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Famous Russian Poles

Prince  15 | 590
29 Nov 2008   #31
I would never change one most miserable piece of Russian history on all arrogant Polish heritage!

Vice versa

Russia is Russia, Soviet or Tsarist, it dosen't matter! And Rusians are proud by every bit of their history

Yes I've heard that in some Russian vilages (You can find this cult in Bielarus too) people still pray to Dzerzhinskiys monuments.

That is the difference between Russians and Poles. It is good that we agree on something.
Crow  154 | 9463
29 Nov 2008   #32
Soviet = Russian

you can hardly convince Serbians that Soviets were Russians
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
29 Nov 2008   #33
That is the difference between Russians and Poles.

Mmmm, once again I hear that Poles stand slightly higher then Russians on the cilivization ladder....ha-ha.... (it's excusable, becase you are hardly able to break off with your arrogant Polishness instantly)

THERE IS NO ANY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RUSSIANS AND POLES, because we have the same number of limbs and the same mincemeat inside us....
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 Nov 2008   #34
Why do you think Poles are arrogant?
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
29 Nov 2008   #35
Because The History taught us this fact

And here you can observe the proof:

That is the difference between Russians and Poles.

Seanus  15 | 19666
29 Nov 2008   #36
That's proof of nothing. Prince is but one Pole anyway
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
29 Nov 2008   #37
Luki has german roots (parts at least)! :)
Now he tries to be more polish than the real Poles...
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 Nov 2008   #38
Germans really perceive Poles as arrogant?
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
29 Nov 2008   #39
That's proof of nothing. Prince is but one Pole anyway

Not at all, don't think that I have intention to accuse Prince, but these words are really the proof, because they are unconscious. That is why they are proof, they are proof of Polish way of education....
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 Nov 2008   #40
Polish way of education, what do you know of it? Were you educated here?
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
29 Nov 2008   #41
I don't take into account the Polish education as a system, but education as a way of how you educates your children to hate russians or germans and disgustingly to pick at your "bleeding history"
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 Nov 2008   #42
Well, war brings out those feelings although I do believe that we shouldn't be bound by past generations. Stalin and Hitler were wackos who gave their countries a bad name. Poles would do well to remember that the decisions of 2 men shouldn't blacken the name of their countries.

Also, Stalin probably killed more Russians than Poles anyway. Well, Soviets.
Filios1  8 | 1336
29 Nov 2008   #43
that the decisions of 2 men shouldn't blacken the name of their countries.

If it were as simple as it being the decisions of two men, I doubt there would be any animosity between us today... there is much more to it.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
29 Nov 2008   #44
there is much more to it.

Clarify please
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 Nov 2008   #45
Constantine had a good point though. It's easier to point at others rather than look inwards at yourself for some
Filios1  8 | 1336
29 Nov 2008   #46
Clarify please

2 psychopaths like Hitler and Stalin obviously would not command any authority without some support or backbone if you will. Each society was ripe for such dictators.
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 Nov 2008   #47
Yeah, but it was hardly the high-point of democracy either
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
29 Nov 2008   #48
As you can remember, Soviet coat of arms contains the world globe as a part, so the main aim was the worldwide prevailing of communism and the death of 20 thousands of Polish officers is nothing being compared with it...sorry, but if I were on the Stalin's place, be patient, the decision would be the same... the same thing with you, I don't have any doubts...
Crow  154 | 9463
29 Nov 2008   #49
ah those Sarmatian - Scythian disscusions
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 Nov 2008   #50
The worldwide prevailing of communism, lol. Communism, an idea for idiots.

Why should Polish people have to die for a dumb ideology?
Crow  154 | 9463
29 Nov 2008   #51
Why should Polish people have to die for a dumb ideology?

exactly,... not to mention that it was born as German ideology
Prince  15 | 590
29 Nov 2008   #52
Luki has german roots (parts at least)! :)

No I am not but I love one preson with such roots :)

THERE IS NO ANY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RUSSIANS AND POLES, because we have the same number of limbs and the same mincemeat inside us....

Here we can agree, we are human beings.

Not at all, don't think that I have intention to accuse Prince, but these words are really the proof, because they are unconscious.

Something about unconcious words:

20 thousands of Polish officers is nothing being compared with it...sorry, but if I were on the Stalin's place, be patient, the decision would be the same... the same thing with you, I don't have any doubts...

What do you mean, saying about Putin's heritage? Russia is Russia, Soviet or Tsarist, it dosen't matter! And Rusians are proud by every bit of their history, anyway I would never change one most miserable piece of Russian history on all arrogant Polish heritage!

ConstantineK  26 | 1298
29 Nov 2008   #53
Communism, an idea for idiots.

Don't deny this marvelous idea with such uneducated boldness! Or may be you want to compete with such genial men like Marx or Lenin? Communism is perfect and ideal, it's a human actions were corrupted
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 Nov 2008   #54
How Constantine can compare lives to mere ideology is beyond me. Communism has a bad name internationally and Russia thrust it on Poland. No Slavic brotherhood there.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
29 Nov 2008   #55
How Constantine can compare lives to mere ideology is beyond me.

Oh come on, just please don't say to me that the "life" is a God given gift!!! Look around, we are in the internet, not in the Roman Catholic church! People are just animated pieces of meat.....
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 Nov 2008   #56
Roman Catholic, what has that got to do with it? I'm not Catholic laddie.

Were the 20,000 Polish soldiers who were killed just animated pieces of meat?

Life isn't a God given gift? What's your grand theory then?

I don't pretend to know that much about the finer points of communism but the basic ideal is FAR from perfect, sunshine. How did people misapply it then? Doesn't that tell you that Soviets, as its champions, couldn't or didn't want to implement it as they were corrupt? Communism, LOL
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
29 Nov 2008   #57
Were the 20,000 Polish soldiers who were killed just animated pieces of meat?

Certainly no, their animation was taken apart from them....

Life isn't a God given gift? What's your grand theory then?

There is no hell/paradise and of course there is no any "dark tunnel with shining end". By killing man you just push the off button like on computer...

communism but the basic ideal is FAR from perfect, sunshine.

Really? Where? Or may be the desire to feed poors is not sufficient aim to animate best parts of man's "soul"?
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 Nov 2008   #58
That's a very cold and chilling account, CK.

Why are they poor though? People have choices. Aha, such hypocrisy here. You are implying that such a noble deed as feeding the poor is more important than life itself. By feeding VERY poor people, you are prolonging their life. Why then do you advocate the cheap taking of life? You reduce life to sth miniscule.

How about I push your off button? How about that?
Filios1  8 | 1336
29 Nov 2008   #59
By killing man you just push the off button like on computer

Perhaps you would enjoy it if I pushed the off button on your computer then? Or your families? Or your friends?

You are a disgusting, vile, human being. Communist scum like YOU deserved to be turned off, and I have absoulately no sympathy for anyone of your family members, friends, whoever, who were put to death by Stalin. Hell, you are just proving Hitler right by acting like a Slavic animal.

You are wrong on one thing though, Poland would not have acted like your beloved, barbaric Soviet rulers. Never in their modern history have they been apt to commit such atrocities to such an extent, as in Katyn.

It really is a testimony of the backwardness of a society when utopian Jewish ideals like Marxism become so enthusiastically installed, and where the citizens actually believe it can work without being corrupted along the way.
Seanus  15 | 19666
29 Nov 2008   #60
Exactly Filios. Jewish claptrap and BS, the source of so much evil in this world. No, I'm not anti-Semitic, just a speaker of the truth.

Communism's great failure was the fact that it was shoved down people's throats. It was destined to fail for so many reasons.

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