nah, its not nearly as difficult for a child to learn new languages as it is for older immigrants going to a new country.
yeah your write, i learned french in school and it was much easier than learning polish now :):):)
I'll stick to wearing seven sweaters.
wow that is a lot of layers, surely you shrink in all those clothes, lol :)
Isn't that quite the double standard? Guys can drink until they've fallen like idiots and sustained head injuries (and yes, I actually do know a few of these dolts) but when women do it, its unattractive. Does that girl look like she cares if some guy on PF finds her attractive? I highly doubt it.
i actually think women are worse with drink, i can't speak for any othe country but my own but the UK is awful for it.
I think from your avatar you look german
we have Jerry on PF?? really???