Another shot at Dambok:
The probability of Dambok being a corrupted form of "Dąbek" seems much higher than the chance of any possible material contacts between Cambodia and Poland in the past.
Other than that Dambok seems to be a Silesian name, as supported by "Moi Krewni" database (22 persons of that name in Poland, most of them in Świętochłowice), and this collection from reporting Silesian names from 12 districts around Katowice:
Dambok: 90 names, source,29088,103508558,103508870,Re_NAZWISKA_S LASKA_KATOWICE.html
I still have no clue what "dambok" really means in Polish - aside from guessing its relation to "dąbek", a little oak tree - but there is a Silesian adjective "
damboki" or "dymboki" - meaning "głęboki" in Polish, "deep" in English.
I know however that
dambock in German means a
male fallow deer (a buck)The German equivalent of the service "Moi Krewni", [, summarizes the search on three surnames Dambok, Dambock, Damböck as follows:
In Germany there are 18 phone book entries with the surname Dambok and approximately 48 people with this name, (19, 50) correspondingly for the surname Dambock and (192,512) - for Damböck .
Dumböck, Dumbeck, Dumbach: pl.n. Dumbach (Baden, Aust.);
-beck, -böck for -bach [creek] is Bav.-Aust., cf. Meichelbeck (Bav.), Aspöck (Asbach in Aust.). Dumbach is derived from Tun-bach, found in old documents, just as Dombach in Bav. is derived from Tun-bach and Dambach,
Damböck are derived from Tan-bach:
tun, tan are very old words for mud, bog (Bahlow ON, p. 473, 485).