Admittedly, it wasn't a good day for a parade
I'd just like to point out that it wasn't just any hot day, but the hottest day of 2023 and the hottest Polish Army Day in 30 years. I remember reading that on that day Spain and Poland were the countries with the highest temperatures in Europe.
It looks like this parade made it into international news:
An interesting observation:
'"Poland shares borders not just with Ukraine and Belarus, but also with Russia's semi-exclave of Kaliningrad. By staging a massive showcase of power on Tuesday, Warsaw is sending a message Russia and Belarus are bound to understand, experts said.
"It's sort of a Soviet thing to do. Russia does theirs on May 8, Belarusians have them, as does North Korea, Iran. It's kind of reflecting back their language. The adversary states see these [parades] as a show of force, so Poland is going to meet it with a show of force," Edward Arnold, a research fellow at the British security think tank RUSI, told CNN.'
I liked that idea with GROM soldiers "gliding" in the air on parachutes with Polish flags attached to them
To be more precise - it was the flag of Poland, Polish president's pennant and the flag of Polish Special Forces:


