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Traditional Polish Foods

southernpol  1 | 1
4 Feb 2014   #1
One of my sons is to bring a traditional food from the country of his choice. Any suggestions on a traditional Polish dish that's easy to prepare?
SLOsprayer  - | 1
28 Feb 2014   #3
Merged: National dishes of Poland?

What are polish national dishes? Where in Krakow are they most delicious?
Wlodzimierz  4 | 539
28 Feb 2014   #4
Bigos, or "hunter's stew" consists of pork sausage (kiełbasa) sliced, picked cabbage etc. and is perhaps the most iconically Polish dish with which your's truly's familiar:-)

I love the stuff, could eat heaping helpings of it (..washed down of course with a solid Polish beer such as Żywiec).
28 Feb 2014   #5
Cutlet, cutlet and oh yeah cutlet.
Cardno85  31 | 971
28 Feb 2014   #6

Yes, yes and yes! Love me some Bigos!


If you are in a place selling good traditional Polish food and the only beer they have is Zywiec, walk away. It's the Polish equivalent of Carling or Tennants. You should be able to find a lot of places that serve much better beer.


Kotlet Schabowy may not be the national dish of Poland, but it's something so many Polish people that live outside of Poland miss. It's simple, delicious and pleases everyone.

Can I also suggest polish pancakes (naleśniki) with savoury fillings, really really tasty! Also if you are lucky enough to have a market in the square when you are there. Grab some grilled meatstuffs!

Oh and Golonka...I could go on!
Wlodzimierz  4 | 539
1 Mar 2014   #7
Pizy can also be quite delicious, though not alone (in my humble opinion). I enjoy them as a side with a main dish of nice wędlina and kapusta!

After the meal digestive of choice?? Well, there's always a shot ot two of Żubrówka following dessert and some good strong coffee:-)

Gettin' myself famished here, he-he!!!!
szczecinianin  4 | 317
1 Mar 2014   #8
Pizy can also be quite delicious

Cardno85  31 | 971
1 Mar 2014   #9

Mmmmm, my father in law smokes all his own meat and whenever we go over the house is full of about meat sweats!
Wlodzimierz  4 | 539
1 Mar 2014   #10
As I said, I offered my wife one of my pyza and she fell in love with Polish cooking too:-)
2 Mar 2014   #11
Pea soup with curly pork skins! Delicious!
Dreamergirl  4 | 273
13 Jul 2016   #12
Merged: Making polish food

Hi. My boyfriend would like me to make him polish food. But where would I even start? I have no idea what I'm doing ? Any tips or ideas?
Gibonka  - | 18
13 Jul 2016   #13
Go to your Polish deli and see what they have on the shelf
Dreamergirl  4 | 273
13 Jul 2016   #14
But where do I get the recipes and what should I make him? I could always ask him but I think I would like to suprise him one day after work
Miloslaw  20 | 5133
20 Apr 2024   #15
Let's kick on with Polish food!

pawian  226 | 27561
20 Apr 2024   #16
Let's kick

Like a horse..... :):):) Again horse play by you..... :(:(:(

Where is your informative comment on what you are posting???
There isn`t any.
It is your primitive copy and paste as usual. :(:(:(:(

Milo, try to understand, dear impostor - either you show some true knowledge of Polish culture or I will have to carry on pointing to your total lack of Polish background.

Isn`t it simple????
Miloslaw  20 | 5133
20 Apr 2024   #17

That is your opinion.....

either you show some true knowledge of Polish culture or I will have to carry on pointing to your total lack of Polish background.

You do whatever you want, but I don't care,I am fully aware of my Polish background.....

This video does not need any comments from me... or you....

pawian  226 | 27561
20 Apr 2024   #18
This video does not need any comments from me.

Yes, copy and paste as usual, without any valuable insight into what you are posting. Sad. :(:(:(

I am fully aware of my Polish background.....

Which you had lost in 1960s and became you know what. :):):)
Miloslaw  20 | 5133
20 Apr 2024   #19
The Polish J Troll will immediately pounce and say that this is an American and not a Polish video.And it is.
But just look at the presenters face..... hard to get a face more Polish looking..... and her still,quite strong Polish FO troll!

One thing I love about Polish food is how it can create great dishes from what seem to be leftovers or cheap cuts of meat.

So inventive!
Polish food is always extremely filling, I had several Polish aunties, but my favourite one would always worry that I was not eating enough.....
And would always come over to me and ask me if I was sick or unwell(In Polish) because I wasn't taking second or third helpings to her food, as my cousins were.

Anyway, here is another classic,filling and cheap Polish dish.

pawian  226 | 27561
20 Apr 2024   #20
One thing I love about Polish food is how it can create great dishes from what seem to be leftovers or cheap cuts of meat.

You cheap hypocrite! When I posted about such dishes including pics, you tore my input into pieces!!!

But it seems that you have come to your senses at last and now are copying and pasting ideas from me!!! AmaSSing!!! :):): Thanks. My education of you works. :):):)
Miloslaw  20 | 5133
20 Apr 2024   #21
The Polish J troll thinks too highly of himself.
His Polish dishes were probably quite disgusting and no, he can't teach me anything with his communist background.....
pawian  226 | 27561
20 Apr 2024   #22

We are talking about food, not politics. Another proof you have no idea whatsoever. :):):)
Miloslaw  20 | 5133
20 Apr 2024   #23
We are talking about food,

You are not talking about food, just trolling.....
Miloslaw  20 | 5133
22 Apr 2024   #24
This is for the troll Tom (Jim), because he won't understand a word being spoken......LOL!!!!!
A great traditional Polish and Jewish soup...I have no idea who came up with it first but both Poles and Jews swear that this makes you feel better when you are sick and my mum gave this to me when I was ill as a kid and it always worked!

pawian  226 | 27561
22 Apr 2024   #25
Polish and Jewish soup

Is it the proper name of the dish??? I have never heard it. :):):)
AmaSSing what those uneducated Brits assume about Polish food..... Philosophies which native Poles and Polesses never dreamt of. :):):)
Miloslaw  20 | 5133
22 Apr 2024   #26
One more tasty Polish recipe.... follow it as best you can Tom(Jim).....LOL!!!!!

pawian  226 | 27561
22 Apr 2024   #27
tasty Polish recipe.

We see - the name of the dish is Polish recipe.. hahahahaha

You aren`t even able to properly translate the name of the dish from the video. Amassing. :):):) Yes, we know, your knowledge of Polish is only Dobranoc aka Good night.

So, dobranoc Ha!!!! See you tomorrow, Mr Expert. hahahaha buhahahaha
Lyzko  45 | 9751
22 Apr 2024   #28
My favorite traditional Polish dish(s):

Zurek (or Chlodnik, depending on the season!)

Miloslaw  20 | 5133
22 Apr 2024   #29
You aren`t even able to properly translate the name of the dish from the video

Jerry (Jerzy) you are a complete moron...... why do I need to translate a Polish dish to a Polish forum?

Vegetable and Meatball soup is the best I can do...... satisfied?
johnny reb  49 | 8064
23 Apr 2024   #30
Yes, we know, your knowledge of Polish is only Dobranoc aka Good night.

Everyone here has known that for quite sometime now Pawian, even though he claims that he can read and speak Polish fluently.

Vegetable and Meatball soup is the best I can do....

Sounds like you need a new Polish translate program on your computer.
You could always ask Lyzko where got his.
And you have the audacity to call Pawian a moron. Hoot !

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