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Polish-German alliance.

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
12 Mar 2009   #211
Sabaton: "40-1

Soldiers of Poland second to none
Wrath of the Wehrmacht brought to a halt....

Warschau '39:

No army may enter that land
That is protected by Polish hand!

Manno...this country even vanished from Europe for centuries...not much "protecting by polish hand" me thinks!
What history do they sing about?

More great polish-german cooperation:
Filios1  8 | 1336
12 Mar 2009   #212
Warschau '39:

I wonder... how many of those proud German soldiers from the Polish campaign, survived the entire war, including in Russia? ;)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
12 Mar 2009   #213
Oh I dunno... but my grandpa for one...:)

PS: Thanks admin for making the pic smaller...I forgot...:(
12 Mar 2009   #214
Soldiers of Poland second to none
Wrath of the Wehrmacht brought to a halt....

Battle of Wizna (Polish Thermopylae)

On September 2 Captain Władysław Raginis was named the commander of the Wizna area.
His forces numbered approximately 700 soldiers and NCOs and 20 officers armed with 6 pieces of artillery (76mm), 24 HMGs, 18 machine guns and two Kb ppanc wz.35 anti-tank carbines.

On September 8 general Heinz Guderian, commander of the XIX Panzer Corps, was ordered to advance through Wizna towards Brześć. By early morning of September 9 his units reached the Wizna area and were joined with 10th Panzer Division and "Lötzen" Brigade already present in the area. His forces numbered some 1 200 officers and 41 000 soldiers and NCOs, equipped with over 350 tanks, 108 howitzers, 58 pieces of artillery, 195 anti-tank guns, 108 mortars, 188 grenade launchers, 288 heavy machine guns and 689 machine guns. Altogether, his forces were some 60 times stronger than the Polish defenders.

720 Polish guys with 6 cannons for 3 days stopped German offensive of 42 000 soldiers, 350 tanks, 660 cannons and air support ..

It is alleged that Heinz Guderian, in an attempt to end the Polish resistance, threatened the Polish commander that he would shoot the POWs if the remaining forces did not surrender.

Exact Polish losses are unknown, mostly because very little is known of the soldiers that were taken POW by the Germans. It is estimated that most of Polish soldiers were killed in action, with some 40 successfully withdrawing and additional 40 taken POW. Those numbers however are not certain.

German losses are not known either. In his diaries general Heinz Guderian understated the number of German soldiers killed in action. It is certain, however, that the Wehrmacht lost at least 10 tanks and several other AFVs in the struggle.

Battle of Wizna is the theme of one of the Sabaton songs on "The Art of War" album, entitled "40:1", for an estimated ratio of forces on both sides of battle (in fact, with 42200 Germans and 720 Poles, it is 59:1).

Filios1  8 | 1336
12 Mar 2009   #215
but my grandpa for one...:)

My great uncle had a nice picture of him and his buddies in Berlin, 1945 : )

His forces numbered approximately 700 soldiers

These brave soldiers will never be forgotten...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
12 Mar 2009   #216
My great uncle had a nice picture of him and his buddies in Berlin, 1945 : )

I don't think so...:(
POW camp time for them all...

Battle of Wizna is the theme of one of the Sabaton songs on "The Art of War" album, entitled "40:1", for an estimated ratio of forces on both sides of battle (in fact, with 42200 Germans and 720 Poles, it is 59:1).

CONGRATULATIONS!!! You lost a battle!!!

But you've got nothing on us Germans...we lost the whole damn war!
Warsaw8  4 | 126
12 Mar 2009   #217
Sabaton is some good stuff. Wolfpac is my favorite. And yea BB I thought 40-1 was alittle off on their history aswell.

U94 scores a kill in the dark.
Filios1  8 | 1336
12 Mar 2009   #218
I don't think so...:(

I will have to scan it, and send it to you then, BB ;)
I enjoy it a lot...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
12 Mar 2009   #219
Yes, but you are a perv! :)

Hey, you know the tribute to Wittmann "Bound for Glory"?
Warsaw8  4 | 126
12 Mar 2009   #220
Not sure, I can only watch the video if you post it like the one above. The flash player here at work is overidden, but I can watch from the post's people make.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
12 Mar 2009   #221
Okay...I'm trying...
Filios1  8 | 1336
12 Mar 2009   #222

Wittmann got what he deserved in the end... too bad he didn't get it sooner.
Warsaw8  4 | 126
12 Mar 2009   #223
BB I didint know you listened to Bound for Glory. What other White Nationalist bands do you listen too? BFG is popular here...
12 Mar 2009   #224
CONGRATULATIONS!!! You lost a battle!!!

you don't get the point here. I'll try to explain you.

Here's my favourite quote from "300" :

Xerxes: There will be no glory in your sacrifice. I will erase even the memory of Sparta from the histories. Every piece of greek parchment shall be burned. And every greek historian, and every scribe shall have their eyes pulled out, and their tongues cut from their mouth. Why, uttering the very name of Sparta, or Leonidas will be punishable by death. The world will never know you existed at all.

King Leonidas: The world will know that free men stood against a tyrant, that few stood against many, and that before this battle is over, even a god-king can bleed.

Well, the demi-god LOL, Adolf H. unfortuanatelly stood intact in Berlin at this time...heh
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
12 Mar 2009   #225
you don't get the point here. I'll try to explain you.

And you have absolutely no sense of humour!
(Some german blood in you???)

But...don't tell me...the maker of "300" had actually the Poles in mind as he made the movie, didn't he?

Wittmann got what he deserved in the end... too bad he didn't get it sooner.

Yes, he was a pain in the ass for the allies...for sure they wished him dead! :)
Filios1  8 | 1336
12 Mar 2009   #226
But...don't tell me...the maker of "300" had actually the Poles in mind as he made the movie, didn't he?

Yes, but thats a secret, so SHHHHHHH!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
12 Mar 2009   #227

BB I didint know you listened to Bound for Glory. What other White Nationalist bands do you listen too? BFG is popular here...

I'm interested in the lyrics...they sing about Wittmann, that's why I liked it (even as a non-english native it's hard to decipher WHAT he actually sings)
12 Mar 2009   #228
And you have absolutely no sense of humour!

Should I laugh when I read that statement?
I think I need an explanation here. Fast ;-]
BTW: Like I see, you still remember what I told you that day about German sense of humour ;-]

But...don't tell me...the maker of "300" had actually the Poles in mind as he made the movie, didn't he?

Don't think so. He had in mind

that free men stood against a tyrant, that few stood against many

ehh, use some logic
It's an universal statement.

BTW: It's time for me to go to sleep. Night
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
12 Mar 2009   #229
Should I laugh when I read that statement?
I think I need an explanation here. Fast ;-]

That's an order, man!

It's an universal statement.


Night *waves*
12 Mar 2009   #230
It's an universal statement.

allgemein Äußerung. better? lol

12 Mar 2009   #231
Don't bring the names of soldiers who died in WWII in vain. From every side. It's really not something to be made fun of, but talking about specific people getting what they deserve. Come on...I expect better of a few of you.
Crow  154 | 9541
12 Mar 2009   #232
I really don't think Yugos in general and Serbs especially played a big role with Germany...any time...:)

read then... :)

Only now can we comprehend why the last word for Bismarck, on his deathbed, was-'Serbia!'That kind of victory is more sublime than a material victory. It seems to me that only the Serbs could win such a victory, being brought up in their St. Sava's spirit and epic poetry, which our Goethe loved so much. This victory will live for centuries in the souls of us Germans. I wanted to dedicate my last clergyman's sermon to that victory and the Serbs who won it.

A travelogue by Piotr Bein
Filios1  8 | 1336
12 Mar 2009   #233
It's really not something to be made fun of, but talking about specific people getting what they deserve. Come on...I expect better of a few of you.

lol... are you kidding me? Micheal Whitmann did not get what he deserved? Do you know the circumstances of how he died? You should read up about it. Near the end, he had given up, and rushed an impregnable Allied position, getting himself and his crew killed.

Him and glorified Nazi scum like him, I'm just sad they all didn't die. They are all criminals in my mind, and don't deserve any respect.

The only non-criminals were some of the Wehrmacht conscripts, and no one else. Everyone else knew what they were doing, and what they were fighting for. I would gladly travel back in time to put a bullet into Whitmann's head.

I'm sick of people romanticizing about these bastards. You can respect their fighting ability, yes, but you don't have to respect them, as people.
12 Mar 2009   #234
And what would you do as a teenage boy? Everyone is telling you the "best" unit is the Waffen-SS and as the arrogant naive kid you are, you join.

I've talked to plenty of Waffen-SS veterans. I'm not glorifying anything and I know all about Michael Witmann and his beliefs.

Because your society hammers nothing but "evil, evil, evil" into your brain that's all you believe. I'm not expecting you to love them, hell you can even hate them with all your heart. Just have a little respect...they're already dead.
Filios1  8 | 1336
12 Mar 2009   #235
they're already dead.

So are millions of innocent children and women...
12 Mar 2009   #236
And I deplore anyone who disrespects them as well.

Obviously there were those who were guilty (I still don't think open disrespect is right), but you're condemning an entire group of people when that simply isn't the case.

I talked to a Bulgarian veteran. He fought in the 5.SS "Wiking". He didn't join because he hated Jews or thought himself racially superior. He joined because the Americans bombed Sofia and killed his entire family and he wanted a chance to take revenge. The only way he could do that was to join the SS...
Filios1  8 | 1336
12 Mar 2009   #237
I still don't think open disrespect is right

Why? I don't respect them. I don't hold these people in esteem. And why would I? Their fighting ability was second to none, yes, but this does not translate into respect for them as human beings.
12 Mar 2009   #238
Well I mean dragging their names through the mud on an internet forum...personal opinions are one thing.

What about the story of the Bulgarian veteran? If roles were reversed, your family was killed and the only way you could get back at the Germans was to join a band that murdered civilians (but you yourself could remain out of it), would you? Well, I don't expect you to answer that, but think about it...
OP Sokrates  8 | 3335
12 Mar 2009   #239
Just have a little respect...they're already dead.

Mr K98 let me tell you what would i do to an elderly SS veteran if i could get away wwith it, i'd drag him out in the open and keep kicking untill the old bastard stops moving, if allies would ever cared about justice every member of SS regardless of age or gender would have been executed post war.

These people do not deserve respect, for what they've been part of they deserve to be spat upon throught all history (and will be) old, senile or dead they're still RESPONSIBLE for their participation and deserve only our utter disrespect and dislike.
12 Mar 2009   #240

How many more sad stories do you have?
Like they say: "one dead is a tragedy, a thousand dead is a statistic"
Most of the victims of war didn't stand a chance to tell their stories.

BTW: the whole SS was composed of "Bulgarians whose lost their families"? Give me a break and start speak sense...

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