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Film "Wałęsa" - historical reality vs myth - controvercies

Polonius3  980 | 12275
2 Jul 2017   #61
On the 10th of May

So that would make the 10th July one the 88th. Word is going round that some of the vicitms who suffered because of Wałęsa's sntiching on them to the SB will be on hand to tell their story. That should be good! The hard, full truth v an inflated and doctored legend!
Crow  154 | 9541
2 Jul 2017   #62
Ahh i understand now.

I also understand brat Walesa but, I also understand brat Jarosław. Jaroslaw lost his brother Lech who happened to be president (very brave) of Poland and, Jaroslaw knows that Lech was assassinated. He also knows that Lech was assassinated from somebody within NATO, what forcing him and entire Poland to silently accept molesting. So, in turn, as even act of sacrifiction, in political and personal sense, Jaroslaw insist that Poland at least remember and stay reminded. Possible even by the logic- `My brother Lech died serving Poland, was assassinated by our so called NATO/EU partners and you [Poles] truly don`t give a sh** for his death and care only how to feed your stomach. So, I will continue to remind you until you understand.`

I've never heard about this incident before.

Oh, it was most cruel episode in recent Slavic diplomatic history.

But it seems absolutely shocking and disgusting to do that to Lech Wałęsa at the airport.

Why is that shocking to you? I mean, its unpleasant but, shocking. No, its not. At least they didn`t burn him alive, what was/is regular measure proposed for Slavs by Drang Nach Osten.

es, there must be something very strange about the Anglos.

Yes, some of them have stinking fingers, as brat Walesa was able to confirm.
mafketis  38 | 11149
2 Jul 2017   #63
So that would make the 10th July one the 88th

I eagerly await Polly's full conversion to the Smolensk death port cult. Before we know it he'll be spamming us with "betrayed at dawn" PiS boilerplate.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
2 Jul 2017   #64
Why would anyone protest or try to disrupt the smolensk commemoration? That just seems really disrespectful towards the dead and their families.

Basically, it's not a commemoration. It's a political rally, which many families are against as they won't let the dead rest in peace.

The disruption of the event is in protest against the way that Krakowskie Przedmieście has been turned into a political rally grounds monthly.
Crow  154 | 9541
2 Jul 2017   #65
If I rule Poland I would be even more drastic then brat Jaroslaw.
mafketis  38 | 11149
2 Jul 2017   #66
Cause you're even more deranged than he is. Congratulations, that's a feat!
Crow  154 | 9541
2 Jul 2017   #67
Even more deranged? Well, why then you complaint at brat Jaroslaw`s deeds? You want me, instead?
mafketis  38 | 11149
3 Jul 2017   #68
why then you complaint at brat Jaroslaw`s deeds?

Cause all else being equal I prefer that non-deranged rational people be in charge of governments.

You want me, instead?

NO! STAY RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE! SRBIJA NEEDS YOU! (unless you're actually posting from Gopher Heights, Illinois in which case stay there).
Polonius3  980 | 12275
3 Jul 2017   #69
not a commemoration. It's a political rally

You never can think for yourself, can you, only mouth the loser club's current line?
Wałęsa may have bitten off more than he can chew by throwing in with the hooligan disrupters of the memorial observance. Some of the vicitms of his snitchery are reportedly planning to attend for the benefit of idiots who still claim Wałęsa is lily-white and crystal-pure. One wonders what skewed and distorted explanaiton the losers' club and their kosher mouthpiece will concoct to convince their gullible flock?
mafketis  38 | 11149
3 Jul 2017   #70
Some of the vicitms of his snitchery are reportedly planning to attend

In other words... it's a political rally first, memorial service second. How is that investigation coming along?
Polonius3  980 | 12275
3 Jul 2017   #71
I eagerly await

I eagerly await Mayfixit's conversion to a rational evaluaiton of the utter frustration and impotent fury of the losers' club which will stop at nothing to besmirch, revile and badmouth those whom the Polish nation have chosen to vote PO/PSL out of office. Even people siding with the oppositon say Schetynsa made a total fool of himself at his convention by merely pouring scorn on PiS rather than presenting coherent, alternative programme. Has the PO hate industry completly infected your brain? As a hard-nosed capitalist and pro-market fanatic, have you forgotten the former PO line: It can't be done, that's impossible, it'll break the budget, everything will collapse, etc,. etc. ad nauseam. And yet PIS have shown it can be done. By properly enforcing VAT Poland has gained as much as it gets each year from the EU? Under PO/PSL, all that money went into scamster pockets. 500+ has exceeded everyone's wildest dreams. Not only has it stimulated child-bearing but has pump-ptrimed the economy by increasing consumption, employment and production. And it was all for free! Morawiecki did what he said he'd do at the outset: upgrade VAT enforcement and use the money to bankroll 500+. The results: budget deficit lowest on record, inflation and unemployment at record lows, foreign investments, production and exports growing... Have the losers' club already given you their official guidlines on how to explain all that away to the gullible?
Polonius3  980 | 12275
3 Jul 2017   #72
it's a political rally first

Again putting the cart before the horse. It was the KOD, Obywatele RP and sundry hooligans that have turned a solemn commemoration into a political showdown with scuffles thrown in as an added "attraction".

Your skewed masters will probabyl tell you that someone wishing to pray at his brother's grave is politicisng things. Could it be that the real politicisers are those who try to make it into the media by preventing someone paying his respects to a loved one, lying in the road, staging noisy demos and scuffling with police? Back in 1939 peope of your ilk would be proclaiming from the rooftops that Poland started WW2 by attacking Germany. "See what those dirty Pollacks did by attacking a German radio station at Gleiwiwtz!"
Crow  154 | 9541
3 Jul 2017   #73
All in all I support actions of brat Jaroslaw. Poland need shocking therapy.


Why are you upset, man? Are you deranged?
mafketis  38 | 11149
3 Jul 2017   #74
Are you deranged?

No, that's why deranged and insane people make me lose my cool.

someone wishing to pray at his brother's grave is politicisng things

Since when is LK buried on Nowy Świat? The Smolensk "commemorations" are about keeping the low information PiS voters worked up and angry because without their anger the party is over.
Crow  154 | 9541
3 Jul 2017   #75
Poland must be cured from taboo themes and one way thinking. Speaking in general about opus of brat Jaroslaw, he definitely have that `out of box thinking` approach.

No, that's why deranged and insane people make me lose my cool.

How I see things, you should have wife and at least two girlfriends.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
3 Jul 2017   #76
wishing to pray at his brother's grav

Just another example what the hooligan a*seholes do. They try to prevent Jarosław praying at his brothers's grave in Wawel Cathedral. One could list myriad examples of villainous disruption of i.a. a Poznań 1956 anniversary or a Gen. Anders commmemoration. Nothing to do with h current poltics but an opportunity to take a swipe at the government -- and that's all the pathetic losers live for. More and more PO voters are catching on to their party's lack of a progrmame, foolish disruptionism and sterile rhetoric. Who knows how many local councils they will still control after the next election. The bettng is that the number will be drastically reduced. Old Abe Lincoln foresaw such chicanery when he said: "You can't fool all of the people all of the time!"
mafketis  38 | 11149
3 Jul 2017   #77
try to prevent Jarosław praying at his brothers's grave in Wawel Cathedral

I would never support such activity (the question of whether LK belongs in Wawel is a separate issue). I'm all in favor of letting people mourn, commemorate on their own in peace.

villainous disruption of i.a. a Poznań 1956 anniversary

What possible relation is their between Smolensk and the first Polish uprising against communist rule? I'm completely againt the forced penetration of Macierewicz's conspiracy craziness into ceremonies meant to commemorate separate and quite unrelated events.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
3 Jul 2017   #78
unrelated event

Someone with lots of free time on their hands coudl compile an extremely long litany of the PO scorn industry's unruly disruption of every type of gathering, commemoration, exhibition, cultural event, religious service or other public occasion for the sole purpose of discrediting the democratically elected government. That includes their failed pre-Christmas parliamentary "putsch" and occupation of the Sejm.

Hey, but they're not alone. There are plenty of similar a*seholes in America specialising in round-the-clock Trump-bashing. Głupich nie sieją, sami się rodzą!
mafketis  38 | 11149
3 Jul 2017   #79
Someone with lots of free time on their hands

Not me! I've got Polish taxes to pay! What about you?
Crow  154 | 9541
3 Jul 2017   #80
Taxes, taxes. Taxes are nothing and everything. Every patriot would gladly pay taxes. Work harder don`t complaint like an old woman.
mafketis  38 | 11149
3 Jul 2017   #81
Every patriot would gladly pay taxes

Not a certain "patriot" here... (or so it's been said, but I ain't one to gossp so you ain't heard that from me, no you haven't!)
Crow  154 | 9541
3 Jul 2017   #82

Yes I heard you. You have your germanized phase from time to time. You must be clear with it, don`t confused, weak. Historical fact is that Germans were predominantly Slavo-Serbians and Slavo-Polani 500-1500 years ago and some other now extinct Slavic ethoses. So, you should refuse germanzation and stabilize yourself. I suggest you to go to Arkona and pray, found peace in your greatly suffering soul.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
3 Jul 2017   #83
you should refuse germanzation and stabilize yourself

Every good soul should refuse germanization and brat Mafketis should do as well. And yes, this is an absolute precondition for stabilising oneself.

I suggest you to go to Arkona and pray,

Does this famous Slavic temple in Arkona still exist? I thought it was destroyed by the invading Danes and next this ancient Slavic land was stolen by the Germanic hordes.

back on topic please
Crow  154 | 9541
3 Jul 2017   #84
back on topic please

When you mentioned dobri pane, it would be very good that we see our brothers Walesa and Jaroslaw how they, hand in hand, together walk in Arkona. I would like to see that.

Does this famous Slavic temple in Arkona still exist?

It is destroyed but, statue (not original) of Svetovid could be seen nearby.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
29 Jan 2021   #85
lech walensa is a national treasure and a true patriot.
gumishu  15 | 6228
29 Jan 2021   #86
Walesa is a bufoon and a former SB snitch
Crow  154 | 9541
29 Jan 2021   #87
Walesa`s rape on London airport became symbol of raped and crucified Poland within the EU.

And Britain moved out of the EU, while Poland remained standing to receive more raping.
jon357  72 | 23483
29 Jan 2021   #88

You mean when he had to go through the normal security procedures like everybody else?
Crow  154 | 9541
29 Jan 2021   #89
I never got finger in my ass on airport. Brat Walesa suffered.

Would you like to take it? No, not of course. See, he is symbol of crucified Poland. That is what western Europe doing to Poland all the time. Its not normal procedure.
jon357  72 | 23483
29 Jan 2021   #90
I never got finger in my ass on airport.

Nor did Wałęsa.

See, he is symbol of crucified Poland.

Because he's an elderly retired politician rather than a current one?

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