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Jewish Roots of Poland

Mr Grunwald  33 | 2188
3 May 2024 #631
Cause it helps his cause to present Polish nation as villains, rather then opposing force to evil. He wants to distorts facts and present the minority of evil does as representents of Poland...
Lyzko  42 | 9525
4 May 2024 #632
@Ironside, if you were in the Jews' position during the War and saw your gentile neighbors
as the enemy, how would you have reacted?

Polish Christians weren't saints, neither were Polish Jews.
Novichok  5 | 7883
4 May 2024 #633
Of those 997 accused, 988 were Jews.

Great post.
In modern times in "America"...Jews comprise 3% of the population. Over 50% of crooks are Jews. See Madoff, the guy who made off with billions...from other Jews!

Oh, the irony...they should know their own better...
pawian  220 | 24841
4 May 2024 #634
Your fantasies?

I see. It means that I need...

distorts facts

... to get back to threads where we described Polish crimes on Jews during WW2.

See you there soon!!!! ):):)
Ironside  50 | 12415
4 May 2024 #635
I see. It means that I need...

Shut the F up!
pawian  220 | 24841
4 May 2024 #636
See you there soon. :):):)
Lyzko  42 | 9525
5 May 2024 #637
@Rich, as I've posted already, Jews made the tactical error of trying to assimilate too fast, way too uncritically!
Except if the Jew in question is either a made member of one of the Brooklyn sects, possibly a Holocaust survivor
or a mega rich monkey businessman, American Jews could learn some lessons from other ethnic minorities in the
States, such as African-Americans and Italian-Americans.

George Floyd was scarcely a model citizen, not mention hardly rich, yet his own people would rally around him in a way which would
have been impossible had he been Jewish.
Robin1988  9 | 71
6 May 2024 #638
Almsot happened to me, inside left with lighter and intrusive thought to burn the seat, after my family when they plan to take me on trip lol Yo Poles are damn drunks I swear!

Alien  22 | 5456
6 May 2024 #639
What does this road accident have to do with the topic of the thread?

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