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Do Polish people have big noses?

pawian  226 | 27509
5 Oct 2021   #421
wonder if I'm Jewish myself...

Look at your member down there - what can you see???
smaczny  - | 5
6 Jan 2022   #422

Where are the big noses from?

Hello. I am from America. But my family is Polish. My whole town is Polish. And we all have these really big noses! Thin nostrils. But tall, high on the face, and very long. Straight. Like a perfect triangle. You can tell someone is Polish by this nose! However, I once visited Poland to see where my family came from, and I was shocked that no one had big noses! I did not see a single one! Now, this is not generations from Poland. Most people in this town were born in Poland. I was part of the first generation in the USA. And so many people say we are Jewish. No! It is not a curved nose. We are all 100% Roman Catholic, pink-skinned, Slavic-looking Poles with huge, pointy noses! Fish on Fridays and kielbasa, golumpki, and pierogis the rest of the week. I have been trying to find out for many years, as I am old now. It is not possible we all simply left for America. There must be some region or sub-culture? But Baltics do not have big noses. Nor do Slovaks, Czechs, Russians or Germans. So there must be some small group in Poland. Someone also suggested a phenomenon known as "vodka nose". But I do not drink. And many Russians and Balts do, but have small noses. Any idea or lead will help. No matter how far-fetched. Really, it keeps me up at night! Ha ha. Thank you all. Dziękuję Ci.
Alien  25 | 6399
7 Jan 2022   #423
Maybe you are descendants of Turkish settlers in Poland.
smaczny  - | 5
7 Jan 2022   #424
@Alien Thank you for the hypothesis Any are appreciated. But don't the Turks have hook noses like the Jewish? Ours are completely straight! It seems I am not the only one with this question, and my thread has been merged. I guess I have some reading to do here!
Atch  22 | 4299
7 Jan 2022   #425
My whole town is Polish. And we all have these really big noses!

Do you mean everybody in your town has this nose or just in your family? What part of Poland did your family come from?

descendants of Turkish settlers in Poland.

It's possible - all it would take is one Turkish ancestor. But is there is a typical Turkish nose?? I've known a few Turks and they had fairly ordinary noses and many Turks are quite fair and European looking.
gumishu  15 | 6228
7 Jan 2022   #426
It's possible

it's not possible because there was no Turkish settlement in Poland
jon357  72 | 23483
7 Jan 2022   #427
It's possible - all it would take is one Turkish ancestor.

Yes, and the Turks travelled. There genes are across Eastern and Central Europe.

I've known a few Turks and they had fairly ordinary noses and many Turks are quite fair

The same.
Atch  22 | 4299
7 Jan 2022   #428
there was no Turkish settlement in Poland

Not on a large scale but there were definitely some Turks living in Poland .
smaczny  - | 5
7 Jan 2022   #429
I can't seem to see any pictures here. Is anyone else experiencing this?


Yeah, literally the entire town. Quite a lot of people according to google, Turks are dark and have hooked noses. So that does not seem likely. But I will explore all options. Sadly, I have little idea where in Poland. Now, most of my family is dead, I have lost contact with friends, and now I live in SE Europe. Maybe that is why this is so important to me. I'm kind of looking up my past. Oh, and for the record, I love my big nose. Unlike the person in this thread. I was made fun of it in school, growing up, but it is straight and strong. No one ever said to me "Look at that big nose on him, just like a girl." I find it manly and attractive. Though I do not have a "Polish Prince" t-shirt. lol


I didn't think so. Turks look very different anyways. Also, I have the DNA ancestry done. Nothing remotely Turkish. Can pics be posted on here? I do have example pictures, without using my own. On an aside, I have seen some Germanic peoples (I won't tell if you won't!), Scandinavian and British come to mind, with big noses? Scandinavia is fairly close.... Oh! While the rest of the face is not the same, Captain Picard on Star Trek has a pretty good nose like what I am talking about. You can see the bridge really high too. Like a wall between the eyes.

Picards Nose
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
7 Jan 2022   #430
Any idea or lead will help.

Too much Hershey chocolade will do it to you.
mafketis  38 | 11149
7 Jan 2022   #431
Turks look very different anyways

Have you been in Turkey? Exteme genetic diversity (dating from Ottoman empire) at street level you see people that could pass for Scandinavian or Chinese and everything in between....
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
7 Jan 2022   #432

Maybe your family are Jewish?
Alien  25 | 6399
8 Jan 2022   #433
No, in #423 he wrote that they are not.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
8 Jan 2022   #434
He may be wrong and these people converted years ago.
Atch  22 | 4299
8 Jan 2022   #435
Turks are dark and have hooked noses.

That's not actually true. Many Turks are quite fair and many have quite unremarkable noses. And when it comes to Europeans, there is great diversity in our appearance including nose size. I'm Irish and we're not known for large noses but you'll still encounter some Irish people with a big nose. It really isn't that easy to get a simple answer to your question.

I don't find it odd that you or your family have bigger than average noses. What is odd is that you say everyone in your town of Polish extraction has similarly large noses. That would suggest that they all came from the same part of Poland where big noses prevailed which isn't at all likely. But I would suggest that rather than trying to find out about your own family, you should try to find out more about the history of the settlement of your town in the USA.
8 Jan 2022   #436
[You can tell someone is Polish by this nose!

However, I once visited Poland to see where my family came from, and I was shocked that no one had big noses!

That's kind of contradictory, don't you think?
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
8 Jan 2022   #437
Yeah, he is of Jewish descent, no question....But is in denial.
smaczny  - | 5
9 Jan 2022   #438

That is exactly the point!


You apparently have no idea what a Jew is.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
9 Jan 2022   #439
You apparently have no idea what a Jew is.

I have known many Jews in my long life, most of them Polish.
I suspect that I know a lot more about Jews and especially Polish Jews than you do.
Look at yourself in the mirror and learn more.
There is nothing to be ashamed of.
Polish Jews had a huge and beneficial impact on Polish culture, society and cuisine.
Atch  22 | 4299
9 Jan 2022   #440
I've known lots of Jews too, in the UK. Many of them were fair skinned to the point of being pale, one even had red hair, blue eyes and freckles. Their noses were a mixed bag. I can only recall one guy with a typical Jewish nose and he was Israeli but he was fair haired with green eyes.
smaczny  - | 5
9 Jan 2022   #441
For reference, I made this:

Jew vs Pole

Not a Jew

Do I need to upload some pierogis and golumpki too? Dom Polski Lifetime Member Key?
Vlad1234  16 | 883
9 Jan 2022   #442
at street level you see people that could pass for Scandinavian or Chinese

Maybe some of them are just turists?
mafketis  38 | 11149
9 Jan 2022   #443
So devoted to the trip that they speak Turkish and carry muslim prayer beads?

There are also some who could pass for Native American (esp women).

Here's a small sample of the diversity (at street level, if anything it's more diverse).

It's a former very large empire that brought in many people from the edges to the center (on their own or by force) so genetic diversity is what you'd expect.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
9 Jan 2022   #444
As for noses, the stereotypical Polish nose in the US isn't necessarily that large but is turned up at the end

Not just in the USA.
All my family have slightly upturned noses....
16 May 2022   #445
Idk why there's been a whole conversation on this, but frankly I love it 😂 I also have a Polish mate with a very large, hooked nose.
RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
18 May 2022   #446
Not excessively large, no. But Slavs in general, Russians, Serbians, Poles, etc. DO have a slight predisposition to 'large' noses. This does not mean absurdly large, or ALL Poles or anything, it's just a generic Slavic trait, like blonde/brown hair. A lot of Poles and other Slavs have blonde/brown hair, doesn't mean ALL. Likewise a lot have grey eyes, again, not ALL. What's so bad about a big nose, anyway? All being said, the Poles I know all have tiny noses.
23 Oct 2023   #447
My grandpa came from Poland so I grew up proud to be polish, never understood the Polish Jokes and insinuation Polish people aren't very smart. I was told that by someone when I was in sixth grade by a boy. Who said I shouldn't tell people I was Polish because they are dumb, however, I had straights A's in school and this person graded so lowly I'm not sure what letter they would

As for my nose well my uncle, my mom, and I all look pretty similar and yes I would say a larger nose is one of the traits I see in our family.
Alien  25 | 6399
23 Oct 2023   #448
Big noses are not a characteristic feature of Poles, on the contrary, Polish girls have rather beautiful small noses.
pawian  226 | 27509
23 Oct 2023   #449
Do Polish people have big noses?

Yes, I have. So what??? It is good - a big nose means big everything.
Alien  25 | 6399
23 Oct 2023   #450
A big nose means big everything.

A big nose primarily means a big catarrh.

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