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Ghetto Uprising better known than Warsaw Uprising?

pierogi2000  4 | 226
12 Oct 2013   #61
Ghetto Uprising better known than Warsaw Uprising?

Honestly, I think people in the West confuse the two and think it was the same thing (1 event)
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
12 Oct 2013   #62
About 10 years ago the Chicago SunTimes had a feature article on the Warsaw Uprising and a couple of days later a reader commented in the letters section that he was wondering why it wasn't mentioned that so many Jews were killed in the uprising. This person was unaware of the Warsaw Uprising and evidently thought that the Jewish Ghetto Uprising was the only one.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
31 Oct 2013   #63
Honestly, I think people in the West confuse the two and think it was the same thing (1 event)

Well in many countries they don't even know their own history that much...
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
19 Apr 2020   #64
77 years ago, on April 19, 1943, Jewish fighters from ŻOB and ZZW resisted armed German troops that began to liquidate the Warsaw ghetto

Let us today on this 77th anniversary remember the brave Jews who stood up to fight for their very existence.

"The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was a sign of great courage, but at the same time a cry of despair of Jews who were murdered every day by German torturers; we remember this courage and desire for freedom - Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki wrote on Sunday, the 77th anniversary of the uprising. "
jon357  72 | 23361
19 Apr 2020   #65
stood up to fight for their very existence.

Something we should never forget.

Have you read the Leon Uris book, Mila 18?
jon357  72 | 23361
19 Apr 2020   #66
An interesting article here about Marek Edelman
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
19 Apr 2020   #67
Let us today on this 77th anniversary remember the brave Jews who stood up to fight for their very existence

Could not agree more......
johnny reb  49 | 7974
20 Jan 2023   #68
Interesting lost photo's of the Uprising
WARSAW, Poland (AP) - Warsaw's Jewish history museum on Wednesday presented a group of photographs taken in secret during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of 1943, some of which have never been seen before, that were recently discovered in a family collection.

The POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews described the discovery of negatives with some 20 never-seen images as important discovery.
pawian  224 | 27236
21 Jan 2023   #69
Interesting lost photo's of the Uprising

E.g, Germans are rounding up captured Jews and leading them to the train going to the death camp.

  • 1.jpg
traveler1  1 | 8
22 Jan 2023   #70
Isn't it now a criminal offense to say that Poland killed the Jews? Because the extermination is a myth and anti-polish anti-white propaganda.
Alien  25 | 6353
22 Jan 2023   #71
Isn't it now a criminal offense to say that Poland killed the Jews?

Actually it is.
marion kanawha  3 | 119
4 Feb 2023   #72
This thread has brought up an interesting point.
This is an observation I've made. For about a year I've been intently reading Polish history. A lot of books about Polish history are now available in English.

I've noticed that when I search for Polish history on-line oftentimes Jewish history comes up. Jewish history in Poland, Jewish history in general, modern Jewish history, etc., etc.

When I look up Czarist or Soviet Russian, Ottoman Turkish history, Ukrainian history, Lithuanians history, only their histories come up. It's only when I type in Polish history that Jewish history comes up.

To find out what I'm looking for in Poland's history timeline I need to be very specific, e.g. Polish Commonwealth, Casmir the Great, Piasts, etc., etc.

I do know that Jewish history is intricately tied to Polish history over the centuries. But aren't there way far more Jews in Russia ( back then and today) then there ever was in Poland? Why is it when I "google" Russian History I don't get diverted to pages of Jewish history?

Just curious about that.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
4 Feb 2023   #73
Revisionism unfortunately is alive and well and living in the Sejm! Duda along with his cohorts, much like our Institute for Historical Reivew, founded decades ago by James Marcellus, has attempted (unsucessfully, I might add) to subvert truth in the name of a political agenda.

In point of fact, Poland, to her lasting credit, had the largest single Nazi resistance movement in Europe, rivalling France and Norway. Moreover, numerous gentile Poles willingly put their own lives as well as those of their families, at risk in order to save Jewish fellow citizens. Lots lost their lives, others survived and continue to tell the truth, for which they should be forever in our debt.

These are historical facts, proven truths which cannot be whitewashed or denied, facts of which every Polish Christian should be fiercely proud.

However, as in nearly every European country, Poland too had her share of anti-semitic sympathizers such as Dmowski, later Mosicki, while at the same time excoriating Hitler.

We all have skeletons in our closet, be they those of slavery, race massacres right here in the US or Holocaust denial along with other atrocities throughout the world.
Alien  25 | 6353
4 Feb 2023   #74

? Mościcki Ignacy, was he anti-semitic?
Isn't Ignacy a Jewish name?
Lyzko  44 | 9745
4 Feb 2023   #75
"Ignacy" = Ignatius aka St. Ignatius, hardly Jewish:-)
pawian  224 | 27236
4 Feb 2023   #76
I've noticed that when I search for Polish history on-line oftentimes Jewish history comes up

Quite impossible. When I just tried to google out Polish history, I got Polish links, not Jewish.
My advice - change the browser for a more neutral one.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
4 Feb 2023   #77
@marion kanawha
Cause most Jews lived in Poland, it was when Tsarist Russia started to conquer eastern parts of the commonwealth that many Jews became a part of Russia.

When Jews ran from one country to another, most of them found a safe haven in Poland and stayed as they weren't exiled but protected by law.

Until after ww2 it didn't change much and many more were in the U.S instead.

You are free to quote Dmowski or Mościcki supporting alliance with Germany or how it is you think they sympathetic to anti-semitism
Lyzko  44 | 9745
4 Feb 2023   #78
@Kaszub, ck. out Dmowski's essay "Kwestia Zydowska" and then get back to me, as I think you'll have already answered your own question!
pawian  224 | 27236
4 Feb 2023   #79
anti-semitic sympathizers such as Dmowski, later Mosicki,

Mościcki probably wasn`t antisemitic at heart. But he acted like a puppet, being a very passive weak politician - so he closed an eye to the antisemitic campaign by his political buddies from the government and was silent when Jews were persecuted at universities etc.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
5 Feb 2023   #80
...and following this line of reasoning neither were most anti-Semites "at heart"; they simply mouthed the filth so that they could fit in and enjoy the benefits of the belonging to the status quo, is that it?

You'll have to do a little better than that, old man!
pawian  224 | 27236
5 Feb 2023   #81
neither were most anti-Semites "at heart";

Now you are taking it too far. :):)

they simply mouthed the filth so that they could fit in and enjoy the benefits

Yes, there were a lot of such people in history. They had nothing against Jews personally, but they prefered to keep silent when Jews were persecuted. Such a person was Mościcki.
Alien  25 | 6353
5 Feb 2023   #82
taking it too far. :)

Anti-Semitism must be active. Just looking away is not yet an anti-Semitism.
pawian  224 | 27236
5 Feb 2023   #83
During WW2, looking away had similar effect as true anti-semitism - the Holocaust.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
5 Feb 2023   #84
During WW2, looking away had similar effect as true anti-semitism

Oh please!

You cannot put yourself in that situation!
You, like me, are incapable of understanding people's dilemmas at that time.
Stop being holier than thou and just STFU!
You are pathetic....
Novichok  4 | 8748
5 Feb 2023   #85
Actually it is.

That Polish world-class freedom of speech... I remember how way back we couldn't say that the Soviets killed Poles in Katyn. Like now, for a very good reason, of course.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
6 Feb 2023   #86
What I meant was that what you posted sounds like a rationalization bordering on an excuse.
However, you seem like a basically enlightened person, and so it's possible that you are simply trying to give Moscicki the benefit of the doubt:-)
Kashub1410  6 | 580
6 Feb 2023   #87
Or knowing Polish realities and how politics worked in the Polish second republic and doesn't have to second guess wether or not there was "hidden antisemitic agenda" going on.

If there were, Poland would had signed with Hitler long time ago and worked on invading the Soviet Union since the get-go. Which any person with enough historical knowledge knows that did not happen, but also how ridiculously laughable the possibility was/is

It's like accusing German elites of trying to ban beer in Germany due to some of it's members being anti-alcoholics. Give me a break
Lyzko  44 | 9745
6 Feb 2023   #88
Kaszub, Hitler was a tea totaler who discouraged, indeed forbade, the consumption of alcohol!
Kashub1410  6 | 580
6 Feb 2023   #89
No wonder the Germans went all crazy!
Lyzko  44 | 9745
6 Feb 2023   #90
The went crazy for other reasons though. Some have maintained they were crazy right from the start!

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