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Film "Wałęsa" - historical reality vs myth - controvercies

Polonius3  980 | 12275
12 Nov 2015   #31
self censorship

Quite possible. I truly sympathise with those who have to watch what they say for fear of losing their job or suffering other reprisals.
12 Nov 2015   #32
" I truly sympathise with those who have to watch what they say for fear of losing their job or suffering other reprisals."

I'm with you polonius, completely agree.

I do worry that one day the old wounds will be reopened (witch hunt), I hope we have learned a great lesson from the past here and will move forward as one nation
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
12 Nov 2015   #33
Film "Wałęsa"

I saw it like 2 or 3 years ago. Quite good film and good actors. But of course not much to do with reality. Just a tribute of one old traitor to another old traitor.
milky  13 | 1656
12 Nov 2015   #34
I do worry that one day the old wounds will be reopened (witch hunt)

Yes, worry now for sure.
12 Nov 2015   #35
Milky :Yes, worry now for sure.

Please expand i am interested
Polonius3  980 | 12275
25 Mar 2017   #36
Lech Wałęsa

Wałęsa (TW Bolek) has joiend Kwaśniewski (TW ALek) and Komorowski (TW Litwin) have issued an open letter to mark the EU's anniversary. It lauds the EU but predictably takes some inevitable swipes at the good-change governemnt.

Everyone's heard of the Three Tenors and the Three Stooges, now we've got the THREE SNITCHES representing Poland in the international arena.
mafketis  38 | 11260
25 Mar 2017   #37
have issued an open letter to mark the EU's anniversary. It lauds the EU

Unlike the venomous little toad who's primary character trait is snapping at the hand that feeds him....
Polonius3  980 | 12275
25 Mar 2017   #38
little toad

At least unlike slippery and toady Schetyna he did not say Poland would sign the Rome Declaraiton regardless of what it said. The Polish government's steadfast determinaiton has led to a delcaration that incorporates all four Warsaw demands. 27-1 has therefore caused the EU biggies to take notice and make sure their declaration took into account the needs and demands of all members.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
29 Jun 2017   #39

Wałęsa to join trouble-makers disrupting July's Smolensk commemoration

Lech Wałęsa, a proven commie-era paid informer, intends to join protesters planning to disrupt July's Smolensk commemoration. Viciously anti-government media such as Gazeta Wyborcza, Newsweek and TVN are hoping a punch-up occurs so they can send into the world photos of the Nobel Peace Prize laureate confronting police. Those are the same media that have been smearing Poland in the international arena for the past 20-some months. Interior Min. Mariusz Błaszczak remarked: "No-one is above the law regarldess of what his name happens to be."
Crow  155 | 9699
29 Jun 2017   #40
What is with brat Walesa? Is he on drugs?
Polonius3  980 | 12275
29 Jun 2017   #41
No, he is furious that his commie-era collabroation has now been proven without a shadow of a doubt and wants to take it out on Kaczyński. It's a question of irrational hatred addling the brain.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
29 Jun 2017   #42
his commie-era collabroation has now been proven without a shadow of a doubt

Proven by who, Polonius?
Polonius3  980 | 12275
29 Jun 2017   #43

By professional graphologists and IPN and by Wałęsa himself. In his book he wrote: "I did not come out of that encounter (his 1970 arrest) entirely clean.They imposed a condition: sign. And so I signed."

In an interview with Monika Olejnik he admitted to signing a pledge to collaborate. "Everybody was signing so I also signed," he said.
Then there was the admisison that "I signed everything except a betrayal of God" in a statement sent to PAP in 1992. Half an hour later, he withdrew it. I was there and it was a big sensation in foreign-correspondents' circles.

But that only humanises him. Everyone has the right to stray and blunder, but one can always confess one's sinsm repent and return to the straight and narrow.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
29 Jun 2017   #44
Proven by who

Are you still like the 6-year-old who believes in Father Christmas and the Tooth Fairy as well as spotless, faultless, sinless, sterling story-book heroes who can do no wrong? Here's a tip: THEY DON'T EXIST!
Wulkan  - | 3136
30 Jun 2017   #45
Proven by who, Polonius?

It is proven delph, no point being in denial just because it doesn't support your political narrative.

Are you still like the 6-year-old who believes in Father Christmas and the Tooth Fairy

If he heard that them two claim that there are 72 genders he would start believing in their existence on the spot.
30 Jun 2017   #46
Lech Wałęsa, a proven commie-era paid informer

Good to see 'Polish' getting back to his roots as a writer by again smearing the brave Poles who stand up against the evil regime of the Party and the First Secretary of the Party (now Chairman Kaczynski rather than the PZPR's First Secretaries). It's very reminiscent of the articles which had the readers of The Eastern Delaware Polish Pig Farmer's gazette both believing that Solidarnosc were all Jewish former members of the Waffen SS who murdered Polish Catholics in their beds as the brave forces of ZOMO heroically tried to protect Poland and stop churches being burned to the ground.

intends to join protesters planning to disrupt July's Smolensk commemoration.

This is excellent news. I never thought I'd have the opportunity to march with the great man, side by side in defence of Poland, but it seems that once again fortune has smiled on me. Can't wait for the tenth!
Crow  155 | 9699
30 Jun 2017   #47
Chairman Kaczynski

At least Poles don`t have that ugly nasty granny for queen that scary little children. Actually, entire wagon of UK`s ruling politicians are bunch of imbeciles. Moron after moron, stupido after stupido and, let`s face it, wh*** after wh***.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
30 Jun 2017   #48
the opportunity to march

Paid commie-era snitchers, VAT fraudsters and child-maintenance shirkers, sex-slave traffickers, SB OAPs and other unsavoury types are the ideal rogues' gallery marchers that fit the likes of PiSlamic live a glove!
Polonius3  980 | 12275
30 Jun 2017   #49
the opportunity to march

It would surprise everyone if PiSlamic, who belives Poland, Poles and all things Polish are "crappy", decided NOT TO march with the enemies of Poland, Targowica-style traitors trying to internaitonalise Poland's internal disptues. If Brussels weren't so wimpy and had their own fighting force, you can bet your bottom złoty they'd be calling for military intervention. And PiSlamic would be cheering them on from the sidelines.
Crow  155 | 9699
30 Jun 2017   #50
Let us have understandings for brat Walesa. Few years ago our brat was raped at London airport. So it is possible that he didn`t lost his sanity but he just suffer consequences of that violence committed on him. He would come back to himself, I am sure.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
30 Jun 2017   #51
raped at London airport.

Have I missed something or have you had too much pакија today?

Crow  155 | 9699
1 Jul 2017   #52
No, no rakija, unfortunately. Brat Walesa was `searched` at London airport, back in 2013. They harmed him. Do you even know how they `search` you i those occasions? They make you naked and take gloves, put their dirty little Anglo fingers in every hole in your body. That`s what they done to brat Walesa. It was practically rape. Raping. See, it was traumatic experience, psychically and bodily. No wonder that brat Walese still walk like a zombie. Hay man, he is dysfunctional. Who wouldn`t be. Such a things can seriously disrupt every man.

"They got my suitcase and pulled out my pants and socks; everything was visible," he added. "It was embarrassing."

Lech Walesa 'will never return to London' after being searched at Heathrow
jon357  72 | 23654
2 Jul 2017   #53
Everyone except diplomats are searched at airports.

They make you naked and take gloves, put their dirty little Anglo fingers in every hole in your body.

Don't be silly Crow. They pat you down if necessary and check your luggage if necessary. There is always a reason for that.

No wonder that brat Walese still walk like a zombie

That (and probably the reason for the routine pat-down) is probably more to do with vodka than anything else.
Wulkan  - | 3136
2 Jul 2017   #54
is probably more to do with vodka than anything else.

You need a lot of that to forget about shameful TW bolek times.
Crow  155 | 9699
2 Jul 2017   #55
Everyone except diplomats are searched at airports.

What are you talking about. Brat Walesa nicely described what happened. They got him naked. Man, I traveled but I never got naked. Its not normal procedure.

There is always a reason for that.

Yes, they wanted to see him naked. And, behind that desire is necessity to penetrate their fingers in person`s holes. I can only imagine suffering of brat Walesa at that point (no, i actually can`t).

That (and probably the reason for the routine pat-down) is probably more to do with vodka than anything else.

Its not vodka. Those are consequences of cruel raping, bodily and mentally.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
2 Jul 2017   #56
Why would anyone protest or try to disrupt the smolensk commemoration? That just seems really disrespectful towards the dead and their families.
mafketis  38 | 11260
2 Jul 2017   #57
Why would anyone protest or try to disrupt the smolensk commemoration?

Because it's become a morbid death cult exploited for political gain by a mentally unstable character who already has one coup attempt on his record? I don't personally wnat to disrupt it but I have no respect for those involved and won't pretend I do.

That just seems really disrespectful towards the dead and their families.

Yes, the monthly death porn orgies are very disrespectful toward the dead and their families.

It all stems from JK's guilty conscience since the whole misbegotten idea to go to Smolensk was his in the first place. He needs to be shamed to keep his rationalizations between him and his therapist and not out in the public for everyone to see.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
2 Jul 2017   #58

Ahh i understand now. I wasn't aware this was a every 10th of the month ordeal for him. That's a bit excessive.. That should be a private matter. He can encourage people to lay flowers or light candles on the 10th but mourn in private. Once a year on April 10 is totally understandable but not every month... For years and years...
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
2 Jul 2017   #59
Because it's become a morbid death cult exploited for political gain

On the 10th of May of this year I heard this was the 86th monthly Smoleńsk commemoration in Krakowskie Przedmieście in Warsaw. It was absolutely shocking for me.

They got him [Lech Wałęsa] naked.

I've never heard about this incident before. But it seems absolutely shocking and disgusting to do that to Lech Wałęsa at the airport. Yes, there must be something very strange about the Anglos.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
2 Jul 2017   #60
shocking for me.

That's part of the Catholic mystique. At mass I often hear: "This mass is being celebrated in the intention of, let's say, Andrzej Rumiński on the 32nd mournful (bolesna) anniversary of his death. Recently I heard one annoucement on the 65th anniversary. A second generation must be invovled in that spiritual relay.

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