OP GefreiterKania 33 | 1480
3 Sep 2023 #61
at first killed many in Union with the Nazis
How many people did Russians kill "in Union with the Nazis" (why the capital letter in Union)? Give me a rough number, and then compare it to the number of Russians slaughtered by the nazis.
It's like saying that Poland lost 6 million citizens in WW2 but first acted "in Union with the Nazis" by invading Czechoslovakia. It may be accurate to some extent but also misleading and distorting the general picture of events.
On 1st September 2009 in Westerplatte there were both Vladimir Putin and Angela Merkel present...
... and it was generally acknowledged, even by Russians, that Ribbentrop-Molotov pact was a mistake and that Poland was a victim. These days it is no longer widely accepted narrative in Russia, and Poland is depicted as a country that contributed to the outbreak of WW2 and our cooperation with Nazi Germany in the partition of Czechoslovakia is stressed.
If you look at foreign and historical policies back then, and compare it to the hate-fest towards both Germany and Russia that PiS is having today, then you can only marvel at the idiocy and deplore how much was destroyed in such a short time.
Not to mention that leading both anti-German and anti-Russian politics at the same time never ended well for Poland.