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The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans

Ziemowit  14 | 3936
17 Jun 2020   #601
Slovak girls are mostly hot, Czech ones in Prague are mostly meh. Very Germanic-like.

What is "meh" in your dictionary?

The West Slavs are pretty much indistinguishable in terms of genetics.

The Czech have much more Celtic and Germanic ingredients than the Polish.
mafketis  38 | 11191
17 Jun 2020   #602
What is "meh" in your dictionary?

I think generally Czech women are often very.... German looking in terms of style and body language (the men far less so and are generally closer to Polish norms).

Slovak body language (men and women) is a lot more like Poland
Spike31  3 | 1485
17 Jun 2020   #603
That's interesting since I know few Czechs here in London and their girlfriends are nothing like German women that I know from my eurotrips. Czech and Slovacs are as similar to Poles as one can get. And I was also surprised how much I do understand in Czech. And I was also pleasantly surprised how much Slovaks understand from Polish contemporary culture (music, cinema)
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
17 Jun 2020   #604
Czech and Slovacs are as similar to Poles as one can get

Yeah, especially Slowaks.I can even understand some of their language, I find Czech more difficult.
But Slowaks can adjust to Polish really quickly.
Tomato Girl
27 Oct 2020   #605
I've noticed that Poles often have a vertical "dip" in the middle of their foreheads. Similar to the way the frontal head bone is symmetrically divided in the pit bull breed of dogs. It adds to Poles' very unique look.
pawian  226 | 27498
27 Oct 2020   #606
pit bull breed of dogs.

Now I know why the action film Pit Bull was made in Poland. Thank you very much.
19 Jan 2021   #607
My Genetics are from southern Poland, northern Czechoslovakia, and eastern Switzerland. I have Blonde hair, square jaw, blue eyes, rounded nose and short with athletic build. I wonder what tribe or ethnicity I come from.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
19 Jan 2021   #608
Place your picture here and we will tell you.
16 Feb 2021   #609
@Tomato Girl
I have that exact dip in the middle of my forehead and I always edit it out of my photos XD

I am 90% Polish and 10% Russian. I originate mostly 25% from central Poland (near Łódź) and 75% from south Poland close to Czech border in the mountains and near Krakow. I was born with black hair which turned blonde and curly through most of my childhood, but as I aged my hair darkened to a dark blonde mixed with light brown and wavy/ curly in nature. My eyes are brown/hazel just like 90% of my family. I have a characteristic large hump nose from the side but very slim from the front exactly like my fathers ( however both my mother and fathers family has above average size nose with a hump). My face is very oval shaped with a weak chin and jawline. I have a dip in my forehead just like mentioned above. My lips are pretty full equally on top and bottom. I have very light olive skin which is almost transparent in the winter but which tans very nicely in the summer but not even close to how dark my father and his family tans which makes them look like a completely different ethnicity (dark olive Middle Eastern tone). My mother and her family are very pale and burn easily. My mother and fathers families are mostly from the same tiny town but have very opposing features except for their larger noses and brown eyes. My other body hair like eyebrows, eyelashes, arms and legs is very light brown and light blonde. I have high and pronounced cheeks. My eyebrows bones are strong and stick out on my face. I'm exactly 170cm, my father around is 204cm but has a slight hunchback from bad posture and is extremely slim. My mother is around 155cm and very petite.

Personally I think I look weird, not like any particular nationality. I grew up in England and through 21 years of life no one has ever guessed my nationality until I speak Polish. I don't have a typical polish surname its a very unusual one so it's hard to pin point my nationality that way. Most people say I look Australian 🤷🏼‍♀️
18 Feb 2021   #610
I think Poles have more slender faces and darker eyebrows than Russians and Balts. The original Slavic face should resemble a Celtic, unaffected by Scandinavian descent. Uralic influence is great
Lyzko  45 | 9750
18 Feb 2021   #611
I quite agree. The hair is often coarse in texture, the features generally more sculptured, yet smooth.
7 Mar 2021   #612
And this is my personal opinion, I think that Slavs are very similar in depth and shape to Iranian and Aryan Indians such as Pashtuns in Afghanistan.

Miss, eye depth and shape
Vlad1234  16 | 883
8 Mar 2021   #613
I think Poles have more slender faces and darker eyebrows than Russians and Balts.

What do you think about Ukrainian appearance?
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
8 Mar 2021   #614
Most of them look like Poles.
Some look like Russians.
17 Mar 2021   #615
Ukrainians are characterized by a larger nose, protruding forehead and longer chin than Poles and Russians. It may be the result of a mixed race of Dinaric and Slavic races on the Balkan Peninsula.
jon357  72 | 23488
17 Mar 2021   #616
Ukrainians are characterized by

It's too large and diverse a country to easily generalise.
5 Jul 2021   #617
@Iskra I thik you are thinking of Eastern European not Slavs - Balkans vs. Baltic. Slavs are indeed the lowest pigmentation and often blonde and blue eyed.
18 Jul 2021   #618
Hi I'm of strong polish decent I had fair hair as a toddler that has gone darker to a light brown but I have very blue eyes and pale skin but I tan quiet well and I have tiny bit of freckles I was told by full a Russian friends when a little younger I have the polish look. I dunno if I see it though but Im only 5'1 in height but little and yeh I have Jewish from the polish blood aswell so that would change things
pawian  226 | 27498
18 Jul 2021   #619
I have Jewish from the polish blood aswell

Yes, it is possible. Some Jewish Poles have blond hair and blue eyes.
Jacek Zielionski
25 Jan 2022   #620
Typical Poles have a small, short tiny body and a large head, with short jaw line and thin lips, a very narrow and long nose and a round head with protruding cheek bones. A bit like trolls. Look at Polish presidents.
Alien  25 | 6394
25 Jan 2022   #621
If they are green and match your description, they are Aliens, and besides, Zielionski is not a Polish surname, so who are you????
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
25 Jan 2022   #622
so who are you????

Probably Jack351............
Joker  2 | 2447
25 Jan 2022   #623
Typical Poles have a small, short tiny body

Yet, we have huuuuge Dicks!! Thats all that matters, just stop being so jealous little man:)
Lyzko  45 | 9750
26 Jan 2022   #624
I've noticed a decided Baltic influence among numerous Poles, particularly women whom I've met of late. No surprise, once again, considering the fact that Poland's national poet thought of himself as a Lithuanian by descent:-)
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
26 Jan 2022   #625
considering the fact that Poland's national poet thought of himself as a Lithuanian by descent:-

As usual mate,you like to.twist history into what you want to.believe.
Mickieiwicz wrote in Polish and not in Lithuanian.
He was ethnically Lithuanian but regarded himself as Polish.
For historical reasons that I won't go into here.
You have no understanding of the multi cultural history of Poland at all!
Lenka  5 | 3542
27 Jan 2022   #626
In Pan Tadeusz he wrote 'Litwo! Ojczyzno moja! Not Poland.

However for him it was more probably like one entity. A bit like someone Welsh is still British.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
27 Jan 2022   #627
However for him it was more probably like one entity.

Very much so.
mafketis  38 | 11191
27 Jan 2022   #628
ethnically Lithuanian but regarded himself as Polish

And his "Litwo Ojczyzno moja" had just about nothing to do with the modern country of Lietuva....
pawian  226 | 27498
27 Jan 2022   #629
A bit like someone Welsh is still British.

Or even closer to the Polish yard: A Silesian is still Polish.
Lenka  5 | 3542
27 Jan 2022   #630
A Silesian is still Polish.

Can be, not necessarily is :)

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