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Want to find a person

Pawel1410  - | 2
8 Feb 2020   #631


Searching for Mozdyniewicz Families
10 Feb 2020   #632
looking for Artur Czapla i hope anyone can help me please. i need to talked to this man. I just need an answer for him.
16 Feb 2020   #633
I'm looking for Kalixt Wodarczyk . He used to live in Gdansk-Wrzesz in poland on ul.Traugutta7( I'm not sure about #) I'm looking for him fir more then 40y . Can someone help me . He used to have 2 sisters. My name is Dzudka
Paulwiz  1 | 55
19 Feb 2020   #634
Men with surnames of Woźniak and Wsholek are mentioned in my grandfather's birth record. How does one write these surnames for a female? It's formulaic if you have -ski and -ska. But how about Woźniak? Woźniaka?? Wsholeka becomes Wsholeka??
kaprys  3 | 2076
19 Feb 2020   #635
It'd be Woźniak and Wszołek for women, too.
In the past, you'd come across Woźniakowa and Wszołkowa for Mrs Woźniak /Wszołek and Woźniakówna /Wszołkówna for a Miss.
Paulwiz  1 | 55
19 Feb 2020   #636
Thanks kaprys. How do you know what my next question will be before I even ask? You've done it more than once now. Cosmic! I was pretty sure that Wsholek was not real Polish with -sh- but now I know it is likely Wszołek.

Marcin Respondek  - | 2
29 Feb 2020   #637

Looking for birth parents

Hi I am looking for my birth mother her full name is Agnieszka Bogumila Gorecka from Chorzow Poland. I was six when I was adopted from Chorzow in 1997 any help would be nice.
Olga l  - | 2
1 Mar 2020   #638
Hello, looking for a man!
On June 25, in 2018, we met at the Istanbul airport, in line for passport control, he flew with a friend to Antalya, as far as I remember, well, or to Alanya. Then we missed each other, because I found that I had lost my phone and ran to look for it, after I found the phone, I went to the landing lounge and met him again and we talked at the airport, sat in the restaurant and drank beer, which I I almost missed the plane 🤭 Here 2 years have passed, but I can't understand how we didn't exchange numbers 🤦‍♀️

Unfortunately, I don't know the name and city from which 😭
You never know who friends went to Antalya through Istanbul at that time, all of a sudden this is the same young man🙏
I also remember that he is of physique and naturally remember his face))
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Mar 2020   #639
I think I know who you are talking about:

  • 10bcd72adeb1dbfe52d1.jpg
pawian  226 | 27817
6 Mar 2020   #641

What is this green stuff?
7 Mar 2020   #642
Hello -

I have been on internet since the 1990's and I have never thought about a Polish forum? I have seen many other types of forums and I don't understand why this forum

never entered my mind? Both of my Moms parents came from Poland in 1912 and my Mother and her brother were born in the 1920's in Hamtramck Michigan. My dad came from Poland in 1949 and first settled in Windsor Ontario across the river from Detroit. His older brother settled in Detroit before WW2. Uncle John was invited to join the Armed forces in 1942 and with the threat of deportation back to Nazi held Poland,he joined willingly. To make a long story short my parents met in 1951 and married in Detroit and I was born in 1954. I have a younger brother and sister.....I grew up on the east side of Detroit near 7mile and Hoover....and moved to Florida in 1984.


Ajlfc1991  - | 1
4 Apr 2020   #643

Family information

Can anyone help me with some information. My grandfather was evacuated to England when he was a child he hasn't got any family records just his name and birth place which is Ryzsard Jastrzebski, born krasnystaw, lubelskie, Poland does anyone have any info on our family name or where to search for records thanks.
kaprys  3 | 2076
5 Apr 2020   #644
Both Ryszard and Jastrzebski are not uncommon names. What year was he born?
Poland2020  - | 2
16 Apr 2020   #645

Looking for relatives in Kepa Chotecka, Lublin, Poland

Our grandfather, Anthony Spiewak, was born in Kepa Chotecka, Lublin, Poland from what we have been able to determine from his US WWI draft registration card. We have his father listed as Anthony and his mother as Sosija Wydea. He is listed as being born on August 5, 1888. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Poland2020  - | 2
16 Apr 2020   #646

Looking for family connections in Gibalka, Poland

Our grandmother, Mary Anne Piasta and her brother Joseph Piasta came to the USA from Gibalka, Poland. We would like to know if there are any Piasta relatives still in this area?
28 May 2020   #647
looking for info on Joseph Namiotkiewicz from Russia Poland born 1895 came to US in 1912 died 1952 parents were Gabriel and Anna or Agnas (Vilcuaninis) Namiotkiewicz.
3 Jun 2020   #648

Granfather WW1 Polish Kapral

Hello, I need your help.. My Polish grandfather fought in WW1, I have his full name, date and place of birth, he was born in Tarnopol; I am putting together a family tree and I am trying to find where under which unit he fought, his location, etc . I know he was injured during a battle and was in a hospital in Hungary (his war booklet says that). Unfortunately I do not speak Polish. Where should I go to find his military records? Any help would me much appreciated. Best Regards
kaprys  3 | 2076
3 Jun 2020   #649
Try looking for him here
Choose bazy personalne. Start with imię (first name) and nazwisko (surname) and check if any results match.

I just reread it and if he fought in ww1 he might have been in the Prussian, Russian or Austrian army as Poland was partitioned back then. If he lived in Tarnopol, I guess he was in the Austrian army.

Not sure where to look for records from the Austrian -Hungarian Empire.

Not sure if there will be data on regular soldiers but check here
Ernestoc  - | 6
3 Jun 2020   #650
Many thanks for your help!
My grandfather was born in Tarnopol and got married in Nowosiolsky. I tried his first name and last name and nothing popped up.
It is strange because I have his war booklet which says in the title : KSIAZECZKA WOIKSKOWA.
Anything else you could help me with? I do not read Polish, unfortunately.
Best regards
kaprys  3 | 2076
4 Jun 2020   #651
If it's książeczka wojskowa, then it's Polish. Are you sure it's WW1 you have in mind?
Ernestoc  - | 6
4 Jun 2020   #652
Hello, yes WW1, the dates in his booklet show 1914 - 1920, what does książeczka wojskowa mean?
He was born in 1895.
Many thanks for your help
kaprys  3 | 2076
4 Jun 2020   #653
I'm afraid I can't help.
In 1914 Poland was still partitioned -I don't know why the title is in Polish unless there were some strictly Polish units in the partitioners' armies.

Książeczka wojskowa is 'military book/let'.
Poland regained independence in 1918 so if it was issued after this date, it would be less surprising for me.
But I'm not an expert. I'm afraid you need to ask someone more knowledgeable in military records.
For the time being, you can just translate the info from the book.
Ernestoc  - | 6
4 Jun 2020   #654

What I know is that there were Polish Legions fighting in WW1, they were under the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Russia and France.
It is difficult for me to translate because I cannot understand the hand written words, some of them I can but it is complicated without the context.

The booklet was issued in 1914, as far as I understand...but cannot guarantee I am right.
Do you know where else could I go to find more information? I am lost.....
Many thanks for your help

unless the document was issued later and describes his WW1 participation.....
kaprys  3 | 2076
4 Jun 2020   #655
Just a random result for my google search of old książeczka wojskowa
On the right - służył w armii obcej zaborczej rosyjskiej (served in a foreign army of a partitioner: Russian -roughly translated), so it must have been issued later in Poland.

Anyway, it's not a common find so you're lucky you have yours.
If you're on Facebook, try looking for Polish translation or geneaology groups and post photos of the book.
Ernestoc  - | 6
4 Jun 2020   #656
The one I have is a little bit different but same style, has a number in the front page and comes with all pages.
I am not on Facebook; I need to keep on looking and see if I can get it translated. His last name was Mucha, I believe it is a common last name in Poland.

Many thanks for your help!
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
5 Jun 2020   #657
Post the scans of the booklet pages here and someone will surely help you translate them.
Ernestoc  - | 6
5 Jun 2020   #658
Thank you, I will do that.
25 Jun 2020   #659
I am searching for a Zigman Rice, apparently Polish. He was in Australia in 1970 in Townsville, Queensland. Engaged to be married to Cheryl Zipf.
sakurarain  - | 1
25 Jun 2020   #660

Looking for a person named "Agnieszka"

I think it is the right place to ask:
- only know her name is Aganieszka (I hope the spelling is correct),
- studied G-Kurs of Studienkolleg on University Münster Germany for 2004 / 2005 semester (Robert Koch Street).
Does anyone can help to advise some information? maybe she is happen to be your friend? or you ever heard about such a person?
THANK YOU so much for any help and your time on reading this post.

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