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Introduction to Polish history! From a Polish perspective

Lyzko  45 | 9751
5 Jul 2022   #61
Is it not also "rife" on the Continent, mate?
Seems you're in denial.

There ain't nothin' supposed about European anti-Semitism, certainly not in Poland. Remember too, their indeed heroic resistance to Hitler by no means signified a love lost for their Jewish fellow citizens!

Sweden as well as Denmark were virulently anti-Nazi, particularly the latter and likewise brought forth a singularly courageous resistance.
However, Kaj Munk, need I remind you, was NOT exactly a friend of the Jews, even if a sworn foe of Hitler:-)
Novichok  4 | 9051
5 Jul 2022   #62
Darling, where did you get your education?

The same place where you did or better. Liceum 37 in Warsaw (Nowy Swiat and Swietokrzyska)
Hey, professor, why don't you grade his first sentence. You know the scale...2 - 5. Here it is:

As there are troubling times in Europe nowadays, skies darkening in midst of summer over a beautiful country filled with the main river named Vistula in English (it is derived from the Latin version of the locals name for it "Wisła") as you will soon learn Latin had a large impact on the Polish language and way of life, but for now bear with me cause there is another bear enireraly roaming close to this country's borders.

If it's less than 5 (bardzo dobry), correct it to deserve 5...hahahahahaha...Go ahead...It shouldn't take you long...hahahahaha...

Stop hijacking threads with your rubbish please
OP Kashub1410  6 | 580
6 Jul 2022   #63
Sweden as well as Denmark were virulently anti-Nazi

I am glad you confirmed that you don't think or claim that Poland had been member of the axis powers, just like how you wrote the post I commented seemed to make me think that you think it (I do have had the pleasure of hearing that the younger generation thinks Poland was part of the axis due to the fact that most camps were in Poland, and general historical ignorance. I am glad it's not the case with you.)

However what makes you think Sweden was anti-Nazi? They were the most pro-Nazi Scandinavian country until defeat at Stalingrad, trying to be Neutral yet having very good relations with the Nazi-Germans.
pawian  226 | 27583
6 Jul 2022   #64
Jadwiga during her reign, while Duke of Lithuania became her Husband

Not the happiest marriage. She was in her teens, already a pious christian, when she had to marry a 40 year old Lithuanian pagan, Jagiełło, in late 14th century.

Still, he is considered one of the greatest Polish kings who fully deserves his place on a Polish banknote.

Romantic long haired representation.

  • 62734223Kopiowanie.jpg

  • wladyslawjagielloo.jpg
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
6 Jul 2022   #65
Denmark were virulently anti-Nazi,

the Free Corps Denmark, Danmarks Nationalsocialistiske Ungdom (Danish Nazi youth movement), These factors combined to allow Denmark a very favourable relationship with Nazi Germany. The government remained somewhat intact, and the parliament continued to function more or less as it had before. They were able to maintain much of their former control over domestic policy.[15] The police and judicial system remained in Danish hands, and unlike most occupied countries.

You are ignorant troll.
YankeeDOO  - | 3
6 Jul 2022   #66
Absolutely loved your history story Mr. KASHUB. Poles being FIELD people makes sense of you know Slavic languages. Did not know about this!
pawian  226 | 27583
6 Jul 2022   #67
battle of Grunwald, where the Teutonic order was beaten so badly

By joint forces: Polish, Lithuanian, Russ, Czech and Moldavian. Two swords which the Teutonic Knights sent to the Polish king were a reminder to start the battle.

I have always liked watching this battle in the movie: Especially the scene when both armies sing their battle hymns - religious songs. :):):) Polish God`s Mother and German Christ ist erstanden

In the settings, you can choose English in subtitles

  • zdj.3.jpg
Lyzko  45 | 9751
6 Jul 2022   #68
Are you aware of the name "Dr." Frits Claussen and his ill-fated pro-Hitler outbursts? To the Danes' proud credit, he never received even full minority support in the Folketing (Danish Parliament) and was even denounced as "Un-Danish" in character!

Yes, I'm aware that in nearly every European nation, a pro-Nazi contingent reared its ugly head, with perhaps the exeception of Albania and Bulgaria.
Miloslaw  20 | 5140
6 Jul 2022   #69
Is it not also "rife" on the Continent, mate?

No, it is not.

Seems you're in denial

Not at all.

Seems to me like you want to colour most Euros with anti semitism when in fact the main problem is in your own country.
Most of the anti semites on this forum are American.

You ignore the fact that at a time when many European nations were expelling Jews, Poland was the only country willing to take them in and offer them a safe haven.

TBH, some Jews did not repay the Poles for their generosity.
And then there are posters like deeply ashamed....
Lyzko  45 | 9751
6 Jul 2022   #70
So then the issue of European anti-Semitism's something made up out of whole cloth, is that it?

Who's in denial now?
pawian  226 | 27583
6 Jul 2022   #71
I hope you enjoyed this short first chapter

Yes. Now I am going to read and comment on chapter 2.

Yet due to a lost battle at Varna,

1444 AD. 20 year old Polish king fought hard against Turks but was killed and beheaded. Later, his case was studied by WW2 American generals who wondered if it was OK to eliminate an enemy top commander. After they found out what had happened to the Polish king, they decided to kill Japanese admiral Yamamoto in 1943.

The mausolem devoted to the heroic king, Varna, Bulgaria. I visited it as a child. The cenotaph in the Wawel Castle Cathedral in Krakow.

  • 800pxVarnaMemorial.jpg

  • images.jpg
Lyzko  45 | 9751
6 Jul 2022   #72
Thought Jan Sobieski was the king who helped defeat the Ottomans.
Never too late to learn.
pawian  226 | 27583
6 Jul 2022   #73
Thought Jan Sobieski

That was 200 years later. Poles contained Turkish pressure for a long time. :):):)
Lyzko  45 | 9751
6 Jul 2022   #74
Nice info, Pawku!
As always thanks.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 547
6 Jul 2022   #75
Two swords which the Teutonic Knights sent to the Polish king were a reminder to start the battle.

Pawianku, to be deficient in quoting from Trilogy is one thing, but misunderstanding treacherous underhanded aims of the Teutonic Knights is not becoming of
the teacher of the year. I am considering withdrawing my children from your school.:::))) The wording was as follows: Two German asrseholes caring the "gift" of swordes. thinking they were clever,(because they were German)said actually, those were words of super arsehole Von Jungingen;Aby mestwa ,ktorego wam widac brakuje,dodac, przesylam te oto dwa nagie miecze So Pawianku, wyraznie widac ze Niemiaszki biorac Jagielle za glupka were goading him to abandon high ground

and favorable position.In other words, come to papa so we can slaughter you, you inferior Slaves. So no remainder of any kind, just hooks, and sinker, to which Jagiello answered with an extended middle finger
pawian  226 | 27583
7 Jul 2022   #76
Jagiello answered with an extended middle finger

Actually, you are wrong. After two swords delivery, Polish king decided to engage into the battle at last.

aims of the Teutonic Knights

Their primary aim was to start the battle - Knights were waiting for hours in the open field under the scorching sun while Polish Lithuanian etc troops were staying in the cool forest.


If anybody was trecherous it was Slavs who were hiding in the forest, delaying the engagement. Not very chivalric behaviour. :):):) In the Middle Ages knight armies used to meet on the open ground where they could ride their cavalry freely.

It seems we still have to educate you. :)::)
Przelotnyptak1  - | 547
7 Jul 2022   #77
Actually, you are wrong. After two swords delivery, Polish king decided to engage into the battle at last.

Jagiello decided to enter the battle after choosing the time and place of war, not because of the deliverance of two swords. As for the production and worth of the movie, rather mediocre.

In my estimate should be remade, taking the trilogy as an example. Screaming the loudest is not a substitute for good acting.

Their primary aim was to start the battle -

Agree if you add the importance of strategic location. (the battlefield).

It seems we still have to educate you. :)::)

Paw, I must decline. With your understanding of the strategic planning and chosen method of education, Poland as a nation would no longer exist, and gigantic Germany would dominate Europe, probably most of the world. Which would make 97% Slavic BB mucho sad:::)))
pawian  226 | 27583
7 Jul 2022   #79
Screaming the loudest is not a substitute for good acting.

Such was the style of acting in 1960 when they made it. It seems you don`t know much about those styles..... :):):) You need to know they have changed over time. Take, for example, silent movies - remember their style???

should be remade the trilogy as an example.

What? The battle or Cross Bearers adaptation?

strategic planning

But educating you isn`t like a war or battle. It is a piece of cake for me so don`t adopt such an elevated tone. S-T-R-A-T-E-G-I-C PLANNING. hohohoho big deal

hahaha buhahahaha
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
7 Jul 2022   #80
Are you aware of the name "Dr." Frits Claussen

I don't give a damn. I just pointed out that you posted a lie and a nonsesne. You are ignornat.
I have thought you are a German pretending to be American but someone said you are a Jew? Right.
Well, polish anti-semitism it is something that in any other country it is called - philosemitism.
If you are a Jew you are an ungreatful little jerk and a possibliy an incling why people dislike Jews in general.
I think you are not only a stupid jerk but olso a stupid troll.
Stop bringing into the Polish history subject your BS and your trolling.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 547
7 Jul 2022   #81
Such was the acting style in 1960 when they made it. It seems you don`t know much about those styles...

True, but that changes not one thing. Bad acting is terrible regardless of time. At the same time, America made great movies.
With great anticipation, I am waiting for a remake.

But educating you isn`t like a war or battle.

Of course not; it is failed attempt on your part, simply for lack of a more profound understanding of events shaping the future of the Polish nation.
pawian  226 | 27583
7 Jul 2022   #82
more profound understanding of events shaping the future

Why are you so ridicuolusly solemn?? Drop this elevated tone, this thread is lighter than you imagine. hahaha

At the same time, America made great movies.

So did Poland. And the acting in those reward winning films was the same style which you dislike in Cross Bearers.
Lyzko  45 | 9751
7 Jul 2022   #83
You call ME a "troll", Cojestdocholery??!
Boy, that's rich. I've heard of the pot calling the kettle black, but this has got to be one for the books.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 547
7 Jul 2022   #84
So did Poland. And the acting in those reward winning films w

Pawianku drogi, that must be the reason I movie lover, after numerous attempts, finally capitulated. Never again will I attempt watching
Noce I Dnie to its conclusion, to save my eardrums.:::)))
pawian  226 | 27583
8 Jul 2022   #85
Noce I Dnie to its conclusion, to save my eardrums.:

You mean the waltz which is the musical leitmotif in the series? Yes, quite nice.

Przelotnyptak1  - | 547
8 Jul 2022   #86
usical leitmotif in the series? Yes, quite lovely.

What series?
I am talking about the movie. As for you, two alternatives, ear muffs or hearing aides:::)))
pawian  226 | 27583
9 Jul 2022   #87
What series?
I am talking about the movie

Ah, yes, first they made a film and then the series which I watched in 1970s. You were still residing in Poland then so you could have watched it too. .
Przelotnyptak1  - | 547
9 Jul 2022   #88
Pawianku, you recommend, and I watch religiously.
pawian  226 | 27583
9 Jul 2022   #89
you recommend

Nope. I wrote: you could have watched. This past modal construction means that something was possible in the past, or you had the ability to do something in the past.

For recommendation, I would have written :you should watch it.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 547
10 Jul 2022   #90
Paw, for the sake of argument, you are ready to split hair in half? How more accommodating can I be? I already said: that I am waiting for your recommendations, your humble Pietaszek :::)))

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