I find the subject of cultural identity interesting, good thread Patrycja19.
Unfortunately I have more questions than opinions ;p
Thank you, the only way to know is to search.. some of us lost our grandparents young
some never had the chance to know them, and my parents spoke polish, but all of us
kids didnt know what they were saying,, of course it was at Christmas and Easter and
anytime they just didnt want us to know what they were saying..
when your a kid, you dont know any better. I dont blame them, maybe at some point
they knew it was something they shouldnt do because kids are mean ( sorta like del)
telling you how to be and not how to be. thinking they are better then everyone else.
I remember going to school, I was in 1st grade, and they called out your name in class
for attendence and soon as they say your longggggggggggg last name with silent
letters that end with a ski, they would laugh.
couldnt shrink in my chair, so I just sat there thinking of what /why kids are making fun
of my last name.. doesnt anyone else have one too??
whats so funny? but it wasnt my way of saying my last name, the teacher multiated
it so bad it sounded horrible.. and they ask you, how do you say your last name?
ok I am in 1st grade, I am just learning life, and your asking me how to say my last name?
and kids stare.. yeah, its really fun to be around jack asses.. people who think they are so
much better.
so it could be that , I cant ask my parents, both are deceased, all the questions i still have
I cant get answers to , even though I miss the heck out of both of them, and think often
of them and how I wish I was a kid again so I could ask those questions.
with new resourses and updated sites like Family Search ''searching for origins'' is bigger than ever. there must be millions of people in the USA looking for their European roots.
yes there is, its a very large business now. its advertised on TV and they have a show now
about family roots. alot of famous people are getting more involved.. pretty sure they
are just selling the whole idea, but hey everyone has ancestors.. :)