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Looking for ANNA MARIA. MISIUREWICZ - P J PROBY the American/British singer

Chazzer  1 | 4
16 Apr 2024   #1
l am looking for a lady ANNA MARIA. MISIUREWICZ, Lodz, ul. Kilinskiego, l think that she was his biggest fan ever, now she will be about 74 years of age. Is she a member of your family, a grandmother, a great grandmother, a sister, sister in law?, she was a very beautiful young lady at 17 and wore glasses, l corresponded with her and she wrote excellent English, l have imagined her as a school teacher or a professora. Can you help me find her l have been looking for many years and we lost touch because l lost a family member and moved away losing many things about my life including a photo of Anna Maria, but l think she was always known as 'Maria'. Kindly help me please??

  • Screenshot2024041.png
OP Chazzer  1 | 4
14 May 2024   #2
A couple of things in my post are wrong and she was 21 in 1967 when l knew her, furthermore her age will be 77 now l believe.
jon357  72 | 23517
14 May 2024   #3
Just an idea.

Although it would be really unusual for someone in the U.K. to be at the same address or have a relative at that address 50 years later (or for a 21 year old student to be living at home) it's not that unusual at all in Poland.

Why not write to that address? If she's not there now, there's still a chance that a relative lives there or is the owner,

I had a look on Facebook and there are several people with that surname in Łódź.

Just a possibility.
OP Chazzer  1 | 4
14 May 2024   #4
Thankyou Jon357. This is nothing with the UK, maybe l never wrote correctly in my post. I was in UK in 1967 and met Maria but l moved and lost her postal address. I do not expect her to be in the same house in Poland but l have given all l know in the hope that someone from her family will see it and it is their granny or whatever. Maybe even the address could be a person living there who is related, another thing is has her name changed if she married, i also had a message from the PJ Proby fan club in Poland and they have no record of her. At 77 l hope she is still living, as l am, although l live in Spain. Most important is that it was very kind of you to take the time to answer my post even though you do not Maria, humans like yourself are hard to find. My sincere thanks.
Paulina  17 | 4537
14 May 2024   #5
her age will be 77 now l believe.

I guess it could be her then:
jon357  72 | 23517
14 May 2024   #6
I do not expect her to be in the same house in Poland

You'd be surprised. Many people in Poland inherit a flat from parents or grandparents and stay there. People don't move house as much as in Western Europe and even if they do, they don't always sell; instead they rent it out or have a family member living there. My neighbours' family have been at the same address since 1937. It might be worth a try.

could be her then

Although that doesn't give whereabouts, it does at least suggest that she's still alive, which is good news.

I wish you luck in finding her.
jon357  72 | 23517
14 May 2024   #7
Too late to edit.

The person listed as her husband appears to be alive. There is someone of that name in Northamptonshire with an Anna M Maskell at the same address.
Paulina  17 | 4537
14 May 2024   #8
@jon357, yes, if I understand correctly she got married in 1974 to Alan Maskell (his parents: Edward Maskell & Eleanor Greenway) and is known as Maria Maskell now (judging by what is written on that site).

You'd be surprised. Many people in Poland inherit a flat from parents or grandparents and stay there.

jon357  72 | 23517
14 May 2024   #9
I've found an address for a lady with that surname and the first names Anna Maria. The husband has the same name as the man listed as husband on the website Paulina posted and has the same year of birth.

Because it's a home address, I'll not list it here but will send by private message. You'll get something in red at the top left of the main page here and will need to click on "Mail".

BTW, it looks like a nice big house in a good area.
OP Chazzer  1 | 4
14 May 2024   #10
Thank you Jon and Pauline too, l have been looking on two sites in UK , maybe you know them, BMD and I found a marriage in 1974, addresses l have in Northampton not Hereford, l have messaged 3 people too. Thank you again for your inputs, l will post if l get to find her.
jon357  72 | 23517
14 May 2024   #11
addresses l have in Northampton not Hereford

I'm sure it's the lady in Northampton. The person in Herefordshire is less likely,

Good luck!
Hubertus47  - | 2
17 Sep 2024   #12
Hello Chazzer ! Please contact with me by e-mail the theme is according to the P.J.Proby fan Maria Misiurewicz from Lodz in Poland -English Philology student.

Home / Genealogy / Looking for ANNA MARIA. MISIUREWICZ - P J PROBY the American/British singer
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