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Want to find a person

Chipr62  - | 2
6 Mar 2019   #601

Looking for Bachor family members

Hello, I am looking for anyone here in the United States or over in Zapalow, Poland. My grandfather was born in Zapalow in 1871 emmigating to Canada throuh Nova Scotia. any help would be greatly appreciated.
Chipr62  - | 2
7 Mar 2019   #602

Looking for Niecarz family members

I have been looking for family members of the Niecarz surname. I would like to find out if I have any family still in Cieszanow, Poland
9 Mar 2019   #603
Witam. Szukam osoby z mojej młodości. Niestety czas pozacieral wspomnienia jak również imiona.jedyne co wiem to miejscowość w której mieszkała 30lat temu, i myślę że adres bo wiem który to był dom. Jakieś szanse??

English only please
terri  1 | 1661
9 Mar 2019   #604
Try 'gumtree'
10 Mar 2019   #605
I received a call from a Mobitel telephone # starting with 386 41, when I called back it said the number didn't exist, the call s coming fom Slovenia, can anyone help with this experience. How can I find out who is calling me?
terri  1 | 1661
10 Mar 2019   #606
This is probably a scam, when you called back, it would have cost you a packet.
dpup  - | 1
4 Apr 2019   #607

piotr perchacz (peter) born July 10, 1925

does anyone on here have a relative under the name of peter perchacz (piotr) born on this date in poland. Fathers first name was johan. My dad had 4 brothers and one sister. he was taken as a prisoner and worked on the german farms. lost contact with family and was hoping to find relatives if any from him
7 Apr 2019   #608
Hy everyone..
I need little help if you can..
I'm from croatia-zagreb, and i meet last week (sathurday night) in club calls Funk boy name is Romano..
I realy know little bit stufs for example: Romano, age:30, 70% all body tattoo, remember tatto on his hands-lines, silver rings( rings with clover, and family ring middle finger).

He said he works marketing something, talk about death about father, his past dog-german shepard girl, and i think he said that he is from warshaw.

His look is about 180/185 tall, slicked black hair and he has very very for me deep look..
We havent got exchanged numbers but he said that he will found me on my neighborhood (lake)..but.. i was on business trip.. :-(
So.. if you know that kind of pearson said to him.. that if he ever came back to Zagreb croatia- found me xxx
Tnx everyone..
p.s. Senna 😊
12 Apr 2019   #609

Help! Trying to trace my daughter's family tree on her dad's side...Polish ancestry..

We know the original spelling of the last name was Wojczik or along that lines. We have a date of birth for her great-great grandfather as 1887 in Poland. We know he immigrated with his Slovakian wife before 1906 as her great-uncle was born that year here in WV. How would one go about trying to find more info. I'm coming to dead ends everywhere I go as I do not have more than his birth year and country of birth. Also was told, and I don't know if this is fact, that the Pope changed his last name. I always figured it was done at Immigration when they disembarked. But that's the story...any one have any idea how i can get any further with this??
Hans V
9 Jul 2019   #610

Met a Girl in Krakow Have to find her!

Hey everyone,

Im from Belgium and last week I had a vacation in Krakow with friends. Saturday 6/07/19 we went to a club and I met a girl who worked there.

We really hit it off but I forgot to ask more info about her. Can anybody help me or know how to find her?

what I know from here is:
Her name: Veronika (not sure of the spelling)
Age: 22
Origin: Ukraine

cms neuf  2 | 1973
9 Jul 2019   #611
If you know the name of the club then try its fb or instagram page

There might be a Ukrainians in Krakow fb group - sonewhere where people arrange transport, accommodation and work. You could leave a message there.

If it was a strip club then she probably used an alias.

If a normal club then if you are that desperate why not just get another Ryanair flight and find her.

Always ask for a number if you like someone!
Hans V
9 Jul 2019   #612
No I searched on the internet but I cant find the club.
Thats a good suggestion I might try that.

Yea im not that desperate yet to book another flight XD

Because of the atmosphere and proably the alchol too I forgot to ask :(

I was thinking if somebody here lives in Krakow and they dont have much to do and want to help they can go have a look there.
31 Oct 2019   #613
Sure my husband is your family all dates add up
jchrapcyn  - | 2
10 Nov 2019   #614

Chrapczynski looking for real identity

My great grandfather's name is John Chrapczynski born around 1871 in Poland or Galicia or Czechoslovakia or Austria. He immigrated to the United States around the year 1900 or so and settled in western Pennsylvania. He married a woman named Anna Kosiba. Here is the riddle. His real identity was not John Chrapczynski. He worked for a man named Chrapczynski who was set to travel to the US and he became to ill to travel. So my great grandfather purchased his travel papers and assumed his identity. His real family surname may be something like Gowich or Glowicz. Anyone hear a story like this?
kaprys  3 | 2076
11 Nov 2019   #615
Apparently this story is even more complicated than finding Anna Kosiba's birth record.
To start with, are you sure it's true and not just family lore? If it's true, it was just him and probably his family who knew his real identity. Is there anyone old enough to remember him who might know his real first and last names? The surname in Polish was probably Głowicz. But that's just a guess. What was his first name? Also if he assumed another identity, you're not sure about his date and place of birth, I believe, as the ones you have are probably Chrapczynski's.

As I wrote before, start with checking the American documents: the census, ship manifests, death or marriage certificates - anything that may help you find where to look for documents in Poland.

As for the country of origin, the surnames sound Polish so most probably he was Polish. That doesn't mean he had no Austrian, Czech or Slovakian ancestors, of course. As for the political situation in Europe, Poland was partitioned and there was no Czechoslovakia. Roughly speaking, what was later known as Czechoslovakia was part of Austria-Hungary around 1900.

Check geneteka for the surnames you're looking for. Some parishes are indexed there. It's done by volunteers and it's a tough and time consuming job.
13 Nov 2019   #616
Any Baranowski Family members in Cieciory, Poland? My Great grandfather was Francis Baranowski b. May 16, 1872 in Cieciory, Poland. Father was Jan Baranowski mother was Mary Krzynowek Krynowski Krzyzanowski from Cieciory or Ostraleka, Poland. Francis Baranowski also had brother's: Alexander Alex Walter Baranowski b. 1879, Jan John Baranowski b. June 24, 1878, Stanley Baranowski b. March 16, 1885. Great Grandmother was Teofilia Theophila Tillie Banach b. December 15, 1882 in Ostraleka, Poland. Teofila's mother was Eleanora Leona Durmanski Zdominski and father was Anthony Antoni Antonius Banach b. 1840? in Slopnice, Slopnice, Kraków, Poland. One sister that I know of was Catherine Katherine Katarzyna Banach b. December 06, 1888. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
23 Nov 2019   #617
Hi . I am from the uk .and searching for a male friend . I was friends with RICKY TOWERS. over 40 yrs ago . Ricky will be 53yrs old. up to 55yrs old . He lived in england . At a village called wingate . He had 2 sisters . 1 called verna . Other i have 4got . He did say his mother was moving bk to poland . I lived at Stanhope castle england with ricky . Top and bottom of it all is . ricky towers has literally £1000s of pounds awaiting for his collection and i dont think he knows about this claim against the city council . And wish to contact him in any way i can . As i feel he deserves this money . Can any polish residents help me find a ricky towers. I only speak english . Any help would be much appreciated.
Lingonberries  - | 1
16 Dec 2019   #618

Looking for Sandy Krupa the female Drummer

I am looking for Sandy Krupa the female drummer from East Chicago Indiana. Any info would be helpful. In another thread in the archives there was a post that said that she might have died in Feb. 2000.
HSG  - | 1
17 Dec 2019   #619
Hi. I am looking for a marriage record of my relative in Poland at 1939 (Limanova or Novy sacz ) Gottreich-Kumer
kaprys  3 | 2076
20 Dec 2019   #620
It's still quite recent so start by checking the correct civil register office.
For Nowy Sącz
Canuck Polski
21 Dec 2019   #621
Will compensate. Thank you.
Edson Sanecki
25 Dec 2019   #622
My parents came to Brazil early Feb. 1948. I was born July 28, 1949, I believe in Sao Paulo. My name is Edson Paulo Sanecki. However I could not find any register of me anywhere. Perhaps I born born in another city. How do I get go about finding my birth certificate? I'm at a loss both my parents have passed away. Any help would be greatly APPRECIATED. thanks.
kaprys  3 | 2076
26 Dec 2019   #623
@Edson Sanecki
Even if your parents were Polish DPs (I kind of assume they were) if you were born in Brazil, your birth record should be there. Have you been married? If so, did you have to provide any sort of documents to the priest or clerk. How about appplying for a passport, graduation etc.

I once talked to a colleague of mine about her dad's birth. He was born on a ship in December but his parents could register his birth only after arriving in Poland in January. But I don't know any precise details. Also, you were born over a year after your parents' arrival in Brazil.
NicStr  - | 1
3 Jan 2020   #624

My name is Nicolas and I am looking for my family in Poland. Their last name is RABENDA. For now, what I know my great-grandmother was Anna Kovalčíková, when single Rabenda, born 11.7.1918 in Frankfurt an der Oder. Her parents were Peter Rabenda and Jozefína Rabenda, when single Strong (probably). Anna had 2 brothers, who stayed in Poland, and older sister, who stayed to live in France when she had to go to work during second world war. Anna lived in Slovakia. She had 7 kids, Etela, Jozef, Helena, Anita, Mária, Pavol, and Peter. Etela was the youngest uncle of Rabenda family at the wedding. Etela says that name of this uncle is Alexander Rabenda, so one of the Anna's brothers name is Alexander Rabenda. Some members of Rabenda family were also on Mária's wedding in 1977.

Please, if you know somebody about this family (RABENDA) help me with finding my family in Poland. If you know, where I should looking for them, write me, please.

kaprys  3 | 2076
3 Jan 2020   #625
You need more information. There are over 1500 Rabendas in Poland.
3 Jan 2020   #626
How do I obtain a long birth certificate for my late Father born 1927 in Katowice?
kaprys  3 | 2076
4 Jan 2020   #627
Contact the civil register office in Katowice
10 Jan 2020   #628

I'm am unable to find someone in Poland

He is Wojciech Topa and apparently lives in Zakopene. He is a master violin maker. I have tried all online resources but know only minimal Polish and the sites don't seem to work. I am fluent in English, German, and Serbo-Croatian, and rudimentary Polish, so I'm sure I'll be able to communicate with him (my grandparents were from Czestochowa). His instruments are of great quality and I'd like very much to get in contact with him. Thanks in advance for any help people can give me.
11 Jan 2020   #629
Wojciech Topa

Found a street address for his studio:

Wojciech Topa
Topa Instrumenty
ul. Sobczakówka 8b
34-500 Zakopane
S Pelgrims
4 Feb 2020   #630
Looking for family member
Szubski Krzysetof
59-920 Bogatynia
ul Turowska 27

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