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Polish historical myths - to break or not to break them?

Poloniusz  5 | 969
30 Jan 2022   #241
she has been chosen by some groups as the Founding Father of LGBT movement in Poland

She was a father?! How is that possible?

Was "she" transgender, a transvestite or was "she" the one who "wore the pants" in her 20 year lesbian affair?

Konopnicka monument:

The propaganda photo you posted is dated to the year 2020 and wrapped in a flag dated all the way back to 1979. How passé!

Why didn't your fellow queer activists use your community's "Progress Pride" flag which has been around since 2018?

Wikipedia states about your 2018 banner that "The flag design immediately went viral as the Progress Pride Flag on social media, prompting worldwide coverage in news outlets."


It's just like back in the Cold War era where cringey communist youth were always ignorant of and literally decades behind on actual and contemporary cultural trends occurring in the capitalist West.
OP pawian  226 | 27475
30 Jan 2022   #242
She was a father?! How is that possible?

In our minds` eyes everything is possible, darling. hahaha

dated all the way back to 1979.

Don`t worry about dates, they aren`t important, what really maters is enthusiasm for change and diversity! hahaha

Why didn't your fellow queer activists use your community's "Progress Pride" flag

Because this is Poland, darling, and we don`t care about flags new or old. A flag is always a flag. Did you have a difficulty in recognizing it? No. You see? It works fine. buhahahahaha

Wow, btw, you are quite an expert on LGBT flags. Salute! hahahaha

PS. Polo, darling, welcome back. I am so glad to read you. :):)

What a pity the winter holidays are finishing and now I won`t have so much time for our lovely discussions. You should have reappeared earlier. :(:(:(
Poloniusz  5 | 969
30 Jan 2022   #243
we don`t care about flags new or old

You obviously never heard that certain symbols are banned in Poland and for good reason.

Here is your new Progress Pride Flag:

What do you see?

Here is another way of looking at it:

OP pawian  226 | 27475
30 Jan 2022   #244
You obviously never heard that certain symbols are banned

Yes, I know, darling, that promotion of fascism and communism is banned. :))

Here is your new Progress Pride Flag:

No, it isn`t mine. I don`t like it. Thank you, you can keep it.

Here is another way of looking at it:

hahaha you are playing nice graphics games with flags. Did you invent it on your own or sb else shared it with you??? :):

Anything else? I am going to clean my teeth and then turn in. Tomorrow`s a whole new busy day starting the second term. .
Poloniusz  5 | 969
30 Jan 2022   #245
No, it isn`t mine.

You proudly professed you are an ally and advocate. It is your flag. You own it.

playing nice graphics games with flags

Not me. I didn't design it. But it should serve as a warning. It is neo-fascism by stealth and it won't be long before censorship descends once again on Poland all in the name of "diversity and tolerance." Mark my words. You'll remember them and with regret should PiS ever be voted out.
OP pawian  226 | 27475
30 Jan 2022   #246
It is your flag.

No, I choose my flags. You can keep it. Ha!

It is neo-fascism

Only when you play subliminal games which is your new hobby , I see. But I don`t buy into it,. sorry. :):)

Mark my words

Hark!!! hahaha

should PiS ever be voted out.

Wow, do you also believe they will be voted out? You`re my man, darling! I love you! Star Wars New Hope! hahahaha buhahahaha
Poloniusz  5 | 969
30 Jan 2022   #247
I don`t like it...You can keep it.

That's understandable.

Many vexillologist are vexed by the new design too.

But you are on record here both cheerleading the LGBT movement and saying you don't care anyway about flag designs old or new.

Nice try but you can't abrogate your responsibilities in this matter.

But I don`t buy into it,

I'm not selling anything.

I love you!

Yes, I have many adoring fans but your love for me is unrequited.
Novichok  4 | 8485
31 Jan 2022   #248
It is neo-fascism by stealth and it won't be long before censorship descends once again on Poland all in the name of "diversity and tolerance."

They have two responses. For now: It's a lie. Later: It's justified.
The perverts designed those flags, shapes and colors, for the kids. Mommie, Mommie, I like these colors! Can I color my bedroom like this?
Poloniusz  5 | 969
31 Jan 2022   #249
The perverts designed those flags, shapes and colors, for the kids. Mommie, Mommie, I like these colors!

Indeed, they have even brazenly admitted their aim is indoctrination. Unsurprisingly, that didn't go over well at all.

San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus faces backlash for 'we're coming for your children' video

Novichok  4 | 8485
31 Jan 2022   #250
they have even brazenly admitted their aim is indoctrination.

The funniest thing is that their enablers here can't answer my favorite question: how many guys can a society have and still be sustainable. Some idiot actually said that an all-gay society is just as viable as all-hetero.
OP pawian  226 | 27475
31 Jan 2022   #251
you can't abrogate your responsibilities in this matter.

I can perfectly abjugate myself from any responsibility to adopt the new flag. I am a free man, I make my own choices. Why are you as totalitarian as a communist political commissar that you are telling me what I have to adopt and believe in??? :):):

I'm not selling anything.

Of course you do. What? BS. Like with this flag. Every. Single. Time. hahaha

but your love for me is unrequited.

Yes, I know, you love Novi. And vice versa. He cried for you every day when you were absent. hahahahaha buhahahaha

It is neo-fascism by stealth

Funny that you risk commiting such a blatant fallacy in public here, being aware that I still read you and will surely expose it. You are getting senile, darling, your old good days of stud and hold `em are long gone. :):):)

Why is it fallacy on your part to collate LGBT with neofascism? Two reasons:
1/ Original fascists in Germany and Italy persecuted LGBT - e.g, German gays were sent to concentration camps.
2/ Modern neofascist movements reject LGBT as a deviation and demand the introduction of discriminatory laws which would subjugate gays once and for all.

Sb who invented that Nazi graphics trick with the flag was ignorant about history and modernity. That you are such, too, is the most amazing thing I have experienced in this forum within the last 2 weeks. :):):)

Tell us: What are you going to do with your ignorance? :):)
OP pawian  226 | 27475
31 Jan 2022   #252
how many guys can a society have

Guys? hahaha Try to show respect and type without spelling mistakes when discussing such vital issues. :):)

I already told you but you never listen - as many as nature or God decide to assign to a particular society- it is a natural or godly process and your attempts to define any numbers are ridiculous.

can't answer my favorite question:

Which only proves your persistent stupidity, darling - namely, you can`t translate everything into numbers coz certain matters are too elusive and intangible to grasp them as easily as you imagine. Stop this obsession of yours coz you only discredit yourself. :)
Novichok  4 | 8485
31 Jan 2022   #253
are too elusive and intangible

Do you know how many kids you have? Or is that concept too elusive and intangible for you? Do you know why you don't have 4 times as many, stud? Because you couldn't afford it, darling. And your fictional "God" had nothing to do with your decision to have as many as you have.

Instead of consulting with God, you just said to your wife, hon, it's time to talk. Is it going to be you or me?

The same with gays. A viable society can only have so many of these biologically useless weirdos or that society has a big, fu*cking problem. Unless it wants to die. Then, no problem.

Guys? hahaha Try to show respect and type without spelling mistakes

You forgot that I am Novigod now and I don't make mistakes. That stupid leftist auto-correct software didn't like "gays" and changed to "guys". Hahahahahahaha

BTW, that God who creates gays, is it the same one that creates other perverts and sex offenders? If so, why won't he drop a list of the scum so we know who they are in advance and before they to do something criminal like those atheist priests?
Poloniusz  5 | 969
1 Feb 2022   #254
Some idiot actually said that an all-gay society is just as viable as all-hetero.

These are the same sorts of morons who also regard living in a nation as no different than staying at a hotel.

They ultimately behave like paying guests (i.e., taxpayers) who are to be catered to rather than act like citizens with both a history to learn and admire as well as a responsibility towards the survival and continuation of their nation.

They really have nothing in common with other guests apart from maybe a membership card (i.e., a passport) but for many other guests (i.e., illegal immigrants) that isn't necessary and will never be asked for anyway.

And if anything goes wrong they expect the hotel manager (i.e., government) to fix the problem without increasing the cost of their stay.

This mindset is made worse when governments in turn act like mere hoteliers and warmly welcome foreign guests whom they regard as no different from domestic ones.

As long as they can keep the hotel filled with paying guests then as far as they are concerned their business is viable.

I am a free man, I make my own choices.

Nope. You are trapped. The Progress Pride flag and the diverse and inclusive LGBT community for which it stands are indivisible. You can't publicly and enthusiastically support your fringe LGBT movement while at the same time being embarrassed by its flag.

Original fascists in Germany and Italy persecuted LGBT

So? For centuries the Catholic Church and other faiths have had countless numbers of homosexuals in their ranks despite holding a very vocal and at times deadly anti-gay stance. Ditto fascist countries. Queers backstabbing each other is really no different than kapos selling out their fellow Jews. You would have to ask them why they did it.

Modern neofascist movements reject LGBT

On the contrary, they embrace it and use it as an excuse to silence their enemies.

Modern neo-fascists aren't the rabble-rousing brownshirts and skinheads of a bygone era. Today the neo-fascists wear expensive suits and enact government laws and publish corporate mission statements which beckon, underwrite and protect the LGBT movement while simultaneously canceling with gusto anyone who dares to disagree.

What a pity the winter holidays are finishing and now I won`t have so much time for our lovely discussions.

That's OK. After all, you claim to be a teacher and so need to go back to your routine. Teachers do best at what they do most - hibernating indoors. :)
Novichok  4 | 8485
1 Feb 2022   #255
Today the neo-fascists wear expensive suits

...or BLM shirts and set things on fire at Berkeley when Ann Coulter or Candace Owens is about to speak.

Yes, I know, you love Novi. And vice versa.

No, darling, I only love my wife. But I respect what he writes.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
1 Feb 2022   #256
I respect what he writes.

Thanks, likewise.

The OP's unkind remarks are only aimed at demoralization.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
1 Feb 2022   #257
you are quite an expert on LGBT flags. Salute!

The fact that somebody is gay makes some people unable to sleep at night.

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