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Anyone from Berezka / Brzuska near the Ukrainian border ?

1 Nov 2007   #1

After searching the web, saw there were a few people who had family from Berezka / Bereska / Brzuska (however you write it :) ) near the Ukrainian border.

My father was from there and I visited this year.

Anyone else from that area or have a connection there?

1 Nov 2007   #2
I am. If you are interested, you need to register, so you can PM me for more details. I have met a bunch of people such as yourself this year through internet. I found some close relatives and other people, who like yourslef are looking for roots.

OP pdorotiak
1 Nov 2007   #3
Nice to hear from someone from that area.

I have been researching my family name and people from that area. I would like to build a web site or something about the people who lived there.

Do you know people still living there or anything about it?

i have registered but how do i pm?

everytime i do something it asks for my password

1 Nov 2007   #4
Do you know people still living there or anything about it?

yes, some of my close relatives live there

I have been researching my family name and people from that area. I would like to build a web site or something about the people who lived there.

My family originates from there and I visited many times.
That's is a good idea an I can put you in touch with people I already know/ have met etc
OP pdorotiak
1 Nov 2007   #5
thats sounds fantastic, if only i could work out how to pm you, i can send you my details!
1 Nov 2007   #6
you need to register as a member on this site. You are talking about Berezka near Lesko then?
OP pdorotiak
1 Nov 2007   #7
not sure what i am doing wrong. I clicked the register link and entered my details. still doesnt work properly.

Berezka, 10km North of Bircha, SE of Poland. Or Brzuska as it is also known.

Lesko is south of Sanok. So maybe not the same place?
1 Nov 2007   #8
It appears that those could be two different villages. anyways, if you manage to register, drop me a line please, if you have a problem with the registration, contact the admnistration - they will assist you as far as I know.

Talk to you soon:)
OP pdorotiak
5 Nov 2007   #9
Yes Miranda, you're probably right about it being a different village.

I have had problems with the registration, so done as you suggested and emailed the administrator.

Many Thanks
damarucco  1 | 5
23 Nov 2007   #10
I am trying to find and information on Berezka and my maternal grandfather's family. The surname has been see spelled three different ways in the U.S. Korolewiat, Korolwait and Korolewot. He and 4 brothers and 2 sisters immigrated to western Pennsylvainia in the the first decade of the 20th century
Whymickey  - | 60
4 Dec 2007   #11

The village Berezka you talk about was located between Piatkowa and Ostrow near Przemysl and 10 km north from BIRCZA (before Bircha) indeed.
That Berezka no longer exist.
joanshaf  - | 5
10 May 2010   #12
My father-in-law was Ivan Szafran from Berezka near Lesko. He emigrated to Derry, PA, USA around 1910. His father was Symko Szafran. I am trying to get more information on the family and town records. Thanks
Polonius3  980 | 12275
11 May 2010   #13
SZAFRAN: This is the Polish word for saffron, an very priceyoreitnal spice first brought to Europe after the Crusades. As a surname it could have been given to a spice merchant or, alternatively, to an inhabitant of Szafranki (Saffronville).
kyendzio  - | 1
14 Jan 2011   #14

I am wondering if anyone has information or contacts with the family Yendzio/Jendzio/Yendzik/Jendzik from Berezka?

Many thanks
damarucco  1 | 5
23 May 2012   #15
Your grandfather, translated John Shaffron was probably my grandmother's brother. My grandmother, Catherine Shaffron, married Anthony Corey (Korolewiat in Bereska) in 1907 in New Florence, PA a mining town near Derry. She died in childbirth along with the baby sometime after 1912 when my mother Ann was born. My grandfather and mother then lived with John and his wife Mary Shaffron in Derry.
boletus  30 | 1356
23 May 2012   #16
Berezka: Some posters here discovered long ago that there are two different villages of this name. In fact there are at least three. Let's clarify it - differentiating them by counties where they are currently assigned to, that is by the largest towns nearby: Przemyśl, Sanok and Lesko.

1. Brzuska (Berezka, Bereska, ukr. Березка) - gmina (municipality) Bircza, Przemyśl County, Subcarpathian Voivodship. 38 km west of Przemyśl by road, about 30 km west as crow flies.
It looks like the Polish spelling was alwaysBrzuska, although modern correct spelling - if it is to be corresponding to Ukrainian Berezka - should be Brzózka. This is the village referred to by posters "Whymickey" and "pdorotiak".

2. Berezka (Bereska) - a deserted village, gmina Tyrawa Wołoska, Sanok County, Subcarpathian Voivodship. An 1898 old topographic map locates Bereska about 2 km NE of Tyrawa Wołoska, on the road from Tyrawa Wołoska to Kuźmina, West of Rozpucie village. It looks like it was a very small village.Tyrawa Wołoska is located about 21 km East of Sanok by road, or about 15 km East as crow flies.

3.Berezka (formerly Bereska, Ukrainian: Березка, Berezka) - gmina Solina, Lesko County, Podkarpackie Voivodship - a tourist farm village on Bereźnica stream, at the road Hoczwia-Polańczyk, 15 km South of Lesko.

Historical toponyms: Brziska 1447, Brzysczka 1448, Brzoska Wola 1463, Brzoska 1467, Brzeska 1475, Broska 1480, Brzoska 1515, Bereska 1578, Brzeska 1662, Beresko 1742, Bereska 1851. The contemporary name derives from Ukrainian berezka/березка, Polish brzózka. In XV century a variant form Brziska was used under Ukrainian influence. Another variant form Brzóska Wola was also used. In 1977 the name of this village was officially polonized as Brzózka, but the old name was restored in 1981.
joanshaf  - | 5
24 May 2012   #17
John Shafron was Catherine's brother. Petro Shafron ( brother) also lived with him. My husband ( Tom) lived next to tthe Coreys in Derry on Owens ave.
Whymickey  - | 60
8 Jun 2012   #18
No doubt, this is the village Berezka part of Gmina Solina.
Photographs taken by myself in September 2007.

  • Here Berezka (Gmina Solina) coming from Polanczyk

  • Berezka's new church

  • Berezka's old church - destroyed in 1947
20 Sep 2013   #19
Hi there. I am currently in Berezka (near Lesko,) looking for informtation about my family. My grandfather, Iwan Doszkewycz (I believe this is slightly different than the original spelling) was born here in 1919. He was deported during WWII and eventually ended up settling in the United States. If anyone has any information or contacts, please let me know!! Jackie. Jackie023@gmail
31 Dec 2013   #20
My paternal grandfather, Alex Krawtz, whose passport and documents name was Ilko Krawc - Krawec - Krawcow, emmigrated in 1912, to the USA from the Austro-Hungarian Empire and from Bereska, a village in what is now southern Poland, from a larger area that was once called Galicia. He settled in SW Pennsylvania, starting off in Creekside, near Indiana, and ending up in Derry, PA, where he worked on railroads and in coalmines

My maternal grandmother, emigrated out of Bibrka, a village only a few miles away and met him in Greensburg, PA.
joanshaf  - | 5
1 Jan 2014   #21
My father-in law John Shafron (Szafran) was from Berezka and lived in Derry, Pa and also worked on the railroad. I have an envelope from a letter that Anna Krawc wrote to Mary Shafron, My mother-in-law.
19 Nov 2014   #22

I have ties to Bereska and Bobrka. Lastname Kusz from Bobrka.

14 Mar 2017   #23
Seeking information about grandparents/great-grandparents from Berezka.

Great-Grandfather made several trips to America by way of Ellis Island in the late 1800s through early 1900s.

Grandfather entered America through Ellis Island in 1910 and settled in western Pennsylvania.
joanshaf  - | 5
1 Oct 2017   #24
My father-in-law was from Berezka and settled in Western Pa. What names are you looking for?
30 Dec 2017   #25
KUSZ-my grandmother's (Mary / Maria) maiden name coming from Berezka circa 1904. She worked in New York for a short while and then traveled to Somerset / Berlin area and was married. She later moved to Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
willmelnyk  - | 1
22 Apr 2018   #26

Melnyk in Brzuska

My Grandfather Nicholas Melnyk was born in Brzuska, Galicia, in 1881, and emigrated to the US in 1906. I am interested in the jewish history of the family, and if there is anyone still in Brzuska. Can anyone help? Okay to PM me. Thanks.
suekirk58  - | 1
10 Jun 2018   #27

Kostyk from Berezka, Poland

My grandfather said he was born in Berezka in 1895, but states his race as Ukrainian. I know he didn't speak polish but spoke some other language. He never talked about his home country but I have some documents of his that gives me a little info. He came to the U.S. in 1913 under the name Antoszka Kostek, says he was born and lived in Berezka till coming here. He went to a Ukrainian, Greek, Catholic Church. I have some letters his family wrote him but can find no one to translate them, the writing is very hard to read. Can anyone give me info on where to get help, we live in Johnstown, Pa.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
10 Jun 2018   #28
Ukrainian, Greek, Catholic Church

do you mean Ukrainian or Greek Orthodox?
mafketis  38 | 11142
10 Jun 2018   #29
No, the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church is a separate thing
11 Jul 2018   #30
Grandma ended up in western pa, beaver county to be specific. Moved from Poland in 1952 but said she used to live in a town by this name. Last name was Hyrckowian. Any family members or anyone around know anything? Anything would be cool.

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