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Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back

Bobko  27 | 2215
12 Dec 2023   #301
You'd need a Time Machine

What I meant by Anglo-Saxon, was being cold-blooded and reptilian.

As Oscar Wilde once said, "knowing the price of everything, and the value of nothing".

Regardless of what is said about your kind, you are a pragmatic and calculating bunch.
jon357  72 | 23654
12 Dec 2023   #302
you are a pragmatic and calculating bunch.

And very good at it.

Plus we invented most things.
Bobko  27 | 2215
12 Dec 2023   #303
Plus we invented most things.

You are such an as$.

What can you give as advice to Grunnie, you dog?

Can you not see it is a man adrift? Put aside our little dialectics, and give advice from what I know is a deep well of experience.
jon357  72 | 23654
12 Dec 2023   #304
Can you not see it is a man adrift?

He's adrift, however he'll find his mooring, step by step.

Over-romanticising can be fun, as long as you don't take it too seriously. And that includes irredentism about Lviv etc, or pretending that schlachta still exist.
pawian  226 | 27817
12 Dec 2023   #305
that Crow has just hacked Gruni's account.

You were mistaken when you praised him to me as a great patriot of Poland etc.

Not the first, not the last time.

It seems you are much younger than me coz you visibly lack life experience with people. :):):)

Good for you. :):):)
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
12 Dec 2023   #306
He has not hacked my account, not to my knowledge at least.

I owe no loyalty to any Oligarchs, in Brussel, Kiev, Moscow, Washington, Beijing and otherwise.

If that's what you mean
pawian  226 | 27817
12 Dec 2023   #307
in Brussel, Kiev, Moscow, Washington, Beijing and otherwise.

You forgot to add Warsaw. :):):)
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
12 Dec 2023   #308
What oaths I swore to whom. Is none of your business
pawian  226 | 27817
12 Dec 2023   #309
What oaths I swore to whom. Is none of your business

Yes, it is coz I am a Pole and you are participating in the Polish Forum and first you claim you feel and think like a Pole (misleading Torq) and then you write the following:

I would be a hero of Russia or Poland is of little difference as it would be first step towards a United slavdom

The problem is that only pro imperialist Russian Poles support the united slavdom which would be dominated by Russians sooner or later, with brutal force.

Do you know now why Torq was so disappointed by your crazy elucidation?
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
12 Dec 2023   #310
it would be first step towards a United slavdom

A united Slavdom?
And you think Poles would wish for this?
You are not a Pole......
pawian  226 | 27817
12 Dec 2023   #311
would simultaneously unite the churches!

You should believe in God or Goddess, whoever, instead of caring for corrupt churches controlled by evil cunning foxes who dupe naive people.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
12 Dec 2023   #312

You, Torq and Miloslaw simply think with a more narrow tool to not see the vision. Focusing on the shadows in the cave, and not on the light that not only is outside. But could brighten and nourish Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, Belarussian, Serbian, Croatian, Czech and Slovakian men, women and children.

Somehow, me wanting a bright future for them all. By wanting to bury the hatchet between Poland and Russia, once and for all. Called a traitor and not Polish!

What is it you guys want? Hmm? Warsaw to be burned, buried and rebuilt? Again? Again? And again? Uprising? After uprising? After uprising?

If it's gonna happen! Be my guest! But I won't move a finger as long as Brussels men rule Poland.

Thankfully pawian, you are not my priest. Otherwise I would need to have eat excrements for me to talk **** all the time like you do
mafketis  38 | 11260
13 Dec 2023   #313
wanting to bury the hatchet between Poland and Russia, once and for all

For russians "burying the hatchet" means becoming a vassal state or part of the empire. So that can't happen until russian gives up its psychotic desire for empire.

From the russian point of view the invasion of Ukraine was about 'burying the hatchet'.... so no sale.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
13 Dec 2023   #314
Germans reformed, so can Russians!
Velund  1 | 497
13 Dec 2023   #315
becoming a vassal state or part of the empire.

There is third way, but Poland will need new elites that doesn't like to suck english dick for fun and in conflict of interests between what foreign masters want and what Polish people need always choose interests of Polish people. And Polish army must be completely controlled from Warsaw, not from Pentagon proxies in Brussels.

Two other variants above is in fact just removal of that cocksucking comprador elites that serve in interests of anglosphere..
Lenka  5 | 3548
13 Dec 2023   #316
in conflict of interests between what foreign masters want and what Polish people need always choose interests of Polish people

The idea goes above your head but let me try:
Your problem is other countries DON'T WANT to form alliances with Russia as they don't trust it (surprise, surprise).
How about Russia trying to actually be an attractive partner?
pawian  226 | 27817
13 Dec 2023   #317
How about Russia trying to actually be an attractive partner?

Not in the nearest future. Neither in distant one. Decades will pass until Russia becomes a civilised country.

Somehow, me wanting a bright future for them all

Yes, we know such psycho benefactors from history. Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao, Mussolini etc. They also dreamt of bright future for their peoples.
Thank you very much but I prefer you go to an isolated building, close and lock the door behind yourself. We don`t need your bright future which means genocidal massacres committed on millions.

Called a traitor and not Polish!

You are excused as a psycho from these accusations.
mafketis  38 | 11260
13 Dec 2023   #318
Germans reformed, so can Russians!

They can.... they just show no signs of doing so (or even recognizing that such a thing is needed). The very few that do recognize the need have mostly fled the country and the Tsar's mad war.....
Crow  155 | 9699
22 Dec 2024   #319
Realistically speaking Poland can forget Lwow. Absolutely.

Among other things, we see that Ukraine provoke Slovakia and Hungary. So, when dust settle down, only way of Slovakia to expand is to acquire new regions in what is now Ukraine and that mean exactly Lwow and up north to the border of the Belarus. It would suit Russia, too. It also suits to religious deals. It should even suit Poland, because it wouldn`t be brotherly move to take Lwow (even if that is allowed to Poland) and that way prevent any possible viable territorial expansion of Slovakia.
pawian  226 | 27817
22 Dec 2024   #320
prevent any possible viable territorial expansion of Slovakia.

Slovaks better not try to play any dirty acts on Ukraine. If they do, Polish army allied with Ukrainians will crush them within hours. :):):
Ironside  51 | 13083
22 Dec 2024   #321
If they do, Polish army allied with Ukrainians will crush them within hours.

You are dreaming. Stop writing warmongering nonsense. When I was talking a bit Poland getting back its Lwów, you were crying and whiling and call me all kinds of names.Now you changed your tune you Ukrainian mole.
If Slovakia would do something to Ukraine that is their problem, not ours.---
There is third way,

Really? I pretend some time again that way. You Russians just took to the hills. Silently admitting you od have any serious proposition for Poland.
By the way, do not call current morons - elite, it makes me sick.
pawian  226 | 27817
22 Dec 2024   #322
When I was talking a bit Poland getting back its Lwów,

yes, coz you are a nationalist and such are harmful to Polish interests. Ukraine is our best ally against Russia which you love so much.


Exactly!!! hahaha buhahaha

If Slovakia would do something to Ukraine that is their problem, not ours.--

Of course ours too. And I am telling you - Slovakia will be crushed if they start a brawl about borders.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
22 Dec 2024   #323
Lwow was once known as Lemberg during the height of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
By the logic of the current thread, oughtn't Lwow then be returned to Austria??
Ironside  51 | 13083
22 Dec 2024   #324
Slovakia will be crushed if they start a brawl about borders.

Really? By whom? You and your pack of baboons? lol!
coz you are a nationalist

Oh, stick a label on somebody and now you can legitimate hate them dehumanize them and kill them - typical totalitarian as-hole.

Ukraine is our best ally against Russia

Not really. They are weak and need a lot of help. They are not he best but they are desperate so it confuses you.
Crow  155 | 9699
22 Dec 2024   #325
Lwow was once known as Lemberg during the height of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

We Serbians don`t give a sh*t what was during A or AH. If we do, there won`t be current Serbian-Hungarian-Slovak alliance and Hungary wouldn`t get a second chance with Slavs.

Slovaks better not try to play any dirty acts on Ukraine. If they do, Polish army allied with Ukrainians will crush them within hours

Shame of you to talk like this. Hungary is created on Slovak and Serbian ancient land, Moravia, that existed from Morava river in Slovakia to Morava river in Serbia.

Now, we finds way to coexist with Hungarians and Slovaks and Serbians accepted border with Hungarians. So, it is quite right that Slovak expansion isn`t prevented on other regions. Galicia is only option. Slovaks even have historical rights there at least equally as Poles. Plus, its now controlled by pro-Germanic nazfied and germanized Slavs so land is available for taking and re-slavicization.

Poland should let it go. If Poland fight for its own Slavic self, and not for Vatican, other Slavs would support Polish expansion on the western and northern sides. Just, don`t violate balance within our common Slavic civilization.

Poles, look western and northern for expansion! Its Slavic land awaiting liberation.
pawian  226 | 27817
22 Dec 2024   #326
stick a label

Why are you suddenly against sticking labels if you do it all the time on others ??? Does being called a nationalist hurt you??? AmaSSing!!! :):):)
pawian  226 | 27817
22 Dec 2024   #328
Thank you for reminding us how Polish conservative elites sold us to Russia and Poland ceased to exist coz they feared liberal ideas might damage their businesses.
Fortunately, today we are in the enlightened EU and though our conservatives are still strong, they are losing support steadily and irrevocably. Thanks to Polish women who started taking things in their hands at last instead of being passive as before.
Ironside  51 | 13083
22 Dec 2024   #329
Why are you suddenly against sticking labels

What is sudden? You are too limited to understand that I have never put any labels on anyone. Just a point of fact - if you are a moron and I call you a moron that is a fact not a label. Sure you can disagree but who cares about a moron's opinion? It is obviously moronic.
By the logic

To form an opinion, you would have to know what logic is first. Please do not embarrass yourself further here. Respect yourself.
the enlightened EU

lol! How they are enlightened if they believe in myths, not science. They are trash and you are worse - your are trash's butler.
pawian  226 | 27817
22 Dec 2024   #330
Just a point of fact

Exactly. But when you are paid with the same coin, you see red. AmaSSing!!!
Hey, btw, why do you dislike being called a nationalist??? You are one so what`s the problem??


Such claims by a nationalist make me unimaginably proud of myself. Thank you. :):):)

Home / History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back
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