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Seeking Czarniecki family members and ancestors from Lublin, also Margiewicz, Danilowicz and Andrulewicz

polonius  54 | 420
22 Mar 2013   #31
Germans and Jews named Schwarz (under whatever spelling) sometimes translated it to something like Czarnecki when they did not wish to broadcast their ethnicity.
Nickidewbear  23 | 609
24 Mar 2013   #32
Maybe we did? I don't know. I don't have us past the 1800s. We were Czerneckis and Czarneckis from Lipsk and Warszawa (why we moved to Northeast Poland from Warszawa has me beat. I understand the Andrulewiczes moving from Lithuania. My guess is that the further south in Poland and the closer to Slovakia one was meant more persecution. The Foczkos moved to Zlata Idka and Kosice once they converted.).

Merged: About Franciszek "Goral" Andrulewicz: What does this say?

About my cousin:
Magdalena  3 | 1827
2 May 2014   #33
I can find only one sentence about him in the text (overall, it concerns the infiltration of the Polish guerrilla organisations in the Suwałki region during WW2 by the Gestapo, and talks about the people who were killed or arrested as a result).

The sentence is: "W walce z gestapowską obławą stracił dwóch wartościowych partyzantów, kaprala podchorążego Stefana Bujnowskiego, ps. "Biały" oraz Tadeusza Mikłaszewicza, ps. "Tońcio" z wsi Kukle, oprócz zabitych był także ciężko ranny w brzuch Franciszek Andrulewicz, ps. "Góral". "

Which means that Franciszek Andrulewicz was a Polish underground fighter in a guerrilla group and was wounded in the stomach during a Gestapo raid.
28 Jun 2017   #35
My grandparents owned a bar in Mt Carmel Pennsylvania and their name was Edward and Catherine Andrulewicz. I'm looking for family to connect with. I want to return to Israel because I believe I'm Jewish. Contact me at Protouchpaintingllc@gmail
24 Jan 2018   #36
Looking for the correct birth date of Pawel CZerniecki (Czarnecki) Listed as 1843 birth died 1925, Poland However, his son Antoni is listed as being born 1840 died 1904 Poland. Someone has posted the wrong birth. Can anyone correct?
24 Jan 2018   #37
Looking for the correct birthdate on either Antoni Czerniecki born in Poland and died in Poland 1840-1904 and his father Pawel born 1843 and died 1925 Poland.There appears to be a discrepancy in their birth dates. Antoni is listed as the son of Pawel. Thanks
Nickidewbear  23 | 609
2 Dec 2019   #38

Needing Help Finding Great-Great-Grandma Czerniecki (z Andrulewiczów)'s Birth Record

She was born on June 26, 1882 in Bose (or so she claimed, though the claim about being born on June 26, 1882 checks out because of her cousin Shmuil ben Movsha Morgovich dying in Merkinė, Lithuania on April 4, 1882 of tuberculosis. Her parents, an Andrulewicz [a kohen] and a Andrulewiczówa z Margiewiczów, or at least Margevičiūtė whom Polonized her name later). I still can't find her record or any other pertinent info than I've found. Can someone please help me find the record (which I've tried to find to no avail)? Thank you so much.

PS Since both Merkinė and Bose were in the Pale, []they would not have needed permission to legally enter Bose[/url].
kaprys  3 | 2076
2 Dec 2019   #39
What's the exact location of Bose?
Did you get any help from Jewish geneaological groups?
As much as I would like to helpful you, the reality is that you're asking for Jewish records from Imperial Russia from what appears to be present day Lithuania on a Polish forum.
jon357  72 | 23493
2 Dec 2019   #40

Did you get a DNA test in the end? brings up any distant relatives that have also had them; you may find they have already done a lot of the research that you're trying to do.
Nickidewbear  23 | 609
2 Dec 2019   #41
What's the exact location of Bose?

Bose is in modern-day Gmina Sejny, and it was in Gubernia Suwalski from 1866 on. Also, the DNA test sort of helps and sort of does not help, since I'm mixed and a lot of Jewish atDNA currently shows up as Eastern European on Additionally, I got some matches, though some of the relationships are quite a bit misestimated. e.g.,

1) Kevin Czarnecki [Granduncle Tony's son, unless he's the other Kevin. In that case, he'd still be a once-removed cousin, given that Granduncle Red would be his grandfather and Robert, Sr. his son.]

2nd-3rd Cousin [Actually, once-removed first cousin either way.]
Shared DNA: 229 cM across 9 segments
No Trees
Father's Side
Add to group

2) Stephen Czarnecki [Granduncle Tony's son.]
2nd-3rd Cousin
Shared DNA: 278 cM across 18 segments
No Trees
Father's Side
Add to group

3) Chris Horoschak [Great-Grandaunt Celia's grandson through her daughter Alexandria "Sandy" Horoschak.]
4th-6th Cousin [Actually, once-removed second cousin. Sandy is Pop-Pop's cousin, and thus Chris is Dad's second cousin.]
Shared DNA: 59 cM across 6 segments
No Trees
Father's Side
Add to group

I forgot why Chris got some matches to some Trudnaks outside of the Czarnecki Trudnaks at first, by the way: Valerie Czarnecki married Great-Grandma Czarnecki (nee Trudnak)'s brother John.
kaprys  3 | 2076
3 Dec 2019   #42
Ok, since you can't find anything online have you contacted the state archives in Suwałki?
Nickidewbear  23 | 609
6 Dec 2019   #43
I just did (Thank you for the suggestion :-) ) two days ago.. I'm still waiting for an answer for them.
kaprys  3 | 2076
6 Dec 2019   #44
It may take a while. I waited for about 2 months after my application and they didn't find everything I asked for.
Nickidewbear  23 | 609
9 Dec 2019   #45
Good point. I've actually had the same experience when I've contacted them in the past, and the one at the national branch said that Bose was in Berzniki Parish. I got the same erroneous explanation with Great-Granddad's birth record. Basia on PolishForums later told me that it was in Sejny Parish (and based on the record either way, they became Anusim after the Farber-Kogan incident...which went really well with his ba'alei-teshuvah paternal grandparents 🤦🏽‍♀️!).

PS Re something that Magdalena stated a while back:

The sentence [that she translated]...means that Franciszek Andrulewicz was a Polish underground fighter...and...wounded in the stomach during a Gestapo raid.

He was murdered by the Soviets. His father Wincenty, z"l v'HY"D (as I subsequently found out) was the one murdered during the German part of the Holocaust, and both Franciszek and Janina (z"l v'HY"D) became resistance fighters as a result of their father's good influence.
kaprys  3 | 2076
9 Dec 2019   #46
Check all the clues. Don't assume anything. Just check the records.

As for ww2, the surname appears at but I don't know if they're your family.

As for the Arolsen Archives, there's only one result for Andrulewicz online but I don't know if he's your family.
Nickidewbear  23 | 609
9 Dec 2019   #47
I didn't know why they'd converted before. I'd known about some of the other circumstances. Then I found out about the Farber-Kogan Incident (which the Anti Semites later tried to use as an excuse for the Belostok Pogroms). As for Franciszek Andrulewicz et. al., I'm not sure of the exact relation perse other than that we're all Andrulewiczes (as far as Andrulewicz, I still have no idea whether we carried that name from Sefarad or wherever else and then Balticized it to "Andrulevicus", or we took it when surnames were required or short of required. Based on that some konwersji family had used forms of it beforehand and the given name "Kasis", my guess is that we carried it over. I also have no idea as to whether it comes from an average kohen named "Andreas" or a prominent kohen.)

Various sides went by several variants (even "Andreylowicus"). PS I had no idea that we had so many kedoshim and nitzolim within the family. Thank you for pointing me to all of this.
kaprys  3 | 2076
9 Dec 2019   #48
You will never know why they converted.
I came across several question marks concerning my family history like why on earth my great grandfather was born in a very different region of Poland than the rest of his siblings. He was the only 'missing' child of his parents in that parish. I found his place of birth in his death certificate and only then was I able to find his birth certificate. I can't travel a hundred years back in time to ask them why they lived for a couple of years in a place distant from their family home.

Just check the records one by one - starting from death certificates stating their place of birth and names of parents. Then you know where to look for their birth certificates etc. If they converted, there should be records in allegata books.

Not all the people with the same last name are your family.
Nickidewbear  23 | 609
9 Dec 2019   #49
Our family name is so unique on that one and the majority of us stayed together within certain areas. Also, I notice, too, e.g., that the name "Regina" became more prevalent in the family around the time that Great-Grandaunt Regina (z"l) died on June 23, 1925. Per Straty.Pl:

name Andrulewicz
father's name ANTONI
mother's name ALBINA
Date of birth 1925-10-10

Perhaps a family friend, Bertha Stawinski Wawrzyn, kept them informed of this when she went to visit and take pictures to bring the pictures back. They talked to her, though not us.
kaprys  3 | 2076
10 Dec 2019   #50
There are over 400 Andrulewiczs in Poland -not so few really.

There are no 'perhaps' in geneaology. You need facts. As I stated before, you need to go record by record.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 566
11 Dec 2019   #51
"Lewicz" ("Levitch", "ben-Levi"; in other words, "Levite")?

This attempt is the most convoluted venture, to prove a ridicules none existing point I have ever encounter Like a contortionist twisting himself into a pretzel, at the same time, using grains of sand, to make a rope
Nickidewbear  23 | 609
17 Dec 2019   #52
There are over 400 Andrulewiczs...

Trust me when I say that we're all of the same family, albe different sides. And I remember that someone pointed out that "Andrulevicus" originated in Stokliszki, a known shtetl. Besides, not over 600,000 (excluding the mixed multitude) left Egypt, and 400+ is not many especially after the Holocaust.

@Przelotnyptak1: Come again?

All JewishGen Databases
1,369 total matches found

Surname (phonetically like) : LEWICZ
Run on Mon, 16 Dec 2019 17:15:47 -0700

Additional 22 Matches from the All Galicia Database

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kaprys  3 | 2076
17 Dec 2019   #53
400 is not few.
To compare some rare surnames from my family tree- ethnic Poles, Catholics (as far as I know):
Kuryga 121
Dominek 162

Also keep in mind that places considered to be shetls also had non-Jewish population. They just had a considerable Jewish population within an ethnic Polish, Lithuanian or whatever community. Because they didn't have to go anusim. Some converted for different reasons. Their conversion should have been put into church books. And that's a solid record.

Andrulewicz is a Polonised version of a Lithuanian name derived from a Lithuanian first name. Lewicz has nothing to do with it.
The root Lew might come Lewko as well as lew -lion - used by Russians as a first name just to mention Lew Tolstoj.
Czarnecki comes from the root -czarny -black. A surname used in Poland long before Jews took surnames.
Jewish surnames within what is now Poland, Lithuania or Russia were usually formed according to local languages or rules.
Some were more popular among Jews some were not.
Take Jakub Szynkiewicz -the first Polish mufti - a Tatar Muslim bearing the name Jakub /Jacob and a -wicz surname. Should I claim his name us derived from szynka (ham) or from szynk -a place where alcohol was sold. So pork or alcohol for a Muslim??? His family might have taken this surname from Poles as Polish Tatars took Polish surnames. Just like Polish Jews.

A surname proves nothing.
You need a record. Check your immediate family one by one. Your granparents' records. Then their parents ' records and so on. Not everyone with the same record is your family. Period.

As for DNA tests, if you have a considerable what is considered Jewish DNA, I doubt it comes from a distant 18th century ancestor. After all I remember looking at a record from the 1820s of your ancestor -already a Christian. 200 years is at least five generations. I can't imagine your family marrying into other Anusim families especially that Jews in Poland didn't have to hide. Some towns and villages had more Jewish than ethnic Polish inhabitants and therefore were often called shetls. So I'd rather suspect a very 20th century love affair if your Jewish DNA is so dominant.

I'm sorry.
Nickidewbear  23 | 609
17 Dec 2019   #54
400 is not few.

As far as you know. Exactly. Also, my family even had Jewish and Jewish-equivalent names to prove it, including "Edward Leonard" which directly correlates to "Aryeh Leib" and even the Yiddish "Jankie" for "Felix" (my great-granduncle John Felix's middle name, and he was called "Jankie") and "Susi" for Joseph (my great-granduncle Joseph being "Susi").

Point being, our side were Ashkenazi equivalents of "konwersji" whom had Sephardi heritage, and I'm simply looking for help to find a record for one in particular.
kaprys  3 | 2076
18 Dec 2019   #55
European culture is based on Judeo-Christian tradition. That is reflected in names as well. A lot of names were taken from the Bible, including the Old Testament, others are derived from Greek or Latin or local cultures. Edward is of Old English and Leonard is of Germanic origin. My first name is of Latin origin, my mother's of Greek and my father's of Germanic origin. But I won't guess we have either Roman, Greek or German origins. Similarly, I have found lots of Katarzynas and Zofias in my family tree. That doesn't make me Greek.

As far as my origin is concerned, I know as much as I have found in actual records. So I traced my great granparents, then their parents and their parents and so on. I got back to the 18th and 17th century. As for earlier records, they need more effort and time so when I find it, I'll go on. I don't know what happened before. I don't know if there were no love affairs or rapes along the way.

Also Poland was really multicultural in the past, so there were Poles, Lithuanians, Ruthenians, Germans, Scots, Jews, Tatars and probably other minorities that don't come to my mind right now. I can't rule out any drop of foreign DNA in my blood. I will never know for sure. I don't really mind although if that happened I wish I knew why.

My ancestors faced poverty, deaths of their children, wars and uprisings. Life wasn't easy for them but I hope they had some happy days as well.

As for Józef in your family, Susi sounds like a bad transcription of Józio/Józiu, short of Józef/Joseph. John is Jan or Janek for family and friends. Józiu and Janek and their variations are perfectly Polish.

The problem is that you don't know Polish and you make too many assumptions. Just like in another thread you asked about Czokalo when someone talked about Chochla. Two very different etymologies and different pronounciation.
Nickidewbear  23 | 609
19 Dec 2019   #56
I found Jewish records for other sides of the family, and my granduncle Tony was very clear in how he pronounced the nicknames. I'm not here to dispute my genealogy. I am looking for a record.
kaprys  3 | 2076
20 Dec 2019   #57
This discussion is about Polish surnames and names. You have got your answers.
As for geneaology, you have been advised which branch of Polish state archives to contact.
Lenka  5 | 3539
20 Dec 2019   #58
Sorry to say that but you are wasting your breath here
Przelotnyptak1  - | 566
21 Dec 2019   #59
A surname proves nothing.

What a decent post, truthful and to the point Without people willing to defend what's ours, soon we will find out, that our surnames originated in the Middle East.

More I read more bewildered I become, reading the stories about Warsaw Uprising. Deceitful in every possible way The single greatest act of heroism and defiance (not very smart) during WW2 is purposely portraited as Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Ghetto Uprising heroic in it's own way, does not need propping with totally false claims.

I am suspecting instigators with not so secret agendas. Well done Kaprys
Nickidewbear  23 | 609
22 Dec 2019   #60
You would be wrong. I was asking for help finding a record, and I got Anti-Semitic drek (namely, bullstuff) from kaprys. Not all of us had the privilege of knowing that we are ethnically Jewish from the beginning, and kaprys wants me to fit the stereotype of the Jew whom returns to traditional Judaism once I found out that I'm a Jew. It doesn't work that way. I do not need to prove myself, especially since I already have done so multiple times.

Home / Genealogy / Seeking Czarniecki family members and ancestors from Lublin, also Margiewicz, Danilowicz and Andrulewicz

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