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This anti-Ukrainian propaganda for no valid reasons must stop

Luke1410  - | 146
15 Aug 2023   #31
Now I know for sure why I like Russians more than any other ethnicity

What about the stealing of hundreds of thousands of kids? you admire that as well?
mafketis  38 | 11165
15 Aug 2023   #32
stealing of hundreds of thousands of kids? you admire that as well?

Of course he does. the only people narcissists sort of admire are other narcissists (as long as they're not in direct competition).
Velund  1 | 491
15 Aug 2023   #33
What about the stealing of hundreds of thousands of kids?

Russian stole your used condom from garbage can? Oy wey....
Novichok  4 | 8538
15 Aug 2023   #34
What about the stealing of hundreds of thousands of kids?

I was stolen the same way and moved from a ruined and starving Warsaw to the safety of a Hamburg "Nazi" camp.
Thank you, Germans. I love you guys for not leaving me to die from starvation and for sharing what little you had at the end of 1944.
mafketis  38 | 11165
15 Aug 2023   #35
moved from a ruined and starving Warsaw to the safety of a Hamburg "Nazi" camp

Did they tell you that Poles are just demonically possessed Germans and try to turn you into a German?
Korvinus  3 | 610
15 Aug 2023   #36
In 1920 we were allied to the Ukrainians.
Post-1918 Eastern Europe was battle royale in which literally dozens of factions fought out their competing claims over the same territories, which were ethnically mixed. Lands fought over between Poland and Ukraine were as much claimed by Ukraine as by Poland. They became ethnically homogeneous only after post-WW2 cleansings. Only then they finally became Ukrainian or Polish.

We battled until we established borders.

Poles battled Ukrainians in 1918/9, established borders, and allied against Bolsheviks for the 1920 campaign.
The alliance collapsed because of Kyiv fiasco in late spring 1920, after Petlura failed to form any workable government or even rally enough support to make it worthwhile to prop him up.
Michael2  - | 4
31 Aug 2023   #37
Do you believe that historically Poles, Jews and Russians treated Ukrainians better than Ukrainians treated them?
Who in your view committed more wrongdoings and crimes against each other?Just make some comparisons.
pawian  226 | 27546
31 Aug 2023   #38
Who in your view committed more wrongdoings and crimes against each other?

It is hard to say.
Some Poles prefer to accuse Ukrainians of massacres on the Polish population in Western Ukraine which once was under the Polish rule. At the same time they prefer to forget those land weren`t originally Polish but were inhabited by Rus people. Poland acquired them through diplomatic games or direct conquest. After the acquisition, the colonisation and polonisation followed.
Ironside  50 | 12952
31 Aug 2023   #39
It is hard to say.

You are a tool!

Who in your view committed more wrongdoings and crimes against each other?

How old are you? It doesn't work that way. There is no list, or ,mesures or records to be put in front of the judge.

The point here is that Bandra and his crew wasn't really reprezenting anybody but those few who supported them or took part in genocie given a chance.

I would say small minoirity of the poapulation of what now we could term as a western ukrainie.

the point some people on Polish side are trying to make is that by taking the mantle of Bandera by Ukrianians today is not something which is wise, will be good for Ukrainians and what can be helpful.

If they think that only some people in Poland have issue with it they are for a rude awaking some day in the future.
For me its stupid. They could easly just cut off from this Bandera BS very easy. It is like they want to make it harder for themselves as much as they can.

and weren`t originally Polish

Why are you talking about thinks you have no clue about? Who give the right t o say those things? Shut your stupid mug you F!
pawian  226 | 27546
31 Aug 2023   #40

Tool or troll??? Dyslexia plays tricks on you sometimes. :):):)

They could easly just cut off from this Bandera BS very easy.

Yes, they could. But they don`t. Just like Poles could cut off from their murderers and traitors but they don`t - instead, they honour them as heroes.

You see? There is always a balance in nature - Poles have their murderous heroes and Ukrainians, too. What is your fekking problem???

and weren`t originally Polish
Why are you talking about thinks you have no clue about?

Answer a simple question: was Lviv established by Poles?? Just yes or no, in Novi`s style. :):):)
Ironside  50 | 12952
31 Aug 2023   #41
was Lviv established by Poles?

was it established by ukainians? yes or no!
pawian  226 | 27546
31 Aug 2023   #42
was it established by ukainians?

It was established by Rus people who later were called Ukrainians. What matters is that it wasn`t Poles who established it. How did it come under Polish control, then???
Ironside  50 | 12952
31 Aug 2023   #43
established by Rus people who later were called Ukrainians.

Really? Are you sure? Can you prove it?

What matters is that it wasn`t Poles who established it.

What Poles? Why that matter? If you buy a house that someone else build - you don't own it? What kind of strange stream of raw nonsene you post here? Trying to pass it as some kind of logical argument,.
Bobko  27 | 2098
31 Aug 2023   #44
What matters is that it wasn`t Poles who established it.

Man, wtf...

This is "WHAT MATTERS"? You have some seriously twisted morality that bends only towards what satisfies your current hobby.
pawian  226 | 27546
31 Aug 2023   #45
Are you sure?

Yes, Lviv wasn`t established by Poles but by Ruthenians called Rusini or Rus people who later evolved into Ukrainians.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
31 Aug 2023   #46
We all evolved from monkey's lets all at least agree on that.
jon357  72 | 23490
31 Aug 2023   #47
Who in your view committed more wrongdoings and crimes against each other

Does that matter now?
Alien  25 | 6424
1 Sep 2023   #48
We all evolved from monkey's

Not everyone, some stayed at the ape stage
Michael2  - | 4
1 Sep 2023   #49
I've been reading publications (both online and printed books) on Russian communism, on post-communist developments in the sovereign countries of the former Soviet Union, on social injustice issues (a worldwide problem), on criticism of the so-called free market economies (capitalist systems) and on spiritual and moral decline worldwide, on roots of poverty, violence and crime.
Bobko  27 | 2098
1 Sep 2023   #50

Ok, again, this post above indicates we are dealing with some ChatGPT-like bot.

Thank you, Michael, for letting us know you are reading about things. Next time, please include some kind of thesis in your post.
Ironside  50 | 12952
1 Sep 2023   #51
by Ruthenians called Rusini or Rus people who later evolved into Ukrainians.

prove it! that is an assumption, can you bring to the table any proof for that?

Who exactlly establisned Lwów? The only people you could cearly id were rulers, those rules were mearged by the family bonds with piasts, and in fact they evolved into our last Piast King, who took over those lands as their heir. So no, your BS doesn't fly here!
pawian  226 | 27546
1 Sep 2023   #52
Who exactlly establisned Lwów?

The Ruthenian prince Daniel. in 1250.

who took over those lands as their heir.

In 1350 which means it had been controlled by Rusins for 100 years.

Stop introducing your typical mess. Lviv wasn`t Polish originally but Rusin. Even in 1939, the last year when it belonged to Poland, only 50% population were ethnic Poles. It says a lot.
gumishu  15 | 6228
1 Sep 2023   #53

welcome back, dolnoslask - good to hear you are still among living :)
Ironside  50 | 12952
1 Sep 2023   #54
In 1350 which means it had been controlled by Rusins for 100 years.

play on words, doesn't mean anything...
once more the same family only their second name changed, can't you be less slow and stupid?

Even in 1939,

sunny, stop jumping about, what has 1939 to do with your claim?
We talking about 700 years before that, try to focus or stop wasting my time.
pawian  226 | 27546
1 Sep 2023   #55
once more the same

You are twisting and denying historic facts which is your specialty. You always reject history which clashed with your nazionalistische ideology.

what has 1939 to do with your claim?

This that if Poles weren`t able to make Lviv a fully Polish city after 700 years of controlling it, then it is true that the city rightfully should belong to Ukrainians.

You can kiss goodbye to Lviv, dear nazionalistische boy. hahahaha
Ironside  50 | 12952
1 Sep 2023   #56
You are

It doesn't even mean anything. What are you trying to say? Give it one more try.

This that

stop stammering, lay off the booze and 1939.
pawian  226 | 27546
1 Sep 2023   #57
This that

It was a direct translation from Polish: to że. Yes,, I know it sounds awkward in English. But if you had a problem with reading it, it means you lost the knack of Polish after 30 years of emigration. Amassing!!! :):):
Michael2  - | 4
1 Sep 2023   #58
I am not a troll or some other manipulator. I only provide facts and even-handed objective views, and try to promote positive changes for the better in the world. It's a noble mission standing up for real justice for the benefit of all that are mistreated. But not only the elite, including those in power (the rich upper class) in every country, but also ordinary people prefer their own benefit to real fairness and justice for all people, for example when it comes to power, social benefits, privileges, wealth accumulation opportunities, rate of wages and salaries, etc. Not all laws and regulations are fair in this respect. Political parties come to power, but all of them neglect ordinary people's interests. Officials only care about their own power, privileges and wealth!
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
1 Sep 2023   #59
I am not a troll or some other manipulator.

Perhaps not. But you do have a talent for producing long-winded, artificially sounding, ChatGPT-like sentences.

Do something else: tell a joke, insult people, embarrass yourself - anything. Prove that you are a human being. :)
pawian  226 | 27546
1 Sep 2023   #60
talent for producing long-winded, artificially sounding, ChatGPT-like sentences.

Coz he hasn`t learned yet that the PF prefers short consise posts. Give him some time for education.

Prove that you are a human being. :)

Don`t be stupid. It is enough you are a Russophile. Do you need to add idiocy to it??? These two make it wholly unbearable, believe me. :):):)

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