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Why American military aid to Europe and Poland is important to America itself?

PolAmKrakow  2 | 941
5 Aug 2024   #91
Germany would sh1t itself it the US pulled out of all the bases, so would most of the EU. Hypothetically, the US is out of the EU with the exception of Poland, Romania, Latvia, and a few others. Germany, France, and others are on their own. Who is getting hit with terrorist attacks first? The US military is the EU's strongest deterant. But I am all for the US getting out of those countries and building up more in Poland, it will keep Poland safe. As for your claim about equal and cheaper weapons available, where are they? Because if they were all over and available, Taiwan, Israel and others would be buying them up like crazy right now.

The US MIC needs Europe for buying weapons. The US people dont need Europe at all. And its the people that vote, just like in Poland. IF Trump is elected, Poland is in good shape, if its Harris, Poland is at greater risk with the war exanding. Anyone thinking that Putin wouldnt test Harris very quickly if she won is not thinking clearly.
Novichok  4 | 7775
5 Aug 2024   #92
Anyone thinking that Putin wouldnt test Harris very quickly if she won is not thinking clearly.

In some sick way, I like spineless people like Kamala who are flexible enough to be what they need to be. We can reason with them.

She would have ended the slaughter in Ukraine a long time ago...

Sloganeering zealots, on the other hand, are good only as cannon fodder...Give them a horse and they will attack a tank.
Ironside  50 | 12331
5 Aug 2024   #93
Germany would sh1t itself it the US pulled out

No, they wouldn't! They don't want you.
As for your claim about equal and cheaper weapons available, where are they?

Some of them are.
Alittery we can produce better stuff or on the same level, Himars SK has a pretty good substitute.
Takes may not be better one-on-one but that is not what you count in the military, That SK tank is pretty good if the Polish industry can make upgrades and produce them on their own, it is much better for Poland.
Planes, Rather than having 100 or so expensive like F . American planes that are too much it is not needed for Poland's defense. we don't have a global policy just local. For that, we can have at the cost of 1000 US-made places that can be desirable with a switch by Yanke's command. We can have 600 SK plans or even better another 400 Grippens which are perfect for Poland's needs.
The issue with American junk although it is good stuff is overpriced, too expensive to use, and depends fully on all kinds of support from the US goodwill.
I agree with you so why are you barking?

I'm not barking you ARE. I'm telling you how it is.
what's more, you are barking up the wrong tree.
If you agree with me why were you coming here day after day for years yapping about Europe? Go and bark up the right tree in Washington DC.
Novichok  4 | 7775
5 Aug 2024   #94
They don't want you.

The problem is always with the definition of "they".

Every county has at least three layers: 1%, 10%, and the unwashed 90%. I know it doesn't add up...Just to keep it simple...

When the stupid Euros say that something like NATO is good for "America" they are correct if they mean 1% who own the US, and 10% who wh0re for 1%. 90% get fvcked.
They pay and die for the 11%.
If you agree with me why were you coming here day after day for years yapping about Europe?

I will stop when Europe tells the US taxpayers to take their NATO bases and shove them up their Yankee asses...
PolAmKrakow  2 | 941
5 Aug 2024   #95
You really think Poland should defend itself with inferior planes? Brilliant. Thats like saying you think a Fiat is just as fast as a Ferarri. There is not one military analyst that thinks a Grippen is as effective as an F-16. Grippen has next to zero air to ground effectiveness, and is designed for air combat only. There are thousands of f16s in service while there are maybe 700 Grippens. F16s because there are so many, have plentiful parts on supply. You dont like the US ok, we get it. Poland is fvcked without the US and you and the rest of the world knows it.
Novichok  4 | 7775
5 Aug 2024   #96
Poland is fvcked without the US and you and the rest of the world knows it.

There is one problem with what you just said...

With that being the case, the US should be drowning in money for the services rendered. Cops do get paid.

Instead, we are drowning in debt and are spending close to 1 trillion on the military vs 250B and 80B for China and Russia.

Something is not computing here...
Ironside  50 | 12331
5 Aug 2024   #97
Something is not computing here...

That is your brian, you already answered your question - 1% who own the US, and 10% who wh0re for 1%. 90% get fvcked.

You seem not able to grasp your reasoning.
analyst that thinks a Grippen is as effective as an F-16.

I never claimed that it was. I said that Grippen was better suited to Poland's needs. If Poland could afford to buy and use 500 or more of F-16 that would be a better option but that is not the case.
There are always issues that in case Poladn would like to bomb Moscow The US command can simply turn off the switch with all electronic devices on that plane making it useless that is not a good deal you pay a lot and dealers can always tell you how and when you can use your car, that i, not ownership[ that is bs,
OP Alien  23 | 5533
5 Aug 2024   #98
There are always issues that in case Poladn would like to bomb Moscow

The Polish defense strategy does not assume this, especially since it would most likely end with a retaliatory attack.
Ironside  50 | 12331
5 Aug 2024   #99
defense strategy

Yes general Alien , whatever you say.
Bobko  27 | 2157
5 Aug 2024   #100

Poland is investing mostly in artillery and armor.

To me, it means Poland imagines it will be the battlefield of this future war.

Can you imagine Poland beginning to resemble Ukraine? With no electricity, broken logistical links, and an emigrating population?

I thought Poland might want to escape its historical role, and buy some ungodly amount of precision munitions for an overwhelming preemptive strike?

If you are getting ready to slog it out with Russia conventionally - that's probably a very bad idea.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11675
5 Aug 2024   #101
....I wonder how that Iron Dome trade with Israel is coming along.....

Such a technology, safe guarding our towns and civilian infrastructure, could change the rules of coming wars, of course also for Poland, no more battlefield for foreign armies!
Korvinus  2 | 564
5 Aug 2024   #102
Poland is investing mostly in artillery and armor.

Even if USA would make decision immediately - it will still take 6 weeks for the troops to arrive to the frontline.

They may as well not bother - as after first week it will be obvious if planes parked currently on unsinkable aircraft carrier "Britain" will be enough to deprive Russian ground forces of air support all across continental Europe.
Joker  2 | 2207
5 Aug 2024   #103
Even if USA would make decision immediately

Biden is incapable of making any good decisions..

REALITY CHECK: Another year of Biden being wrong on "nearly every major" foreign policy issue...

Obama's own Defense Secretary Robert Gates warned that Biden "has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past 4 decades."

Unfortunately, Gates was right. Afghanistan, China, Ukraine, Russia, Hamas, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Mexican cartels - the list of failures goes on. That's why 63% of Americans say he is not a strong leader and only 35% approve of his handling of foreign policy.

Kamaoola Harris was right by his side and was the "last voice in the room"... 2 worthless idiots! Biden is the Neville Chamberland of this century:(
Novichok  4 | 7775
5 Aug 2024   #104
it will still take 6 weeks for the troops to arrive to the frontline.

I hope you will all die before the first American does.

Memo to Russia: If you have to kill, kill Euros first.
Miloslaw  21 | 5012
5 Aug 2024   #105
What an absolutely ridiculous and stupid post to make!

Firstly, as I have posted before, America needs Europe just as much as Europe needs America.

America has supported Europe in two world wars.Although they always came late.....The first one was a success, the second, not so much so, it allowed Russia to control half of Europe.

In the wars that America has engaged in since then and Europeans have helped in some of them,most have ended in partial or total failure......

Korea.... a half success..... Vietnam.... a total failure.....Iraq.... a total failure.... Afghanistan..... an embarrassing total failure.....and yet the UK and some European nations supported you in these would think that Yanks would have more respect for allies that supported them through thick and thin......I think your attitude is a disgusting disgrace and the American government should think seriously about sending a traitor like you to Russia.
Novichok  4 | 7775
6 Aug 2024   #106
Any Americans here to comment on 105?
OP Alien  23 | 5533
6 Aug 2024   #107
Yes general Alien

Relax, I'll make you a colonel from Iron Dome. 🙂
PolAmKrakow  2 | 941
6 Aug 2024   #108
Iraq was no failure. They now have a relatively stable parlamentary government. Being realistic, Iraq could never have been counted on to enter the democratic way of living in short order. They still have millions of people living a nomadic lifestyle, not to mention the religious issues that are in the country. While I dont agree with going to war to begin with, or how it played out, Iraq is making progress.
Ironside  50 | 12331
6 Aug 2024   #109
I thought Poland might want to

The thing is Poland doesn't seem to be able to generate a proper political elite. It irks me a big time. Unfortunately, I'm not in charge, for Poland that is. Fortunately for the enemies of Poland.
Poland should invest in nukes, lasers, StarWars(i.e. satellites and such), and new mobile ballistic-missile launchers with munitions.
What they will have currently would need to be used to take Krolewiec fast and to move the theater of operation into Berlrus territory. The military sound strategy but in the current political climate rather difficult to execute.

I'm a warrant officer, I don't need some token titles from a peddler. :)
Such a technology

Waste of money, to make sure towns are safe there is a need to destroy enemy striking capabilities. It might work in Israel only because some specific of that theater of operation can't be replicated in Europe, especially if we take that Russia will be the enemy.
Novichok  4 | 7775
6 Aug 2024   #110
Poland should invest in nukes, lasers,

What about Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway...
Should they invest in nukes and lasers, too?
Ironside  50 | 12331
6 Aug 2024   #111
What about

Ask them. better still F off from Poland and ask American politicians to dissolve NATO.
Novichok  4 | 7775
6 Aug 2024   #112
Ask them.

Don't you care about Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, and Norway?

Here, in unwashed America, Poland with nukes is our greatest dream and desire since Europe is known to be an oasis of peace and reason - at least between world wars.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2121
6 Aug 2024   #113
Here, in unwashed America, Poland with nukes is our greatest dream

Ask Russian media about it! They could then tell you about Poland's Imperial ambitions of taking over Ukraine, Belarus and Europe! Before taking over the world of course! Labour apples and discussions!
Novichok  4 | 7775
6 Aug 2024   #114
Ask Russian media about it!

I don't give a damn what Russians think.

All I know is that the last thing the US wants is a nut with nukes the US is legally obligated to defend if the nut does something really stupid.

Like attacking German tanks while riding horses. Or setting off an uprising while the German army is packing to run for its life toward Americans.
pawian  219 | 24771
6 Aug 2024   #115
I don't give a damn what Russians

You don`t give a damn and Russian dams burst. Amasing!
Korvinus  2 | 564
6 Aug 2024   #116

The US dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, leading to the end of WWII​
Novichok  4 | 7775
6 Aug 2024   #117
The US dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima

The US should have dropped one on each fvcking Jap who tortured an American POW and his town.
Miloslaw  21 | 5012
6 Aug 2024   #118
Rich, do you ever read back your posts?Aren't you ever even the slightest bit embarrassed by them?
You should be......
mafketis  38 | 10907
7 Aug 2024   #119
ever even the slightest bit embarrassed by them?

Narcissists are incapable of embarrassment, they have no self-awareness and a stunted emotional range... with (false) bravura and pouting rage are most of the range....
johnny reb  46 | 7601
7 Aug 2024   #120
Rich, you are unbelievably naive at times...

Fvck off. We are done. I told you, azhole, not to get personal.

That doesn't sound like a narcissist to me.
It sounds more like a narcissist being told to F-Off.
Can we please get back On-Topic now.........

Home / History / Why American military aid to Europe and Poland is important to America itself?

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