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Judge Tuleya mother was in SB

pawian  224 | 27236
10 Feb 2022   #61
fired long time ago, or jailed.

That would be a neobolshevik approach. They held children responsible for their parents` deed. Do you want to be called neobolshevik??? hahaha

Funny, you want Tuleya fired but at the same time you absolve rightards whose parents or they themselves were directly involved with communist regime. We extensively talked about it here:

Thanks for reminding me about it. I need to make a few posts. :):)
OP gumishu  15 | 6227
10 Feb 2022   #62
They held children responsible for their parents` deed.

they don't hold them responsible for their parents' deeds - they highlight a link between their present deeds and their background - I hope you understand what I mean
pawian  224 | 27236
10 Feb 2022   #63
their present deeds

What present deeds? The fact that they oppose PiS neobolshevik regime? And rightards in general? It is not a deed, it is a very patriotic agenda, worth following. Rightards are destroying Poland, it is a fact, anybody who opposes them is a true patriot.
OP gumishu  15 | 6227
10 Feb 2022   #64
anybody who opposes them is a true patriot.

yeah, sure judge Tuleya became famous when he lashed out against CBA (Central Anti Coruption Bureau) for "stalinst methods" during the investigations against doctor Mirosław G. :

4 stycznia 2013 roku warszawski sąd skazał dra Mirosława G. na rok więzienia w zawieszeniu na dwa za przyjęcie 17,5 tysiąca złotych łapówek. Sąd wymierzył mu też karę 72 tys. zł grzywny. Jej część zostanie jednak odliczona z uwagi na to, że dr G., jako podejrzany w śledztwie, spędził trzy miesiące w areszcie[25]. Sędzia Igor Tuleya uzasadniając wyrok potępił jednocześnie działania CBA polegające na przeprowadzaniu nocnych przesłuchań. Porównał je do metod stalinizmu. Część opinii publicznej zarzucała sędziemu, że przekroczył swoje kompetencje, jednak treści jego wystąpienia broniła Krajowa Rada Sądownictwa[26].

what is more judge Tuleya used a criminal case to ask prejudicial question to the ECJ concerning the Polish disciplinary mechanism against judges which meant that the case could be dropped because of the statute of limitations - the prejudicial questions had nothing to do with the case,warszawski-sad-okregowy-wystapil-do-tsue-z-pytaniem-prejudycjalnym.html

both of these instances show that the judge is motivated by a political agenda
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
10 Feb 2022   #65
That would be a neobolshevik approach.

I don't care about things like that, that would be the right thing to do.
pawian  224 | 27236
10 Feb 2022   #66
he lashed out against CBA (Central Anti Coruption Bureau) for "stalinst methods" during

The methods which involved night interrogations. Did you read Archipelag Gulag by Sołzenicyn? I did - all three volumes. Tuleya was perfectly right - those WERE stalinist methods.

concerning the Polish disciplinary mechanism against judges

The disciplinary mechanism which has been rejected as completely illegal by the EU which in consequence imposed huge penalty fines on PiS government, the ones which all Poles will have to pay? So, Tuleya was perfectly right.

Anything else? :):):)
OP gumishu  15 | 6227
10 Feb 2022   #67
The methods which involved night interrogations.

stalinist methods were beating, pulling fingernails, leaving people in cold cells with ankle deep water and some such, night interrogations are a minor nuisance compared
pawian  224 | 27236
10 Feb 2022   #68
night interrogations are a minor nuisance compared

Fascinating logic: when a method used by stalinists is only a minor nuisance, it ceases to be stalinist. hahahaha

I see you have a reading problem so let me repeat: Tuleya was perfectly right - those WERE stalinist methods.

Gumi, try harder. :):):)
OP gumishu  15 | 6227
10 Feb 2022   #69
Curious logic. When sth was a minor nuisance, it ceases to be a stalinist method. hahahaha

curios logic is comparing night interrogations with beating, pulling out fingernails and making people ill by keeping them cold -yeah this is a strange kind of logic
pawian  224 | 27236
10 Feb 2022   #70
night interrogations

Hey, Mr Manipulator, answer one fundamental question: Were night interrogations used by stalinists or not??? :):):)
Just yes or no is enough.
OP gumishu  15 | 6227
10 Feb 2022   #71
Hey, Mr Manipulator

hey mister manipulator - which forms of interrogations did the prisoners fear more - night interrogations or pulling fingernails, pulling teeth, breaking noses, day after day of cold without water and food - it's as if police/prosecution around the word don't use night interrogations
pawian  224 | 27236
10 Feb 2022   #72
hey mister manipulator

Hey, Mister you know what hahaha why didn`t you answer my basic simple easy to answer question? Were night interrogations used by stalinists or not?

Simple yes or no is enough.

Gumi, I am really surprised you are prolonging it like that - you know you can`t win this one. :)

it's as if police/prosecution around the word don't use night interrogations

Around the world? You mean Belarus or Russia?? hahaha May I remind you that the plot of the interrogation story was set in Poland? Do you suggest that Poland means nowhere like certain French author claimed???
OP gumishu  15 | 6227
10 Feb 2022   #73
Around the world?

maybe I watch too many Hollywood films - but they seem to suggest that night interrogations are not unusual in the US
pawian  224 | 27236
10 Feb 2022   #74
are not unusual in the US

Mister, we are not based in the USA but in Poland. And the guy interrogated at night wasn`t American but Polish. Also, he wasn`t an actor from Hollywood but a doctor from Warsaw.

Anything else??? :):):)

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