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ORP Błyskawica Crew Records?

26 Apr 2014   #31
My father was Jan Bak but was given an alias ( BARONEK ) he was initially in the French Foreign Legion then the German Army and finally with the Orp Blyskawica 1943 - 1947 . His parents were originally from Byslaw in Poland but met in Oberhausen Germany , where my father was born ; after WWI. They moved to France in 1925 where my father was raised , when the Germans invaded France my father joined the Foreign Legion .The Germans ran the Legion and asked for all the German born men to enlist in the German Army , my father being one !

They were to form a battalion that were to be sent to the Russian Front , fortunately my fathers plane was diverted on its way and he was sent to North Africa to join Rommel . After 3 months Rommel was defeated and my father was taken prisoner 9th MAY 1943. He was sent to England to an internment camp , the Radar was invented and an Admiral from the Polish Navy visited wanting men who could speak Polish , my father could ! He was given an alias and sent to Glasgow where he learned the Radar Techniques and thus joined the ORP BLYSKAWICA !!!He demobbed in Rosythe Scotland after the war and went to live in Mansfield along with 4 ship mates , he was the last of them to die 18th August 2017 aged 87 . He was easy recognisable on photographs as he wore his cap to one side , something he was often told off about !!!
Arlanymor  - | 2
7 Jun 2014   #32
It's not 2017 yet. Perhaps you mean 2007.
17 Jan 2015   #33
Details of the crew of ORP Bkyskawica can be found in a little book by Wanda Troman 'ORP Blyskawica of Cowes and Gydinia; Work, War and Friendship'. This is available from the friends of the Blyskawica Society, email There is a full listing of the crew when the ship left Gdynia during Operation Peking and I don't see your grandfather on it but he could have joined the crew later. You could check his service record, available from the Ministry of Defence UK, or try Margaret Prior at the Society.
10 Feb 2015   #34
Nie znam angielskigo ale mój dziadek Kazimierz Płoszaj pływał na ORP Błyskawica do lata 1939r. był celowniczym. W domu zachowało się kilka zdjęć i książeczka wojskowa ale przepisana przez LWP.

Kazimierz Płoszaj, my grandfather, sailed on ORP Błyskawica until summer 1939. He was target commander. In the house there are some pictures and a military book issued by the Polish People's Army.
27 Jun 2016   #35
Boleslaw Gamów
Julian szymansk
6 Oct 2016   #36
My dad was on the boat
1 Mar 2017   #37
Am looking for any records or photos of my father W Pianko who served in Błyskawica until March 1945.
19 Mar 2017   #38
I am trying to confirm whether my Father-in-Law was a member of ORP Blyskawica crew in 1942 when in sailed into Cowes Isle Of Wight. His name was Antoni Jozep Kazemierz Werner. We have no information about him, where he was born etc. only he stayed on in cowes a married a local lady. He sadly passed away in 1982 up until now I have drawn a blank in trying trace him.

Can anyone remember him any information would be great.

Many thanks
Jean Werner
6 Aug 2017   #39
Hi I am looking for any information on the crew of the ORP Dragon.At the time she came into Western Ship repairs in Birkenhead near Liverpool for her upgrade in 1943 .A bit of family mystery that we are looking into.

any help would be grateful .
7 Aug 2018   #40
Hello, Looking for any info on my father-in-law Wladyslaw Andrejek Chief Petty Officer on the Blyskewica 1939-1945. Wladek was born in Lublin around 1911-13 and is now sadly gone. Any info greatly appreciated.
28 Aug 2018   #41
Hello i dont know if this will work... but i always wanted to find out more about my grandad! He was kleofus klunduk on the Blyscawica ship. I never knew him. Apparently he died from a heart attack at about 40... but i always had access to my grandads brother and his son. We are all klunduk! I know my mums cousin is george (jerzy) and he has info. I cant wait to meet him so we can find out More! He is apparently up for finding out things. My main aim is to try replicate the navy bracelet my mum gave me. It was a silver bracelet with a square shape which showed his ship. When she gave me it i was honoured! I never took it off!! Then a link broke... i was devastated but luckily i found the bracelet in my house. It was the most precious thing own! (Dont tell the dog) but after then we had new holes drilled in the square plate so i could have two holdy bits drilled and i had new links put in to secure it. Everything was ok... till the clasp must have given out! It fell off again! It wasnt in my house. I turned it upside down!! I am totally distraught that i have lost the only thing my mum has left of her dad! Mortified is the only word i can use! If someone else on this group has the same navy bracelet then please can you help me? I can never replace it! But i can have it tattooed to fill the gap on my arm where it used to be!! I just need to know exactly what it looked liked. I know mum will never forget that i lost it... but maybe at some point i could sleep easy by having tattooed on my wrist where it used to be! I have trawled all my old photos and whilst you can see the bracelet you cant make out the engraving! I know it was the ship... that helps... but i would love to see a real one... maybe take a casting or something... can anyone help me please? Xxxx
PolishResearch  - | 4
29 Aug 2018   #42

I have a keyring that I purchased from the museum on the ship some years ago. It is a representation of the ship in metal and looks like it could be used as a bracelet. What's your email address, I'll send you a photograph of it. Also the museum on the ship might have the item you are looking for. Can't see any bracelets in photographs I've looked through, but not many bare wrists as they served in some very cold seas! You can get in touch with the museum at :-

Regards Stefan.
28 Dec 2019   #43
Bardzo interesująca historia. (A very interesting story)

Please contact
Aggie Landowska
5 Nov 2021   #44
Hello everyone, just so you are aware, the Naval Museum in Gdynia is working on a project trying to set the record stright with full crew records
LParkes  - | 1
16 Jan 2022   #45
Hi I am looking for information on my Grandfather Kazimierz Kowalczyk DOB 14 March 1914, Died August 1990. He settled in Newport, Isle of Wight after WW2.
I cannot find any birth record on and am unable to find his family as I don't know his parents or siblings names. He served on the Blyskawica with his friend Guzenda.

When my Grandma died in 2007 some men from the Blyskawica came to the funeral but I don't remember their names.
Any information on how I can find more about my Grandfather would be great. Thanks
Underhand77  - | 1
16 Apr 2023   #46
Hello. found this post. I met your grandfather. I am the grandson of his brother. Please contact me !

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