so rapidly, then unrepenetently, into the depths of pagan barbarism.

Historians, both German non-Jewish such as Dieter Zimmer, Hajo Holborn, along with numerous others, continue to puzzle over this same question.

When push came to shove, far too many rank-and-file Germans chose to push out their Jewish fellow citizens (as Luther himself had foretold) and shove them into gas chambers!

If you don't believe me, you have only to read Christopher Browning's best seller, "Ordinary Men", as well as Daniel Jonah Goldhagen's "Hitler's Willing Executioners". I'm sure they're available in German.
jon357  72 | 23482
2 Mar 2020   #39
their Jewish fellow citizens


And plenty of people with R1 male haplotype have Jewish roots and dna.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
2 Mar 2020   #40
Spot on.
Weimarer  6 | 357
2 Mar 2020   #41

Jews were no hunters, was not allowed to them. :)

Im a pure bred German and im damn proud for it,
jon357  72 | 23482
2 Mar 2020   #42
Mostl likely with some Jewish and Slavic admixture.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
2 Mar 2020   #43
No reason not to be proud, Weimarer, so long as you're proud of the right things!
Naturally, no thinking German is proud of Hitler, rather, it's an eternal source of bruising shame.

However, when one thinks back on such luminaries such as Leibniz, Kepler, Semmelweiss, Koch, Behring, Oberst, Beethoven, Goethe, Grunewald, Durer, Stoss, Tilman Riemschneider and innumerable others in science, research, music, medicine, literature, theater and so on, one may indeed swell with pride.

Back to your statement at the beginning of the post. Jews weren't permitted by the Catholic Church to participate in being a member of the society in which they were living. They couldn't join tradesmen's guilds or even the army. Therefore, they were condemned to exist on the periphery of society, hence held responsible for the Plague, among other things, rumors and lies were spread about them.
Miloslaw  20 | 5117
2 Mar 2020   #44
Im a pure bred German and im damn proud for it,

I don't think you are...... why are you on this Polish forum?
Unless you suspect that you have Polish roots........
Lyzko  44 | 9713
2 Mar 2020   #45
He might well, Milo!
He might even be a Kaschub, a Sorb or
a Wend.
pawian  226 | 27395
2 Mar 2020   #46
No, he is Hucuł. Freiter Kania said so.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
2 Mar 2020   #47
A Ruthenian, you mean? Hmm, the plot thickens.
kaprys  3 | 2076
2 Mar 2020   #48
Well, Poland accepted Christianity from Bohemia.
If you're talking about the Teutonic Knights, they were invited to Poland by Konrad of Masovia to spread Christianity. What they did to old Prussians to 'spread Christianity' is another story.

To sum up, a lot of unchristian things.
On the other hand, there was Otto II. Luckily, not all Germans are the bad guys in history :)

If he's in the photos he posted, he doesn't look Polish. Or German. To me.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
2 Mar 2020   #50

The Teutonic Knights journeyed as far as former Livonia.
Sergei Eisenstein shows their cruelty in his epic "Alexander Nevsky" (1938) with Nikolai Cherkassov. Certain scenes though of babies being consigned to the flames of those being burned at the stake might though have been apocryphal.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
4 Mar 2020   #51
I know that at 966 and onward Poland became a kingdom. I want to know about Poland before the actual kingdom

Very kittle is known about those times on the present-day area of Poland. One source called the 'Bavarian Geographer' (ca 850 AD) is of great interest.

Poland is christian today they can say thanks to the Germans, because it was the Germans who forced christianity on them.

You are completely wrong with that. The Franks bestowed Christianity on the Saxons with cruel force and then the Germans forced Christianity on the Elbslawen (ultimately in 1147), but Poland did it entirely of her own choice in 966.

the Teutonic Knights, they were invited to Poland by Konrad of Masovia to spread Christianity.

And you are completely wrong with that. His main aim was to stop the devastating raids of the old Prussian tribes on Mazovia. He was not able to fight them off himself; neither could the united Polish forces consisting of the military sent in by other dukes (Poland was dismembered at the time). Spreading Chistianity to the pagans was a convenient excuse in those times for everyone including Konrad I of Mazovia or the Germans conquering lands between the Elbe and the Oder.
kaprys  3 | 2076
5 Mar 2020   #52
Oh, i'm completely wrong but you're right.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
5 Mar 2020   #53
Don't take it so personal. You are a good girl who knows a lot of things, but you may have gone astray a little bit in this case. :-)
Lyzko  44 | 9713
5 Mar 2020   #54
Once again, if only to reiterate for those who might not get it, the advent of Christianity in the Holy Roman Empire didn't quite work out; the Germans are still pagans!
johnny reb  49 | 7908
6 Mar 2020   #55
if only to reiterate for those who might not get it,

You as one of them since Germany is 30% Catholic.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
6 Mar 2020   #56
the Germans are still pagans!

Maybe, but they are now modern pagans and not pagans as they used to be in the early Middle Ages.

Now their god is money and greed, but in this respect we are (almost) all pagans, possibly including you, Johnny Reb and myself. If you want to know more, see R.H. Tawney's 1920 work, "The Acquisitive Society" which is still unsurpassed in its understanding of modern capitalism and option for social and human change. The book contains fundamental insights for understanding industrial society's influence on human beings

[Recommendation after Erich Fromm's book "To Have or To Be"]
Lyzko  44 | 9713
6 Mar 2020   #57
And the other half is Protestant aka Evangelical Lutheran, so what does that prove, Johnny?
johnny reb  49 | 7908
6 Mar 2020   #58
My point is that you have no idea what you are talking about again.

the Germans are still pagans!

Spending two weeks in Germany 35 years ago hardly makes you an authority on Germany or speaking the language proficiently.
Actually Germany's religious make up is, Protestant 34%, Roman Catholic 34%, Muslim 5% and Irreligious 27%.
Probably more Muslims then that now after the invasion.
That makes Germany about 75% religious which is hardly what one would call a pagan country.
I didn't see any significant amount of jews living in Germany listed when I googled these stats though so maybe that is why you don't quite get it.

Now PLEASE can we get back ON - TOPIC the Lyzko !
Lyzko  44 | 9713
6 Mar 2020   #59
I know more about Germany than you and in fact Ziem agrees with what I posted. So there!
OP skateboarder0162  1 | 6
26 Oct 2022   #60
Halo, it has been a while. I have read all of my Kings and their Queens, but not the Kingdom's history, because whilst searching for my Barbarian legacy I developed virtue I thought I had saved just for Barbarianism. I created a restitution while reading about the Kings and Queens because it seemed the noble thing to do with the colleges having "Magister" degrees, instead of "Bachelor"; Because unanimously I believe the magnanimity of our Kingdom's magistrations|magistrates beseech such nobility to be a "Kawaler" instead of a "Bachelor".

I have learned many things, and learned that the Romans have never gotten to Poland, only the Catholic Religion did. From my learnings the Barbarian Poles started about AGE 500, and the Romans died around 573 to Britain; at the 800th YEAR|AGE our turf is now "Poland". And then as you people agreed to say so Poland became a Kingdom about 990.

My original question was searching for Barbarian creations from Poland. Like movies, and novels. I want them to be Polish specific - so no "Slavs", no mixing of Clans, just what is actually thought as Poles specific. Although a Barbarian turf story that explains literally too that it's about Poland is acceptable, of course. I can find Polish Clans in the Crusades, if I was interested in more of that, please don't offer me something before 500 and between 500 and 599. Unless certified as Poland.

I've learned that for Poland "Polska" is how people say it to people because they live in Poland, and so are travelling out of Poland and will return to Poland. I don't know why they need to have to be so dirty and say "Polska" instead of "Poland", though. I've then learned that "Polonia" is every other Polish person living outside of Poland, and is thus learning of "Polska" - but I prefer "Poland", because it's a Kingdom not an empire. But it can be thought as intermittent colonial, and so with the Republic of Poland then avenging Polonia worldwide through intermediation. Our language doesn't change from "Polish".

So, yeah, like 600 - 900 is what I'm asking for in books, movies, and art. I also want Polands Catholic Order of Dobrzyn movies and books, please.

As for the talk about that germanic stuff. I've looked at my birth certificate and saw how to pureblood speak for myself, thanks to it saying Wisko. So, with great admiration, I say for the future of Poland don't spam in here. It wasn't "harassment", but it being the World Wide Web it can only start as "spam", or in a Role-Play specifically. I am aware of those vagabonds, and aware of the Brigand legacy that used to be Norsemen companies. Poland has brigades in its military, so I assume that the legacy has gone well for Poland, but germany does not have brigades. So they're losing the North; is how I see it.

But I do like the "flamberge" sword. I'm going to make my own, as the "flamberge" happens to be thin.

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