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Polish history is 100% glorious

2 Aug 2010   #1
Rather than attempting to in any way discuss any event in which Poland or any Poles can be viewed as having been in any way less than perfect, can we all just agree that: Poland's history is an unbroken chain of glorious events; no Pole has ever done anything wrong; any person who is supposed to have done something wrong and been Polish was actually Jewish/Communist/German/Ukrainian/Belorussian/non-white/gay and so can not possibly have been Polish; anything bad that happened to Poland was the fault of Jews and/or the British; there has never been a pogrom in Poland which involved Polish people (see above); the Polish armed forces are the finest in the history of the world and have never lost a war; every Pole has always loved Jews (even though Jews did kill Jesus and all of them drink the blood of baby Christians).

Agreeing on the above will prevent our racist friends (some of whom are actually are Polish) from drooling into their keyboards as they spit out lies about all things related to Poland and any negativity.

Have I missed anything from the above list which we should all agree on?
joepilsudski  26 | 1387
2 Aug 2010   #2
No history 100% glorious...In fact, moments of glory few and far between.

However, everyday life has many, many heroes who get no recognition at all.

As for critique of Poland and it's people, and exposing mistakes, that is why you are here.
sobieski  106 | 2111
2 Aug 2010   #3
Yes, each time the Warsaw Insurrection is remembered, they forget to omit that for example General Anders thought it was a foolish enterprise, and during the Insurrection some "patriots" found the time to murder jews which had survived the Ghetto Uprising in 1943.
Sire Brenshar  1 | 61
2 Aug 2010   #4
I think Polish history is a broken chain of glorious events more;

In many occasions Germans/Ukrainians/Jews/Russians/and other people of all sorts suffered at the hand of Poles.

Seriously Harry, your knowledge of Polish History is terrible, and you should refrain from posting such gross inaccuracies on this forum.

I hate Polonophiles like you, who think that Poland is the chosen nation or something, and I hate even more those who actively preach such things, and thankfully you aren't posting this stuff on other forums.

Do us all a favor, Harry, and learn some real Polish history. You'll find that it is rather glorious, especially compared to nations like England, but you'll also find that it has some blemishes.

Please do not post again until you learn a few things.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
2 Aug 2010   #5
Rather than attempting to in any way discuss any event in which Poland or any Poles can be viewed as having been in any way less than perfect, can we all just agree that.

it seems to be the case on this forum, which is a sad case indeed, but it seems that at least the posters on PF (Polish) are not ready to discuss history without getting defensive. I have to admit that I am appalled by the discussion style of certain individuals, who are ONLY able to produce offensive statements,instead of providing solid arguments.

Thankfully, this is NOT a historic forum, however it is in no way an excuse to justify the immature behavior of some posters.
OP Harry
2 Aug 2010   #6
In many occasions Germans/Ukrainians/Jews/Russians/and other people of all sorts suffered at the hand of Poles.

No they didn't! Your accusations are nothing but lies told by the entire world apart from Poland in order to besmirch the glorious reputation of Poland! It is all a perfidious Jewish/Communist/British/German/Russian/homosexual/satanist plot!
Stu  12 | 515
2 Aug 2010   #7
told by the entire world apart from Poland

If it looks like a dog, walks like a dog and smells like a dog, it is ... a dog.

Who says that Poland has a different version? You have! Maybe you are wrong.

You are just pathetic ... :-S
Sire Brenshar  1 | 61
2 Aug 2010   #8
No they didn't! Your accusations are nothing but lies told by the entire world apart from Poland in order to besmirch the glorious reputation of Poland! It is all a perfidious Jewish/Communist/British/German/Russian/homosexual/satanist plot!


What's your problem? Go back to Sturmfront Harry...

Or take the advice I gave you before.

Mods, can you ban this crazy guy?
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
2 Aug 2010   #11
he is not playing a game, he provides observations about how some historical events are handled on PF by the Polish posters.
If anything some of the posters are playing a game of a "hit and run".
OP Harry
2 Aug 2010   #12
he is not playing a game, he provides observations about how some historical events are handled on PF by the Polish posters.

Saying that shows that you are either Jewish or a homosexual, or both.
Seanus  15 | 19666
2 Aug 2010   #14
Let us not forget that £ambinowice was swept under the carpet for so long. Oh, the attack on the Czechs was wild and wrong.

Sokrates is the best with his WWII analysis. It just goes to show how different books and direction can lead you 'poles' apart.
Sire Brenshar  1 | 61
2 Aug 2010   #15
he is not playing a game, he provides observations about how some historical events are handled on PF by the Polish posters.
If anything some of the posters are playing a game of a "hit and run".

Yes he is, he is probably the most obvious reason why "some posters" are so "patriotic".
He's looking for reactions and he's certainly getting them too.

Saying that shows that you are either Jewish or a homosexual, or both.

Now was that sarcasm or did he genuinely just assault you there...?

Let us not forget that £ambinowice was swept under the carpet for so long. Oh, the attack on the Czechs was wild and wrong.

Sokrates is the best with his WWII analysis. It just goes to show how different books and direction can lead you 'poles' apart.

Which Czech attack are you referring to?

My greatest sympathy for victims of Poles is mostly the blotched way of dealing with Ruthenians in the VII century and how it eventually helped cause the Deluge, and with the Lithuanians, Czechs, and especially the Ukrainians during the XXth.

Other than that Polish History is rather Glorious.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
2 Aug 2010   #16
Yes he is, he is probably the most obvious reason why "some posters" are so "patriotic".

of course it is Harry's fault that some people are not able to discuss the historic events in Poland in a constructive way. Bad Harry!!!!

Now was that sarcasm or did he genuinely just assault you there...?

I think you meant "insulted". Sarcasm. I am Ukrainian.
2 Aug 2010   #17
aphrodisiac wrote:

Thankfully, this is NOT a historic forum,

could've fooled me.

there are countless threads on PF discussing Polish history ad nauseam.
OP Harry
2 Aug 2010   #18
I am Ukrainian.

You're a gay Ukrainian Jew? That's as low as sub-humans can get. No wonder you are so jealous of the ubermenschen Poles!
Sire Brenshar  1 | 61
2 Aug 2010   #19
of course it is Harry's fault that some people are not able to discuss the historic events in Poland in a constructive way. Bad Harry!!!!

Not Harry's fault, but he certainly is a major roadblock in it all. (Perhaps I blamed Harry a bit to strongly in my previous post)

You're a gay Ukrainian Jew? That's as low as sub-humans can get. No wonder you are so jealous of the ubermenschen Poles!

Now you are taking it too far, since no one (except for Sokrates maybe, but that's just his way of getting a point across) has said anything with the equivalent of that.

Hmmm; Harry and Sokrates, I would like to see the two together in their very own personal thread...
pgtx  29 | 3094
2 Aug 2010   #20
I would like to see the two together in their very own personal thread...

who cares...
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
2 Aug 2010   #21
You're a gay Ukrainian Jew? That's as low as sub-humans can get. No wonder you are so jealous of the ubermenschen Poles!

I tell is not easy to be me. lol
MareGaea  29 | 2751
2 Aug 2010   #22
Great topic, Harry. Too bad that nearly not many see the sarcasm in there...

Sokrates is the best with his WWII analysis.

I don't think so, Seanus or was this meant as sarcasm?
Sokidoki is like "THEY did stuff to us and WE did nothing! We're innocent yet always it's the others who do bad stuff to us."


M-G (yay!)

Mods, can you ban this crazy guy?

Just reading this thread again, apparantly you don't seem to get that he is sarcastic and this thread is intended as a sneer at those (unfortunately there are many here) posters that haven't accepted yet that there are darke episodes in Polish history as well, just like in any other country. Instead, they get defensive, throwing insults at Topic Starters to the point where that person who is genuinely interested in this part of Polish history, as well as other parts of that particular history, gets attacked as a person. I could mention some names, but I think we all know about whom we are talking. In their view it's always the others that did it. If it weren't so sad, one could laugh about it, but in fact you should just pity those persons as they yet have to come to age.


M-G (pities most of them)
Zed  - | 195
3 Aug 2010   #23
Such a lame thread... no substance whatsoever
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
3 Aug 2010   #24
I don't think you are right. While I am open to admit that Polish history has definetely not been 100% glorious (you know as well as me that saying this is absurd!), I think the topic opened by Harry has just been meant to provoke people like Sokrates or Ironside. Harry and Sokrates are two of a kind and each one needs the constant company of the other on this forum to indulge themselves in the game. There is more psychology in it than exchanging views and opinions. A newcomer who comes to the forum gets a very inacurate impresion of the Polish people by reading the texts Sokrates, just as he gets a very inacurate impression of the foreign people living in Poland by reading the texts of Harry.

Yes, each time the Warsaw Insurrection is remembered, they forget to omit that for example General Anders thought it was a foolish enterprise

That in fact is not true. There has been a lot of people in Poland including prominent members of the then Polish government in exile as well as outstanding Polish contemporary historians who challenged and have disputed the decision to fight the Germans by declaring the Warsaw Insurrection.


You're a gay Ukrainian Jew? That's as low as sub-humans can get. No wonder you are so jealous of the ubermenschen Poles!

In my view, such a comment (calling someone the Hitler-style name of "sub-human" in the above context) should cause an ultimate ban of the author on every high-quality forum. You should have really pointed out to that first, MareGaea, before taking to this:

Great topic, Harry. Too bad that nearly not many see the sarcasm in there...

That is indeed much more nasty than not seeing sarcasm in Harry's posts ...
OP Harry
3 Aug 2010   #25
I think the topic opened by Harry has just been meant to provoke people like Sokrates or Ironside.

Not at all. Those two cretins are clearly past saving. One much more than the other (I particularly liked the time when he threatened to come to Warsaw with his mates to beat me up, I told him where to find me but I'm still waiting for them to come over).

just as he gets a very inacurate impression of the foreign people living in Poland by reading the texts of Harry.

You're probably right there: most foreigners in Poland don't give a flying fcuk about Polish history and know even less than they care.

In my view, such a comment (calling someone the Hitler-style name of "sub-human" in the above context) should cause an ultimate ban of the author on every high-quality forum.

At this forum one is apparently quite free to call people pakis, nigggers, faggots, fcuking Jews, etc etc. Just look at the filth which comes from Sokrates (although he does get banned from time to time).
jonni  16 | 2475
3 Aug 2010   #26
Just look at the filth which comes from Sokrates

Amen. A disgrace to his username.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
3 Aug 2010   #27
Just look at the filth which comes from Sokrates

You've unfortunately missed my balanced replies to his posts in Polish to which he eventually could not find proper answers, so he resorted to telling me that I had better shut up because he knows both English and Polish better than I do. Yes, Sokrates is quite a lamentable creature; he seems to be a teenager (at least mentally, if not for real) who has just discovered the joy of sex as well as the joy of publishing on the internet. But what is the logic behind the fact that you put him in front of you when someone reproaches you for having called an Ukrainian a "sub-human so jealous of the ubermenschen Poles". Is it the logic of a thief who says that stealing is acceptable only beacause his neighbour steals?
Ironside  51 | 13083
3 Aug 2010   #28
Insurrection some "patriots" found the time to murder jews which had survived the Ghetto Uprising in 1943.

what do you know, maggot?

My greatest sympathy for victims of Poles is mostly the blotched way of dealing with Ruthenians in the VII century and how it eventually helped cause the Deluge, and with the Lithuanians, Czechs, and especially the Ukrainians during the XXth.

Why ? Show me an example of dealing with such occurrences differently ?

two cretins

cretins ? do you intent to show how much more refined you are ?
well, this cretin salutes you :D
History -At last you got it right !!!!

You've unfortunately missed my balanced replies

Oh yes! self-propagating is the game ! :D


What was that??????jonni? i don't recognize you..

A J  4 | 1075
3 Aug 2010   #29
Polish history is 100% glorious

Yes, just like Dutch history. The rest of the world sucks. Sorry, we can't help it either.

OP Harry
3 Aug 2010   #30
As aphrodisiac clearly understood, my comment about him being untermenschen was jocular. However, Sokrates' filth is meant 100% seriously.

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