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Is "Lubrant" a Polish last name?

10 Nov 2023   #1
Hey everyone! I was wondering if anyone knows if "Lubrant" is a Polish last name? I've been trying to find information about its origin and meaning, but I haven't had much luck so far. If anyone has any insights or resources they could share, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance for your help!
pawian  219 | 24513
10 Nov 2023   #2
Anything is possible here. This is a crazy country, really.
However, Lubricant is certainly not a Polish surname.
jon357  73 | 22695
10 Nov 2023   #3

There are certainly people called that in Poland, most of them around Wloclawek and Kunice.

As the link suggests, it may be a variant spelling of another name.

6 Sep 2024   #4
There are Polish people living in Poland with "Lubrant" last name. So technically it is Polish, but I doubt it originated in Poland. It has French connotations to me.
Alien  22 | 5410
6 Sep 2024   #5

There is a word "lubrykant". I don't have to explain the meaning.
Poloniusz  4 | 842
6 Sep 2024   #6
but I doubt it originated in Poland. It has French connotations to me.

Yes, perhaps so.

jon357  73 | 22695
6 Sep 2024   #7

It may well be a variant of the Swiss name Lybrand or the Dutch name Leibbrandt.

There's also an old and now archaic first name in Northern Italy, Liutprand which Lubrant, Lybrand and Leibbrandt may well derive from.

Home / Genealogy / Is "Lubrant" a Polish last name?
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