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Americans of Polish descent. How many of us are on Polish forums?

mafketis  38 | 11137
15 Dec 2017   #181
After all the American bashing on this website I haven't a clue why we carry on the traditions of our ancestors

If you're going to let some weird website with no real connection to Poland (very few Polish people actually post here) question your commitment to Polish traditions then you've already decided to junk them and you're just looking for an excuse, no matter how flimsy. Fine, just be honest with yourself.

I'm a (non-Polish) American who's lived a long time in Poland and the amount of "America bashing" that goes on is very minute and trivial. Poland is about as pro-American a country as you'll find in Europe (including the UK and maybe Ireland). In over 20 years residence the number of instances of 'America bashing' I've heard (in the media or in real life) can be counted on the fingers of my hands (or maybe one hand).

There are some anti-Americanish folks from the British Isles here and a few Putin-paid-trolls and a couple of permanent grouches - but overall this place is not representative of Poland anymore than Ottawa is representative of Mexico....
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
15 Dec 2017   #182
very few Polish people actually post here

As one such I fully agree with your comment on American bashing in Poland. But the forum has recently evolved in the sense that now the group anti-Americanish folks from the British Isles was replaced by a group of Polish nationalists (some of whom live outside Poland) not necessarily paid by Putin. But again, their voice is not representative of Poland, so the forum continues to be not representative of Poland.
Joker  2 | 2390
15 Dec 2017   #183
The Brit Bully club is alive and well on this forum. They hate everything American due to extreme jealousy and have a penchant for constant trolling. Most of them dont have jobs and troll this forum 24/7. The ones that claim to have jobs constantly post during the hours they supposedly are working?

I dont view the opinion of expats trolling this forum to be representative of Poland either.

There are some anti-Americanish folks from the British Isles here and a few Putin-paid-trolls and a couple of permanent grouches

Its time to put an end to the rein of trolling by the BritBullies and their PC agenda.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
15 Dec 2017   #184
True, but for once there's a few people that achy are polish and speak it like ktos idem kaprys etc who appear to be polish citizens as well

By the polish constitution and our courts, polish citizens have more rights and privileges than non citizen residents - that's all I'm pointing out.
mafketis  38 | 11137
15 Dec 2017   #185
How is what I said not representative of Poland?

Your boy crush on Putin is not very representative of Polish thought nor is your hatred of the EU. There are things that a lot of Poles don't like about it but there is nothing close to widespread belief that the country should leave it.

And only Rydzykites really care about Jesus as King (when did that happen? it was certainly unremarked upon by any of the people I know....)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
15 Dec 2017   #186
No you're right most poles don't like put in and over 80% support eu. Poles and i don't want to leave eu. However clearly the far left keeps pushing the Soros plan replacing white Christian Europeans with multicutalism Muslims mindless consumerism etc. If the eu was willing to negotiate and meet the v4 and other conservatives who reject migrants and want independence and sovereignty the eu would be healthy. However the left refuses to compromise so perhaps it's better to just leave.

80% of poles support eu meaning 20% do not. So roughly as many poles don't support the eu as poles who support PO as POs support has been around 1/3 to 1/2 of pis according to wyborcza, cbos, etc

Also Jesus was crowned king of Poland like 6-12 months ago.

You can spin it however you want but the reality is Poland is a homogenous Christian conservative country
mafketis  38 | 11137
15 Dec 2017   #187
I've never denied the homogenous and Christian majority part I might say that I don't think Poles on the whole are nearly as religious as some people think they are (people I know who attend church regularly say attendance is down) and most young people are not especially conservative.
idem  - | 131
15 Dec 2017   #188
Exactly- It would be rather stupid judging all nations by opinion of few people writing here.

From my own experience ( I am Polish and I have been living in UK for over 10 years). General perception of USA in England is positive ( except some snooty stiff lips people who look down at anyone except themselves). I would say it is similar in Poland even it is getting a bit bitter aftertaste now in relation to visa requirement. I think they have been abolished in the most of EU countries.

But my experience from meeting some people who emigrated from Poland to USA is....not so great.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
15 Dec 2017   #189
General perception of USA in England is positive

I think it really depends. The gun crime issue is something that we don't understand (how difficult can it be?), but then there's a lot of respect for American innovation and achievements.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
15 Dec 2017   #190

That is true. Most poles are nominally Catholic but not weekly church goes anymore
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
15 Dec 2017   #191
Like in much of Spain and Ireland these days, it's more about the traditions than about the belief.

Even among practicing Catholics, their knowledge of what the Pope is actually saying and doing is minimal, hence why so many Poles are ignoring the call to accept refugees from the boss man himself.
mafketis  38 | 11137
16 Dec 2017   #192
not weekly church goes anymore

The church has no one but itself to blame for that. compulsory religious lessons in schools have had the effect of massively undermining support for the church (which flourishes in Poland as an alternative to official power insitutions and not part of them).

Talk to some young polish people if you can about how they remember religion class...... it was a major own goal (gol samobójczy) by the church if the hierarchy had any sense they'd make religion classes illegal.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
16 Dec 2017   #193
it was a major own goal

A massive own goal. A religion teacher friend of mine told me that in many schools, the classes cease to have any relevance for kids after the First Communion, and that many religion teachers are simply incapable of controlling classes. She gave examples of teachers trying to threaten 15 year olds with the devil - with the predictable result that kids just laugh in their faces and all authority is lost.

It's clear that the Church just wanted the massive subsidies from providing those classes, nothing more. If it was about religion, then it would have carried on in the same way as before - in churches.
Bieganski  17 | 888
16 Dec 2017   #194
Poles didn't elect the Pope and the Pope isn't a legislator.

But given that the current Pope would be more at home working for one of Soros' sinister NGOs it's no surprise to see you attempting to use him in a futile attempt at shaming Poles for refusing to take in unneeded economic migrants. And as usual you are big hypocrite as well since you openly despise the presence of the RCC in daily Polish life. If Poles ignore the Pope you should be thrilled.

And your comments are unsurprisingly completely off-topic given that the title of the thread is "Americans of Polish descent. How many of us are on Polish forums?"

A massive own goal. A religion teacher friend of mine told me that in many schools, the classes cease to have any relevance for kids

Yeah, and that would explain the complete dearth of yeshivas in Poland despite left-wingers prancing in glee every time a Jewish-themed cafe opens or a tombstone written in Hebrew in a far-flung forgotten field is spotted.

Synagogue-avoiding cultural Jews like yourself must admit that the talmud and torah are the longest written jokes in history and that Jewish kids would be in open revolt having it crammed down their throats in a classroom knowing it has zero relevance in the real world.

Yep, another own goal - for you! And so bad that it's going to be hilarious watching you try to untangle yourself from the net especially given that the title of the thread is "Americans of Polish descent. How many of us are on Polish forums?"
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
16 Dec 2017   #195

The pope is actually a big concern. Catholics even non poles don't respect the current one like they did JP2. The church has been a political player in Poland for centuries and it's always managed to coexist with other institutions much like it is now. It's clout has def been diminished tho
kaprys  3 | 2076
16 Dec 2017   #196
Pope Francis IS respected by a lot of Poles.
They respect his modesty.

It's 'priests' like Rydzyk and his helicopter/maybach or other priests who are more concerned with their temporal goods than their congregation, hiding pedophilia cases, no taxation, hypocrisy etc that makes people run away from the church.
G (undercover)
16 Dec 2017   #197
Pope Francis IS respected by a lot of Poles.

Most of the actual Catholics have mixed feelings about him. Definitely he is respected less than the previous Popes.
kaprys  3 | 2076
16 Dec 2017   #198
He's not John Paul II for sure. He won't chat with the crowds under the okno papieskie in Kraków because of the language barrier. Górale won't sing 'Sycka se Wom zyczom'.

But let's face it, as soon as John Paul II left Poland, most of the cheering crowds forgot about his teachings, too.
G (undercover)
16 Dec 2017   #199
He's not Benny either for the actual Catholics and what lefties/atheists think about him is as much relevant as the opinion of anti-semites on the current chief rabbi of Jerusalem.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
16 Dec 2017   #200
Pope Francis IS respected by a lot of Poles.

Indeed, what really annoyed and angered a lot of moderate Catholics in Poland was the way that Francis was saying one thing and then the Church was trying to spin it in a different light. But look on the refugees issue - even the Church here itself has been calling to accept them, yet they're completely ignored by the holier-than-thou types.

Most of the actual Catholics have mixed feelings about him. Definitely he is respected less than the previous Popes.

The only ones that respect him less are the ones who read Fronda and such like, because they know better than the Pope, obviously. A lot of moderates respect him far more than Benedict.
gumishu  15 | 6227
16 Dec 2017   #201
But look on the refugees issue - even the Church here itself has been calling to accept them,

noone stops you from inviting one or a couple more 'refugees' under your roof from what I can gather
G (undercover)
16 Dec 2017   #202
A lot of moderates respect him far more than Benedict.

The thing is, If all Catholics were "moderate", Vatican would have to get ready to shut down the whole business soon.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
16 Dec 2017   #203
Funniest thing is that you can read exactly the same voices saying exactly the same thing in the early 1960's.
Wulkan  - | 3136
16 Dec 2017   #204
Too bad you have zero idea what was happening those days
Bluzeki  - | 30
16 Dec 2017   #206
Good lord, youre back on here again? Hijacking threads I see. You're not American why are you posting on this thread?

Nothing to do in Poland again today/night?

I've never seen a person that wasted so much time trolling a internet forum. I find it amusing in a sad pathetic way.
Ironside  50 | 12916
16 Dec 2017   #207
Pope Francis IS respected by a lot of Poles.

Lol! Not Catholics and other Poles don not give a damn about him apart from those who are lefties anyways - they pay the lip service to him. Only because he is allegedly a leftie too.

But look on the refugees issue - even the Church here itself has been calling to accept them, yet they're completely ignored by the holier-than-thou types.

Even if we assume that you're telling the truth you missing a vital element in your reasoning here. The Church has no say in everyday life and in politic.
mafketis  38 | 11137
16 Dec 2017   #208
The word 'catholic' is related to Greek 'kathe' (all). If catholicism is not all-ecompassing it's no longer real catholicism.
kaprys  3 | 2076
17 Dec 2017   #209
And that pretty much sums up your Catholicism, darling ;)
Your far more concerned with politics than religion if you judge the Pope as being for lefties just because you disagree with some of his teachings.

What makes you disrespect him? Assuming you're a Catholic. I don't know if you are.

Is that a forum for Americans?
Ironside  50 | 12916
17 Dec 2017   #210
nd that pretty much sums up your Catholicism

Quite the opposite, it sums up what you imagine you know about Catholicism, in fact you know preciously little.
Its only his opinion. What he really meant?- What it means - refugees? In legal, normal sense someone who run way from a disaster, a conflict to the closest country, in that sense no Syrian or Middle East denizen showing up on the Polis border is a refugee.

If on the other hand he meant (ass lefties would have) the current wave of illegal immigrants - fair enough - that would and doesn't make sense but if this is his opinion that mean it is his opinion.

The word 'catholic' is related to Greek 'kathe' (all)

No S....Sherlock! The Catholic Church means The Universal/Worldwide Church - a place for ALL!

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