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...Szopen, Łobaczewski, Mickiewicz, Stanisław Lem, Igor Sikorski (half-Ukrainian on his mother's side), Andrzej Wajda, the list goes on and on and on...... LOL
Being that Polar Bear, AmericanPatriot and Rocco341 are all the same Russian troll it seems the Mods would block his IP from here. That would be an achievement for Poland.
Trolling aside, I actually agree with OP. Whenever someone asks about Poland's achievements, the names from 50-600 years pop-up. Really? And most of them are artists. How about the last 50 years (the golden years of technological advances) - what has Poland achieved?
We in Poland are treated as a THIRD-WORLD citizens by the US (Poles are STILL required to have a visa to visit the US - and it's unlikely to change for another 50 years) and by the richest EU countries like Germany that treat Poland as a dumping ground for their goods and the most polluting companies. Poles are considered very 'smart' - but what technological Polish company is known in Europe (not to mention in the world)? Even if a company in Poland achieves something, it is quickly bought by an EU, China, or US company for 5% of their annual budget..
Much as in the H.C Andersen tale of "The Emperor's New Clothes", Germans by contrast are treated as FIRST-WORLD citizens because everyone, including their closest neighbors, is somehow afraid of telling them they are any less than perfect (as none of the townspeople dares to exclaim that the Emperor's naked, save for a little boy, quickly shushed, if I recall the story correctly)!
By contrast, Polish jokes continue to abound, and sadly a lot of Poles have started to buy into them. Everybody feels as though they need German technology and would be lost without it. A bit of skillful PR work might end up catapulting the Poles into a front-runner position of being taken seriously, a position denied them for far too long, and one which I believe they finally deserve:-)
You don't agree with the OP. He claimed that Poland achieved nothing at all. He never said anything about 50 years or whatnot. By the way if you have been in hibernation - has a soviet occupation right a bell?
NathansHow about the last 50 years (the golden years of technological advances) - what has Poland achieved?
How about CD Projekt, the Polish creators of the witcher gaming franchise, who on a global are vastly more respected than any German or Russian gaming company. Overall Poland is kicking ass when it comes to game development, despite the fact that it is a relatively small country.
And not only gaming, but the Polish capital has become a "virtual" (no pun meant here) hotbed for all manner of software startups and there's a capitalistic zeal worthy of Silicon Valley!!
Small wonder that the youngest Poles, those in their teens and early twenties are learning English with a vengeance:-)
Poland has had many scientists, and many other successful people in it's history. Also, the Warner Brothers(Brothers who created Warner Bros studios) founded one of the biggest studios there is in America.
The Warner brothers were Jewish, though they do seem to have come from the Masovian Voivodeship. By this criteria Russia is the greatest contributor to science in the world. However, I think that Russian Jews excelled in academia despite the efforts of the Russian state, not because of it. It's surely a troll post, but I think he meant Poles.
If you then include scores of Polish Jews/half-Jews, indeed, the list of "Polish" accomplishments becomes even longer. And don't forget about Jerzy Koziński, Roman Polański, Tuwim, Różewicz, Leśmian, Brzechwa etc... Oh, yes! Almost forgot about Joseph Conrad, master English stylish, who, though not known for his contributions to Polish culture per se, was nonetheless a full (and a noble) Pole!!
Who can forget Pope John Paul II. Religious or not, his efforts at world peace were not ignored, and were not forgotten. He was one of the most beloved popes, and respected by many who weren't religious.
I can see it now... The Proto-Pole, or as Crow would surely tell us - a Sarmatian - sitting under the shade of a birch in the Białowieża Forest, crafting the first boomerang. What is more Polish than a weapon that is equally dangerous to you as it is to the enemy?
You're right - I missed Pope John II (thanks to him, the Solidarity Movement, and Poland in general, the new Europe, without communism and the walls, started).
edit: after a little research I see it's not so clear when it comes to Copernicus. Looks like Germans have as much a claim on him as Poles. In any case, modern notions of nationality would have been totally alien in Copernicus' time...