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Polish looks?

southern  73 | 7059
8 Aug 2011   #961
SIDS is a fraud.It is a term invented to cover cases of well off women who drown their children because otherwise the social consequences would be intolerable.

can we get back to Polish Looks, please.
TheMan  - | 56
9 Aug 2011   #962
Can it affect a brain if it can affect a scull? Sorry but it sounds bit silly... children don't sleep on a flat tough plank but on a soft cushion

It's unlikely to affect the brain as long as it it just minor and regardless of the surface the baby sleeps on, if it can support its weight it can create pressure. it's like if you sit on a soft cushion, no matter how soft it is, your bottom won't look as round as it does while standing... pardon the example. The head is supposed to be so soft that just pressing lightly will cause a depression so if the baby always sleeps in a particular position eventually, it will start to show... the back of my head is flat... hmmm
skysoulmate  13 | 1250
9 Aug 2011   #963
can we get back to Polish Looks, please.

That's exactly what we're talking about. Wroclaw said many Polish people had a somewhat different shape to their skull, that shape affects a person's looks. Definitely on subject.

PS. I just reread Southern's post, I guess he's taking it into the la-la land? A weird comment for sure...
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
9 Aug 2011   #964
Wroclaw said many Polish people had a somewhat different shape to their skull, that shape affects a person's looks.

i'm coming round to the idea/theory of the way babies/toddlers are on their backs for too long and kept in baby buggies/child car seats for too long.

i think delph' suggested, in another thread, that youngsters here spend a lot of time in buggies.

anyway, whether it's true or not that modern life can cause flat spots, i never would have thought it.
Borowski  - | 1
15 Aug 2011   #965
Both sides of my family are from Leczna, Poland. I have a big slavic Polish nose, golden/yellowish tan skin, deep green eyes with light brown hair. I have high cheek bones and a defined jaw line. needless to say, I am very much Polish, and very proud!
skysoulmate  13 | 1250
16 Aug 2011   #966
What the heck is a big Slavic nose?? Italian maybe but Polish?
16 Aug 2011   #967
You have a gorgeous nose . . . and the rest of you is pretty nice to look at too!!

16 Aug 2011   #968
What the heck is a big Slavic nose?? Italian maybe but Polish?

I'm also from Poland and I've never heard about Polish nose thing. it seems that Americans believe that Poles have big noses...
skysoulmate  13 | 1250
16 Aug 2011   #969
it seems that Americans believe that Poles have big noses...

Really? I've never heard it from one single American and I live here...
David_18  65 | 966
16 Aug 2011   #970
There has been a significant increase in the number of infants with Flat Head Syndrome in recent years.

There is no such thing as a "flat head Syndrome".

Ever been to France, Germany or Italy? If you've been there you probably have noticed that like 50% of the people there got the "Flat head syndrome".

It's just the way it is.
kat9589  - | 1
19 Aug 2011   #971
Hello! I was wondering- can anyone tell me/guess what ethnicity(ies) I am? Just curious because I am often told I look Asian or Native American but according to my ancestry (that I know of) I am none of those things. My most prominent ethnicity is Polish but honestly, I'm a mutt. P.S., I'm the brunette. Natural hair & naturally tan/olive skin.

  • 207886_4403987910_50.jpg
skysoulmate  13 | 1250
19 Aug 2011   #973
Hello! I was wondering- can anyone tell me/guess what ethnicity(ies) I am? Just curious because I am often told I look Asian or Native American but according to my ancestry (that I know of) I am none of those things. My most prominent ethnicity is Polish but honestly, I'm a mutt. P.S., I'm the brunette. Natural hair & naturally tan/olive skin.

I have no idea but you look pretty and that's all that matters. If you were raised in the south, southeast (I'm talking about the US here) it's possible you have a tad of Cherokee in you which is like an extra bonus. So keep smiling. :-)
gumishu  15 | 6228
19 Aug 2011   #974
Hello! I was wondering- can anyone tell me/guess what ethnicity(ies) I am? Just curious because I am often told I look Asian or Native American but according to my ancestry (that I know of) I am none of those things. My most prominent ethnicity is Polish but honestly, I'm a mutt. P.S., I'm the brunette. Natural hair & naturally tan/olive skin.

you look very Polish actually - there are plenty of Polish girls who look like that

you look very Polish actually - there are plenty of Polish girls who look like that

well Poles are a mixed race anyway - all those tribe migrations and military incursions from all sides left a trace and also people settling in from all parts of Europe in historical times (Scotts, Italians, Armenians, Tatars, Jews - hardly any black heritage though)
Leah  - | 2
27 Aug 2011   #975
I am polish and english and my last name means sweet cake in polish haha that is my dads side of family and my moms i tried looking it up but it says "one who was very timid or reserved." for my moms and no we are very happy people and successful i think with many friends and connections. interesting =) ! i have a very fast metabolism, curvy with long legs, people say i have a bubble butt too, and im not exactly flat chested haha but im 14. should i post a picture??
beckski  12 | 1609
5 Sep 2011   #976
but im 14. should i post a picture??

Go ahead and post a pic. But remember, you're only 14. Don't post a pic that your parents wouldn't approve of.
f stop  24 | 2493
5 Sep 2011   #977
I have a bad feeling about this
So, you are curvy, long legs, bubble butt.. what the hell are you doing? How many dirty old men contacted you already? Oh, what the hell, post a picture.
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438
5 Sep 2011   #978
I ran my photo through a face-recognition site, and it only came up with one match: a Czechoslovak politician, from when he was still young!

I don't really look that much like him, but I can see why it decided that I do.

Still, at least it means I do have some kind of "Slavic" look :) haha
isthatu2  4 | 2692
6 Sep 2011   #979
Go ahead and post a pic. But remember, you're only 14. Don't post a pic that your parents wouldn't approve of.

beckski, there is no way thats an english girl........maybe an english man of about 40 raised on old 80s Brat pack movies trying to sound "cool",the shame being that cool is no longer ,erm,cool.....its sick,innit...........anyway, weirdo perv alert!!!!!
modafinil  - | 416
6 Sep 2011   #980
honestly, I'm a mutt

mutt?? You do yourself and your various ancestors a disservice. I'd say hybrid.
'hybrids of different varieties and species are bred in order to combine the favorable characteristics of the parents. Hybrids often display hybrid vigour '
Though I'm sure you are a product of normal human relations and not a science project.
jooasia  - | 4
14 Sep 2011   #981
So, I actually came across this site because I randomly googled "girls with bigger noses" and went to images; the first image that popped up was Wyspianska's from page 15, and we have slightly similar noses haha. My sister and I always talk about how some people look ridiculously Polish and that it's just so incredibly easy to tell, and of course, whenever we fly through Chicago, it's always easy to spot the Polish people in the airport (and the moment you hit Warsaw.... it's always full of comments about how Polish a certain person looks hah). Definitely not a bad thing though! I like that some people look distinctly Polish, but I'm still not quite sure which features cause this. My whole family is Polish and this goes back for as far as I can remember (we've never dug too deep into our history, but from what we know, it's pretty much all Polish). My sister and I don't necessarily look 'American,' or atleast, I don't look like the majority of the people where I live (southern US), but she's not so sure that we have a distinct Polish look either.

also, I used to hate my 'Polish nose,' but I've honestly learned to accept/love it. I've always liked people with bigger noses but never really enjoyed mine.... but I'm starting to warm up to it. The only issue I have is when people think I'm jewish.... :( not jewish, polish!!!! ahh well.
(it still isn't letting me post pictures, so I had to put in a couple spaces)

so, do I have any distinctly Polish features?
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438
14 Sep 2011   #982
so, do I have any distinctly Polish features?

Oh come on... you already know the answer to that one :)
pawian  226 | 27817
14 Sep 2011   #984
Tartar females can be very handsome:

Seanus  15 | 19666
14 Sep 2011   #985
Women are not handsome and tartar is a sauce
jooasia  - | 4
14 Sep 2011   #986
Oh come on... you already know the answer to that one :)

haha but really, every polish person I seem to ask, they manage to tell me that I really don't look that polish! If anything, I have a more defined jaw line, a 'polish nose,' and a thin upper lip (which someone mentioned at some point) but beyond that, I'm not so sure. I've never randomly gotten asked if I'm from a different region/country/etc, and it's not as though I live in an area with a tremendous amount of variety/mixture like New York haha. My body type would fall under what some people described earlier as well, but I'm more so interested about facial features.

However, we did decide at some point that you can tell many poles apart from their eyes and that mine could be classified as polish (....whatever that might manage to mean), but I feel as though it's just another one of those things that you really can't define. I'll say it again, but some people just have that automatically polish look!
pawian  226 | 27817
14 Sep 2011   #987
=Seanus]Women are not handsome

Being a Scot, you don`t know English too well. Are you really a teacher of English? :):):):):):) With what results? :):):):):)

Handsome Woman

A woman with the kind of refined beauty and attractiveness that requires poise, dignity, and strength of mind and character, things that often come with age; not merely sex-appeal. Usually applied to a woman who is also very well-groomed and from an upper class background.

"Though she had lost long ago her virginal loveliness, she had ripened into a handsome and fruitful looking woman." - Ellen Glasgow

Do you still think that refering to Julia/Joasia as a handsome woman was a mistake?


=Seanus]tartar is a sauce

Oh yes, indeed. :):):):)
A slip of the finger. :):):)
KingAthelstan  9 | 141
14 Sep 2011   #988
Handsome can still be used to refer to women, its just a bit old fashioned, but is still sometimes used in the literary sense.
Seanus  15 | 19666
14 Sep 2011   #989
Well, not where I come from. Handsome is used for men IMHO. Yes, it can be used for women at a stretch but for airy-fairy types. As far as I am concerned, handsome is not for women but that's just me.
pawian  226 | 27817
14 Sep 2011   #990
=Seanus]As far as I am concerned, handsome is not for women but that's just me.

Seanus, learn one thing: handsome woman is rare, indeed, but it still functions in the Polish language with the same meaning as in English.

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