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Polish looks?

rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
10 Jan 2013   #1261
ok , from the previous page, the first is an American Jew, the other two are Polish?
on this page, they are three guys auditioning for a psycho movie?
4 eigner  2 | 816
10 Jan 2013   #1262
#1 (the other two, kinda look Polish too, especially the one in the middle)
10 Jan 2013   #1263
ok , from the previous page, the first is an American Jew, the other two are Polish?

but there are 5 pictures there.

on this page, they are three guys auditioning for a psycho movie?

No they are djs.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
10 Jan 2013   #1264
What makes me chuckle is that the same people who are saying this is impossible are all also saying things like *the Greeks can always spot tourists* or That Poles can spot non Poles in Poland..

Of course you're completely correct, it's just kind of amusing to see the lengths some people will go to defend their knee-jerk reactions.

Both, because the number of descendants from one "intermingling" increases almost exponentially over the centuries.

It seems to me the opposite effect has happened. Those descendants have x % Germanic "blood" in them and y % Polish but the longer they stay in Germany, the greater x% becomes.

But hey maybe 700 years of some intermingling here and there is enough to negate thousands of years of the complete opposite from happening. Going by appearances, it certainly doesn't look that way.
10 Jan 2013   #1265
From the previous pages (42-43):

1. Of course Zbigniew Cybulski. Polish. Don't know about any Jewish ancestry, he was buried at Catholic cementary, so I guess it's rather not the case.

2. Eugeniusz Bodo, an actor, half-Polish half-Swiss

3. Polish actor Jerzy Stuhr. The catch is that he has an Austrian ancestry, I'm suprised no one noticed this in his features ;)

4. Is he Polish? No. Is he Ukranian? NO. So who is he? It's Danny Byrd from Bath, an English DJ ;)))

5. Another British DJ, Andy C
4 eigner  2 | 816
10 Jan 2013   #1266
what about the last 3?

I called #1, was I right?
Paulina  17 | 4465
10 Jan 2013   #1267
I think this might be helpful: It's the average male and female face of many countries from around the world. I am not sure if age has been taken into account. See if you can spot any differences between the average Polish and others: )

Of course I can spot differences - all of those are different faces :))
But you're right - there is something Polish about them (especially about the woman). Also Russian woman is spot on, I think. Russian man - I don't know... Not necessarily... Maybe Ukrainian? The average English man does look English! (or British) And the Irish woman! I'm not sure what's Irish about the man, though, but it's not like I've seen many Irish people, I guess :)

On the other hand, I'm going in my head through all the Polish faces of people I've known and know and I can't really recall anyone who would look similar to that "average Polish woman"... Except for this actress (but I don't know her personally, of course :)):

I was writing before about sitting with my female friends at a restaurant and how our hair and eye colour differed. But it wasn't only that - we also had completely different facial features. One of us could be considered Italian, for example, the second one Irish maybe, third one, let's say, Dutch, and me... I don't know... Jewish, maybe? lol I doubt you'd guess we're Polish. There are so many different facial features - it's pretty amazing! Also among Polish men. I think the same applies to other nationalities.

we got em here too lol

We still have them in Poland too - I guess not all of them have been exported abroad xD

I also can't believe you actually are having a conversation about how Polish women walk and how is that different from others.

They're men... lol At least it's less ridiculous than discussing how pointy Polish heads are ;D

I'm also Polish, so yes, I can confirm the tail part, but my family didn't eat lots of cabbage and gherkins, therefore my skin is not properly green :( But you know, be cool and don't give out the secrets, k?

Haha... xD Sometimes I even like this forum! lol
ifor bach  11 | 152
10 Jan 2013   #1268
explain please why you cannot believe that Poles dont just magically blend in with the natives straight away like some uber spies?

You're changing your point now. I never argued that it is not possible to 'spot a foreigner', only that there are no obvious physical or odour differences between Poles and other Northern Europeans.

Anyone claiming to be able to spot a Pole by their smell is talking out of their behinds.

diet effects body odour (which he somehow etrapolaits into me seemingly claiming to be some sort of Child Catcher able to sniff out anyone who's name ends in ski......)

So you claim to be able to work out someone's diet by how they smell. I don't believe you.
monia  3 | 212
10 Jan 2013   #1269
Does she have Polish ancestry ?

  • ambr.jpg
alexnye  2 | 30
10 Jan 2013   #1270
A lot of Polish ladies have taken a fancy to the Turks and the Pakistanis in the UK it seems.

My friends neighbour is a Pakistani/Polish couple.
I've seen a few couple out and about as well.
monia  3 | 212
10 Jan 2013   #1271

Do you think she is a mixture of Polish and Pakistani ancestry ?
10 Jan 2013   #1272
Does she have Polish ancestry ?

No. She's British.

Of course I can spot differences - all of those are different faces :))But you're right - there is something Polish about them (especially about the woman).

Who do you find the most attractive out of men? I, myself, have strangely discovered that I like the average Pole the most - he was a perfect mix of masculinity and softness. The second most attractive was Irish.

the average Polish woman looked very plain comparing to other averages ;)

what about the last 3? I called #1, was I right?

Yes, but I can't believe you guessed that. The other two are Britons.
4 eigner  2 | 816
10 Jan 2013   #1273
I've seen quite a few Poles who looked just like him when I was in Poland.
I'm a little surprised the #2 is a Brit though.
monia  3 | 212
10 Jan 2013   #1274
No. She's British.

Any other clues ?
10 Jan 2013   #1275
I'm a little surprised the #2 is a Brit though.

You can read about him on wikipedia if you don't believe me ;)
4 eigner  2 | 816
10 Jan 2013   #1276
I believe you. Why would you lie about something as meaningless as this? ;-)
10 Jan 2013   #1277
I wouldn't.
What about Monia's pic? Will you give it a try? ;)

A lot of Polish ladies have taken a fancy to the Turks and the Pakistanis in the UK it seems.

Why don't they take facy in you? ;)
4 eigner  2 | 816
11 Jan 2013   #1278
What about Monia's pic? Will you give it a try? ;)

I saw her pic long time ago but she must have deleted it in the meantime. All I remember is that she's blond, that's all.

(correction, her pic is still on PF, just saw it)
David_18  65 | 966
11 Jan 2013   #1279
Any other clues ?

Alessandra Ambrosio

Her mother or father is Polish.

Polish descent woman
monia  3 | 212
11 Jan 2013   #1280
Zetigrek asked you about the picture I posted in #1306 post . My personal picture is still in my profile , just different one .
Paulina  17 | 4465
11 Jan 2013   #1281
Who do you find the most attractive out of men?

I generally like men with dark hair and dark eyes :) But I can fall for a blue eyed blond man too lol There was a time when I had a crush on Brad Pitt, for example ;D Johnny Depp doesn't do anything for me despite the fact that in theory his "my type".

But Eric Bana does after "Troy", mainly because of the character he played :) So it depends on the role, as far as I've noticed.

It's the same in real life - it depends on the individual character, really, not nationality...
And I like when a man looks like a man - has some muscles, but this also doesn't depend on nationality, I suppose...

I, myself, have strangely discovered that I like the average Pole the most - he was a perfect mix of masculinity and softness.

I immediately thought of Aleksandr Kerzhakov, when I read this! ;D

Look at those eyes, OMG...

the average Polish woman looked very plain comparing to other averages ;)

But sweet! ;)
monia  3 | 212
11 Jan 2013   #1282
Her mother or father is Polish.

You are right , haha :) How did you find out ?
4 eigner  2 | 816
11 Jan 2013   #1283
My personal picture is still in my profile , just different one

sorry, overlooked it

Zetigrek asked you about the picture I posted in #1306 post

yes, she looks kinda Polish or maybe Ukrainian
David_18  65 | 966
11 Jan 2013   #1284
You are right , haha :) How did you find out ?

I can spot a polish women miles away ;))
11 Jan 2013   #1285
I immediately thought of Aleksandr Kerzhakov, when I read this! ;D

Never knew him before. I must admit his an eye cookie on this cover

But sweet! ;)

The sweetest one is English. Cute doll face, just perfect :)
Paulina  17 | 4465
11 Jan 2013   #1286
Never knew him before. I must admit his an eye cookie on this cover

I spotted him during Euro 2012 :] What a shame that Russian team had to go home so early... *sighs* lol

The sweetest one is English. Cute doll face, just perfect :)

Yes, she's pretty, but there's something gentle and nice in the eyes of the Polish "average". I also like French one and Italian, for the same reason, probably ;)
monia  3 | 212
11 Jan 2013   #1287
I can spot a Polish women miles away ;))

The general perception of Polish look is very biased and generalized to one red neck type look of a man or some sluttish type of a woman you may find in London near Polish bars and restaurants. . Many of them would never guess that one of the most internationally acclaimed model is in fact very much Polish , having as a matter of fact Polish mother .
David_18  65 | 966
11 Jan 2013   #1288
Well people needs a scapegoat to feel better about themselfs. And since the poles are the scapegoats in the UK even tho many brits don't want to admit it, and since this forums non-polish members consists of 80% brits you kinda got this "anti-polish" vibe floating around these threads.

Seriously i don't care anymore about all this ********* about how bad poles are etc etc.. Since i know that most of the critics are loners with probably zero sexlife ( yes sex makes you happier ) with nothing better to do then sit on this forum bashing poles and naging about how bad this country is.

Who would have guessed eh? ;)
4 eigner  2 | 816
11 Jan 2013   #1289
guess what, David?

Race or Ethnicity: Maori, English, Scottish, Norwegian, Irish, German, Welsh, Swedish
David_18  65 | 966
11 Jan 2013   #1290
Dude like i said before just shut it alright?

You assumed i meant he was from Poland by just looking at the ******* photo on that video. I really hope not everyone in the Uk is as dumb as you rofl.

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