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Looking for an old region/town/providence in Poland

17 May 2016   #1
My great grandfather has the name of his birthplace and I can find no record of it. Can anyone direct me in how to find: Ternpoleleszczyszyn. I am guessing that it is actually Tarnopol in southern Poland
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
17 May 2016   #2

I really doubt it is 1 word. This


is likely either the name of some village or last name of some dude... While this


might be indeed Tarnopol although Uks (as It is in Ukraine now) call it Ternopil.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
18 May 2016   #3
Did you mean 'providence' or 'province' in your heading? This name seems to be the name of the region around Tarnopol (now in Ukraine), formerly the capital of the Tarnopol voivodship (province) in 1921-1939. To call an area (region) with the name of the city plus the '-szczyzna' suffix is common in Polish.

You have 'Lubelszczyzna' (Lublin), 'Opolszczyzna' (Opole), 'Wileńszczyzna' (Wilno), 'Kieleczczyzna' (Kielce), Pińszczyzna (Pińsk) and so on. The term 'Tarnopolszczyzna' (Tarnopol) is formed on the same basis. You will, however, never have 'Warszawszczyzna' (Warszawa), 'Wrocławszczyzna' (Wrocław), 'Krakowszczyzna' (Kraków) or 'Gdańszczyzna' (Gdańsk) and so on.
6 Jan 2017   #4
Looking for a pre War town called Marzęcice
Looker  - | 1129
6 Jan 2017   #5

Maybe any of these?
6 Jan 2017   #6
Thank you Looker. Info was helpful
30 Nov 2021   #7

Finding information about town in Poland? (Wiesnatz)

My husband's great grandfather was born in 1888 in a place called Wiesnatz, Poland (this is what he wrote on his registration card) but we can't find information on this place. Has anyone heard of this place?
jon357  72 | 23565
1 Dec 2021   #8
Witnica was called Vietz.

There were also several places called Wiesau.

If the place name was handwritten and uncle (or handwritten and then transcribed by someone), try various possibilities in here:

Remember that the list is not exhaustive though, and there are a lot of villages in Poland, some of them small.

There's also a current Wiesecki, and many, many places that contain the letters/word wieś (it means village).

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