I can't seem to see any pictures here. Is anyone else experiencing this?
Yeah, literally the entire town. Quite a lot of people according to google, Turks are dark and have hooked noses. So that does not seem likely. But I will explore all options. Sadly, I have little idea where in Poland. Now, most of my family is dead, I have lost contact with friends, and now I live in SE Europe. Maybe that is why this is so important to me. I'm kind of looking up my past. Oh, and for the record, I love my big nose. Unlike the person in this thread. I was made fun of it in school, growing up, but it is straight and strong. No one ever said to me "Look at that big nose on him, just like a girl." I find it manly and attractive. Though I do not have a "Polish Prince" t-shirt. lol
I didn't think so. Turks look very different anyways. Also, I have the DNA ancestry done. Nothing remotely Turkish. Can pics be posted on here? I do have example pictures, without using my own. On an aside, I have seen some Germanic peoples (I won't tell if you won't!), Scandinavian and British come to mind, with big noses? Scandinavia is fairly close.... Oh! While the rest of the face is not the same, Captain Picard on Star Trek has a pretty good nose like what I am talking about. You can see the bridge really high too. Like a wall between the eyes.