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Polish looks?

guesswho  4 | 1272
12 Feb 2011   #871
What ethnicity or race do i look like?

you look very Polish to me.
sascha  1 | 824
12 Feb 2011   #872
What ethnicity or race do i look like?

To me you could be from anywhere in central europe. No specific area in mind.
southern  73 | 7059
12 Feb 2011   #873
What ethnicity or race do i look like?

Italian-german mix.More likely Italian from northern Iraly in the areas close to Austria.
jonni  16 | 2475
12 Feb 2011   #874
blargh  1 | 5
12 Feb 2011   #875
I'm without a doubt 100% Polish, shown by tons of different papers and family trees, and my face is:

very big brown eyes, set kinda far apart
nice cheeks
kinda big-ish forehead ahah
straight nose-- haha for some reason a lot of people have complimented me on my nose
and thin lips

body is just a classic hourglass shape, and I'm 5'4.

When I was born my hair was platinum blonde, it's darkened to a sort of dishwater blonde, though whenever I dye my hair blonder people think that I've just washed out dye that made my hair brown. Oh, and I tan very, very easily and quickly. I consider myself attractive.

Where I am in Russia, I've noticed very similar facial characteristics, even much more so when I travel closer to Poland.
southern  73 | 7059
12 Feb 2011   #876
Where I am in Russia, I've noticed very similar facial characteristics, even much more so when I travel closer to Poland.

Quite accurate observation.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
14 Feb 2011   #877
I wish it wasn't 'men work'... Maybe the world wouldn't be so screwed up? But, we'll get there :))

Looks like it's time for a Camille Paglia quote:

"Men in teams --subordinated, self-sacrificing, disposable -- got the human species
from caves to palaces. When we watch mens' teams at work, we pay homage to
10,000 years of male achievements -- a record of vision, ingenuity and Herculean
labor that feminism has been too mean-spirited to acknowledge.
.................... "If civilization had been left in female hands, we would still be living in grass huts."

What ethnicity or race do i look like?

9 Jun 2011   #878
Hey. Im Polish and Im not blonde with blue eyes. Ive got dark hair and black eyes, look a bit asian, my brother is dark blonde with blue eyes and another is light brown with hazel eyes. theres no one kind of looking, but most of people here have flat faces and dark blond hair.
hellozachary  - | 2
9 Jun 2011   #879
Honestly, do I look "Polish"?

or Russian. I have both Polish and Russian ancestry.
But people say I look more "Polish" though.
or, if you think I look like neither, what do you think I look like?

dziękuję. :D sorry if you can't really see my face. :/

and sorry if this annoys anyone, you people probably see this a lot.

PennBoy  76 | 2429
9 Jun 2011   #880
I have both Polish and Russian ancestry

I'm leaning more towards the Russian side.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
9 Jun 2011   #881
what do you think I look like?

You look more Polish than Russian, alot like one of my aunts in fact
hellozachary  - | 2
11 Jun 2011   #882
ahhh, but do you still think I could pass as or have Russian characteristics? :p
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
11 Jun 2011   #883
I think if you told people you were entirely Russian no one would doubt you, but the only time I ever know I am seeing Russians is at the horsetrack where they hangout in a group speaking Russian and these guys are all middle-aged and wearing ridiculously cut and colored suits and gaudy jewelry. You definitely wouldn't blend into that crowd
southern  73 | 7059
11 Jun 2011   #884
Actually I found that Belarussian guys look better than Poles.Basically they all look the same,short hair,muscles,slavic hair and eyes and walk with the village boy style.Their appearance,tone of voice,sport shoes,muscles,short haircut is exactly the same as this of the guys in my village in Greece so they look familiar.On the other hand polish guys lack in slavic russian primitiveness and the slavic eyes do not blend so well with germanic mix.So with the usual fat necks and the more cultured attitude they appear weaker and less attractive than any other Slavs except Ukrainians who manage to appear worse.

Contrary to that czech men have improved vastly over the last decade I was impressed in Prague how fashionable they have become while before they just didn't care they looked like shaggy Germans.(the right man must smell is one of their czech proverbs).

But in general slavic characteristics on males are less attractive than mediteranean characteristics especially in Poland every Mediteranean must appear like a catch.
Pinching Pete  - | 554
11 Jun 2011   #885
.(the right man must smell is one of their czech proverbs).

What the hell does this even mean? Smell like what?
southern  73 | 7059
11 Jun 2011   #886
Smell like what?

Probably not like a woman.
On the other hand the slavic female legs do wonders both in Belarus and in Poland however in Poland they are accompanied by some overgrown fruits which are severely lacking in the land of Belarusskaye.And Polki are way more daring in the garderobe department at least.
Pinching Pete  - | 554
11 Jun 2011   #887
Probably not like a woman.

Yes.. I gathered that. Thanks for steering me straight though.
southern  73 | 7059
11 Jun 2011   #888
I make you conscious of czech cultural nuances.A smell full of pherohormones can do the tricks on Ceske while for Polki you may need a strong french deodorant.
Pinching Pete  - | 554
11 Jun 2011   #889
make you conscious of czech cultural nuances

Yes.. you are full of subtleties, no doubt. You are trying to say a Slavic man must stink to attract women? No offense but this is a little contrary to my experience.
southern  73 | 7059
11 Jun 2011   #890
You are trying to say a Slavic man must stink to attract women?

I explained why Ceske are a bit more comfortable with the male exquisation.It is not the same for Russkaye and Polki.(although the Arab flow of Tigris does not seem to annoy their nostrils).
Pinching Pete  - | 554
11 Jun 2011   #891
.(although the Arab flow of Euphrates does not seem to annoy their nostrils).

Hmm.. a slight. Get a turban , you'll get laid? Where is Justyna to sort it all out?
southern  73 | 7059
11 Jun 2011   #892
The smell of pienadze seems to cover the one from the dessert.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
18 Jun 2011   #893
Does Wonder Woman look Polish?
sascha  1 | 824
18 Jun 2011   #894
Does Wonder Woman look Polish?

not important. ;) she looks cool.
PennBoy  76 | 2429
18 Jun 2011   #895
Does Wonder Woman look Polish?

She looks great
polishmeknob  5 | 154
18 Jun 2011   #896
but my grandmother has jet black hair and hazel eyes and is 100% polish.

She is a freak of genetics. There must be some non-Pole in her if she did not subscribe to the blue-blonde girl.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323
18 Jun 2011   #897
Well, there was one excellent try, and it shows how looks can be deceiving.
L1) African/American
2) Ukrainian
3) English/Eu mix
4) Jewish
5) Polska

You the Polska & the Ukrainian one are the only hot ones.

Slavic women look so much better than these other hideous ethnicities.
Ogien  5 | 237
18 Jun 2011   #898
and sorry if this annoys anyone, you people probably see this a lot.

I hope you're not offended by this but you look partly mongoloid to me.

You the Polska & the Ukrainian one are the only hot ones.

Slavic women look so much better than these other hideous ethnicities.


lol at Slavic women being the hottest. Maybe they're the sluttiest but certainly not the hottest.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323
18 Jun 2011   #899
lol at Slavic women being the hottest. Maybe they're the sluttiest but certainly not the hottest.

Slavic women are by far the hottest. Western European women look hideous compared to Slavic women.

Slavic women aren't even slutty.

My Polish friend said that American women & English women put out alot easier than Polish women.

He lived in all 3 nations.
Ogien  5 | 237
18 Jun 2011   #900
Well, this is enough evidence for me to say that you're definitely a troll. You're probably not even Polish.

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