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The BEST Guide to POLAND
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I love Asiatic influences in Polish peoples' faces

11 May 2012   #31
who live among their borthers.

should be: who live within their borders.
11 May 2012   #32
Poles have Mongolian ancestry, Poles who don't recognize it, deny its past and roots.

I'm sure a certain percentage of the Polish population does. Is it significant though? I don't think Asian haplogroups have high frequencies in the Polish gene pool.
modafinil  - | 416
11 May 2012   #33
I myself doubt it is significant in the amount there is or what it means to be a modern Pole(Not sure which way you meant it). I remember reading somewhere Nazi Germany would bang on about how Czechs were not Europeans but actually mongols. But as I said earlier I had heard mongols moved away before Slavs moved in, possibly through the same corridor.
11 May 2012   #34
For whole today I was carrefully studing faces of people I was passing by. I did not notice anything which could be considered as an "Asian trait".

If a round face with a wide cheekbones is what you call "the Asiatic influence" then I saw today barely several people with such features, certainly you can find more of them in England.
wawa_marek  1 | 129
11 May 2012   #35
Pawian666 You are right. The nest example of polish Mongol:
sa11y  5 | 331
11 May 2012   #36
Pawian, I have no idea where you get those pictures from, but they look nothing like Poles I know. There are probably some Poles that have Asian ancestry, as we were raided many times (especially the east part of Poland) but this genotype is definitely not predominant.
wawa_marek  1 | 129
11 May 2012   #37
Poles know how to fight for their rights, even if Solidarnosc is not the leading power anymore.
sa11y  5 | 331
11 May 2012   #38
Haha, Marek, looks like I was wrong about Polish ancestry ;-) mea culpa!
12 May 2012   #39
certainly you can find more of them in England.

Makes sense, I hear England is flooded with Polish
WielkiPolak  54 | 988
12 May 2012   #40
I think it depends. Not keen on it that much. I do not mind an slight influence of Asiatic Indian but not keen on the white people that look Chinese [like Kazaks].
3 Jul 2014   #41
Ok I'm a Turkish and named Cengizhan by my family :) I'm mixture of Turkish and Caucasian breed. Surely not a Mongolian.
I've been in £omża it's east Poland actually far east :) during 6 months I start to observe for define common or different behaves between me and Polish culture. I observe so many common thinks. Sure social life is different because of culture and also has similarities because of Globalization. Two behaves is important. Miss understandings and habits remain before accepting strong religions. Miss understandings are out of human's control. It's subconscious. And it's genetic heritage. For example when strangers smile to you it must make you happy. But in Polish and Turkish it means if I look funny. Stressful and suprisingly similar in Turkish Hungarian Polish Italian and several nations. Ok let's say it's not so spesific.

Second is huge amount of shaman habits. When Polish talk about something negative for defeating bad souls they knock some wood materials. And believe me it's perfectly same in my country. We also know it's shamanic. I have more example if you want to know. Just ask.

Visually Polish people has wider chin bone and bigger skull then relative races(meant slavic races) it's very typical sign of Asian especially Mongolians. Even in Turkey late replaced( Ottoman Empire's Policy for increase Turkic population in Anatolia) Turkic from Asia (Kazakh Uzbek..) you can observe this chin bone and skull easily. This photo may can explain you what I meant. Compare Polish lady with another Slavicladies. Russian is more eastern but she has more Slavic face.

Also in Podlasie rarely I saw blond people.(except Belarusian) They are mostly brown. Even in Belarus mostly they are brown. They should be white cause they are calling like Biała-Ruski means White Russian. So I suprised to see brown's domination. But it may be caused Stalin's exchange program :) if you know something, help to finish my doubt.

I have two argument for prove Asian effects on Polish.
First is as you discussed Mongolian effects in 13th century. Some of Mongolian stayed and asimulated. And really limited mixture children were born.
Second is close relation with Hungarians in history for long time. They are also from in same family (how badly they refuse this relative tie but this is fact) and maybe they had cultural exchange. Today a Hungarian is behaving perfectly same as Turkish. Even when we lie we both use same methods. Anyway so in history potential exchanges can be cause of it. But finally we all are children's of Adam and Ewa :) For ask more or correct me you can mail me.
Wulkan  - | 3136
3 Jul 2014   #42
Compare Polish lady with another Slavicladies. Russian is more eastern but she has more Slavic face.

No, she hasn't.

When Polish talk about something negative for defeating bad souls they knock some wood materials. And believe me it's perfectly same in my country.

It's exactly the same in hundrads of other coutries. For example in England you say "touch wood" in exactly same situation. :-)

I don't feel like commenting the rest of your statements, there is too much of it and in general I can say that it's a nonsense in most of it.
3 Jul 2014   #43
quite a lot of people in Poland seem to have asiastic features, especially eyes but they don't look totally Asian. a few examples from Poland:

Agata Bryl
Magdalena Frackowiak
Kasia Struss
Roma Gasiorowska
Alexa Luczak

i cant think of any men right now but i have a friend, the first time i met him i was sure he was at least 50% Asian... he's 100% Polish (at least thats what he told me)

Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz claims to be of partly Tatar origin

i've noticed people in Podlasie often have slightly slanted eyes(Tatar influence?) and often are blond at the same time. interesting look.
i wouldnt say majority of people in Poland have these Asiatic features though.
3 Jul 2014   #44
I'll correct myself immediately after check another shamanic behaves :)
But photo come on check out again. She has influences of Asian. I don't know.
But for define if sth make sense or not, you should start to read history between 6th and 14th centuries. And also Turkic Migraton and it's effect on Europe. You'll suprise.

Thank you.
Roger5  1 | 1432
3 Jul 2014   #45
i've noticed people in Podlasie often have slightly slanted eyes(Tatar influence?) and often are blond at the same time. interesting look.

I haven't noticed that at all, and I've been in Podlasie for fourteen years.

I'll correct myself immediately after check another shamanic behaves :)

You do that. Whatever it is.
Rysavy  10 | 306
7 Jul 2014   #46
My fiance's family in Bialystok have high cheekbones and a tilt to almond eye shape but is does not look at asiatic at all to me. All are pale, blonde with eyes are deep set and large and blue for 3 generations I have seen. Honey almost looks like a Roman bust.. and different from every other member of his family looks somewhat different from teh rest of his rubber stamp family.

My former Russian MIL had slanted eyes.
I have slanted eyes.. but was it from slanty eyed Bohemian czech side? Or fact I am Blood quantum 1/4 native american?
It takes more that slanty eyes to make a potential mongol
Roger5  1 | 1432
7 Jul 2014   #47
Both you and the troll you quote have obviously never been to this part of the world. If you had, you would know that what you are suggesting is nonsense. You simply cannot extrapolate from one family what the inhabitants of a region look like. Białystok has many types of people in terms of appearance, but apart from the staff of the Chinese restaurant, and foreign medical students, I have never seen anyone with slanted eyes. (In fact no-one on Earth has slanted eyes; the so-called Mongolian hood is a shape of eyelid which gives the eye a slanted appearance.)
7 Jul 2014   #48
perhaps slanted(i said slightly anyway) is the wrong word but lots of people have asiatic features.

Wulkan  - | 3136
7 Jul 2014   #49
Sorry but you clearly miss the meaning of the word slanted and this girls has no Asian features whatsoever
7 Jul 2014   #50
i didn't say they looked Asian but they have some asiatic features this doesn't make them Asian.

Russian father , Polish mother (on the pic)
mixed Polish-Ukrainian

Polish Tatars,641731,16.jpg
Wulkan  - | 3136
7 Jul 2014   #51
Once again you have shown that you have no idea what the Asian features are. Here in England I can show you native English women who look more Asian than the examples you have given.
7 Jul 2014   #52
show me asiatic features on Europeans then. but i don't mean Asians or half Asians but Polish or English or other Europeans(preferably public persons) with Asiatic features.Thank you
Rysavy  10 | 306
7 Jul 2014   #53
Both you and the troll you quote have obviously never been to this part of the world.

Wow just wow

WHO is the combative know-it-all trollhere? Nice uncalled for attacks, dude. Neither the stubborn subscribers to Tartar influence theory nor myself have said any name calling. Congrats on being first. And one has to wonder why actual polish born Poles living in Poland don't post here often. Only the curious, the ex-pats and the "I live here so I am POLISH expert types. My fiance humors me, he calls it the trolly political site. He wouldn't be caught dead here.

You take two different views A) One thinking there is tartar influence everywhere and B) another , myself, saying a tilted or slanted eye shape is not unique nor automatic reason to call a look asian.; roll them to one; then sling insults. NIIIICE! Bravo!

I am surprised you didn't kibitz how dorked up my paragraph was because the insert function disaster and infer that would be reason to assume my age, education, experiences and exposures to other cultures. Or was that coming? Wanna correct my NICKNAME next? It has a history and it IS my nickname despite being female.

People like you are what make these type of forums stagnant and unpleasant because you are busy name calling, being rude and in the meanwhile not imparting ANY HELPFUL INFORMATION/MEDIA/HISTORY

You are correct I have NOT been to Poland. Yet.
I have only been in the general area of Europe, to be fair. I have stayed with family in the Czech Republic and Germany during my growing up years and speak with them often. Skype via video often. Exchange thoughts, photos and questions often.

But YOU have no right to say you know what is in my head or what my following comments might have been.
I was NOT even close to saying the whole region, much less country looks like a mere 22 people or for that matter a half dozen unrelated friends.

My point was that my fiancee's very old lineage (registered) did NOT look at all asian just because they have almond eyes. I DID not say his family has slanted eyes, though one of his BBF's does. I said almond shape with high cheeks, which one could take as slanted if they have not seen a lot of ethnic types.

My now deceased MIL had a tilt to her eyes, her fathers mother who was of tarter descent had very slanted. She as Russian immigrant. Her parents were Russian. Their Parents were Russian

Palpebral slant is a SEPARATE PHYSICAL FEATURE from epicanthal fold BTW; FYI. Look it up... anti-mongoloid palpebral slant

But maybe you could point out nicely and go source it to be more expert on how highly unlikely secret mongul blood would stay viable when breeding back to the original genotype for the past the past 5 centuries after all that was invading stuff was put to rest (unless they were already admittedly Tarters who made great sauce to go on raw meat...right?)

Or that areas most effected by the Monguls were Southern areas like Silesia? Krakow? ****disclaimer.. like hearing history, knows bits and bobs, but have not researched Polish History . My roots are in Bohemia*
Roger5  1 | 1432
7 Jul 2014   #54
I am surprised you didn't kibitz how dorked up my paragraph was because the insert function disaster and infer that would be reason to assume my age, education, experiences and exposures to other cultures.

I'm sorry, I don't speak American.

You are correct I have NOT been to Poland.


I have only been in the general area of Europe,

My advice is to take a little water with it.
Szalawa  2 | 239
7 Jul 2014   #55
But YOU have no right to say you know what is in my head or what my following comments might have been.

They are just annoying trolls, they have a very narrow egocentric mind and its pointless to argue with them because all they will do is through insults around.

You are not implying Polish people are Asian, its very obvious.

there are Tatars in Podlasie, as well as other regions across Poland, I'm sure Roger5 knows that. Many Tatars eventually lost their language and abandoned their religion (Islam) over time, and then mixed with other Poles. This would cause some Poles to have Asiatic features without even knowing they are part Tatar. I am no Tatar expert but this is what I read from Polish history books. Today It appears that 5,000 people in Poland claim Tatar ethnicity and it seems to be a growing trend (people used to keep quiet about these stuff, even today some people still keep quiet about it).
Myatska  - | 6
16 Nov 2017   #56
I found out from a very in-depth DNA test that what had to be from the dziadzio John Brzoska of my mother bequeathed me a mixture of Polish, Romanian and even a little bit of Roma ancestry. Most people recognize the Roma a lot better by their nickname Gypsy. My mother's babcia Johanna Eisner that emigrated from Poland 🇵🇱 too just like my mother's dziadzio John Brzoska was 100% Ashkenazi Jewish. 23andme is the only adequate DNA testing company there is for people with ancestry from Poland, Eastern Europe or mixed racial DNA which come to find out I do DNA from Eastern Europe. I already knew that 12.5% of my ancestry is Native American Indian. And even though I knew that I definitely have Polish, Ashkenazi Jewish along with Native American Indian ancestry I didn't know that I have Eastern European DNA or that I have any Roma Gypsy ancestry
9 Sep 2022   #57
Poland is located in Central Europe and this is objectively true. You know why? Because Europe is located east to the Urals. Up to half of Iceland is in the American hemisphere. A small part of Kazakhstan is geographically located in Europe. When you check where the center of Europe is, you will find yourself in Poland, or somewhere close, not on the right. It's not a question of feelings or a complex, it's a fact. And if you write that Poland is in Central Europe, you are wrong. Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, Western Russia and a little Kazakhstan are in Eastern Europe. Countries such as Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary are in Central Europe.
9 Sep 2022   #58
I'm sorry for my mistake. it was that Europe is bordered by the Ural
Alien  25 | 6353
9 Sep 2022   #59
@Ratoq ; And if you write that Poland is in Central Europe, you are wrong.
Mistake No. 2

Home / Genealogy / I love Asiatic influences in Polish peoples' faces