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Why Poles not like rice?

johnny reb  49 | 8003
4 Feb 2024   #31
Who told you that ?

Spuds are a staple, but rice is more elegant.

That is a myth.
Poles are very traditional for one and two the Op is assuming that Poles don't like rice.
They would if they tried several recipes.
The toppings that you pour over rice are the key.
Everything and anything works well to lively it up as simple as butter, salt, pepper, soy sauce, grated cheese, vegetables, or shrimp scampi to beef stir fry or chicken and chicken gravy to cooked red beans, and for fried rice, eggs, diced peppers, broccoli, diced onions, shrimp, beef gravy, curry sauce, red curry sauce,'s endless.

But as traditional as Poles are they will stick to their depressing smashed spuds with lots of butter and milk just like babcia made forever.
jon357  72 | 23654
4 Feb 2024   #32
They would if they tried several recipes

There's a lot of rice in PL.

Perhaps less than the op is used to, however it's very common.

rice is more elegant.

Taters can be elegant too. Pommels fondants, hasselback potatoes, British style roast potatoes, rösti, Arab style stuffed potatoes, Jersey royals. All can be elegant.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
4 Feb 2024   #33
All can be elegant.

And a British favorite of "chips" with fish and the American favorite of hot crispy fries with ketchup.
Poland's favorite is elegant smashed potato's like babcia has always made.
jon357  72 | 23654
4 Feb 2024   #34
And a British favorite of chips

I like them, however they're not elegant and not as popular as they used to be.

smashed potato's

The mashed potatoes you used to see in Poland weren't especially elegant. Often made without butter and again, not so popular nowadays.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
4 Feb 2024   #35
and not as popular as they used to be.

Because China raised the prices on fish exported to Britain.
Fish & Chips are no longer affordable for many.

and again, not so popular nowadays.

Because they put that apron of fat on you when you eat them every day like Poland did in the old days.
jon357  72 | 23654
4 Feb 2024   #36
Fish & Chips are no longer affordable for many

They're still cheap and most of the fish is from the Atlantic.

£5.99 at my local one with bread and butter a pot of tea and either curry sauce or mushy peas.

They're out of fashion mostly due to healthy eating habits and changing tastes towards spicier stuff.

that apron of fat

Much the same. Women don't want fish and chips or Polish mash with saturated fat drizzled on top.

Rice is popular there too however as I say, nothing compared to pets of Asia where it's the staple and frankly monotonous to see huge mounds of it.
Alien  26 | 6527
4 Feb 2024   #37
£5.99 at my local one

The best ones were always on the ferry, although much more expensive. But at least we didn't have to stop for food after or before.
jon357  72 | 23654
4 Feb 2024   #38
the ferry

Which ferry? If it's one of the southern ones, the ferry canteen may well have been better (the south and fish/chips are a bad mix IMO) but if it was Rotterdam or Zeebrugge to Hull, you'd have found better in Hull.
Alien  26 | 6527
4 Feb 2024   #39
Which ferry?

Calais Dover🛳
jon357  72 | 23654
4 Feb 2024   #40
You probably dodged a bullet then.

It's worth trying F&C in the north, with fish caught in Whitby, Scarborough, Grimsby, etc, bigger portions, less money, better chips and nicer people serving you.
Joker  2 | 2447
4 Feb 2024   #41
with fish caught in Whitby,

The fish and chips were very tasty. The seagulls were dead set on having some too!
mafketis  38 | 11260
4 Feb 2024   #42
land's favorite is elegant smashed potato's

Simple boiled potatoes (maybe with some grease drippings and/or dill on top) are far, far, far more common in Poland.

  • ziiiii.jpg

  • zimm.jpg
Poloniusz  5 | 969
4 Feb 2024   #43
For the diversity worshipping, pro-migrant crowd beckoning the world to come and settle in Poland from Asia, the Middle East, and above all Africa, the future is instant noodles.

Do African countries need instant noodles to build their middle class?

"Africa, like the rest of the world, wants processed food and wants it now. In Africa's increasingly urban spaces, middle class consumers are eager for the convenience and flavor that processed food delivers; for the poor, it's both aspirational and in some cases economical."

And Poland is already off to a very rough start in catering to the sophisticated tastes of new Poles.

jon357  72 | 23654
4 Feb 2024   #44
Poland is actually Europe's biggest consumer of instant noodles (and has been for years), and its biggest manufacturer of them too...
Poloniusz  5 | 969
4 Feb 2024   #45
Poland is actually Europe's biggest consumer

Wrong, it's Russia.

Instant Noodle Consumption in Europe

and its biggest manufacturer of them

Wrong again.

Europe Instant Noodles Market: Industry Analysis and Forecast (2024-2030) Trends, Statistics, Dynamics, Segmentation

Europe Instant Noodles Market Key Players:

- Altin JM Group (Czechia)
- TPK Varna (Russia)
- Doshirak Rus (Russia)
- Kare Pack (Turkey)
- Metpack (Turkey)
- Westmark GmbH (Germany)
- HSH Norm (Turkey)
- Anavita GmbH (Germany)
- Resfood (Russia)
- Kapak Ambalaj (Turkey)
Alien  26 | 6527
4 Feb 2024   #46
Wrong, it's Russia

russia doesn't matter, since the war in Ukraine it hasn't been Europe, it's an Asian wilderness.
jon357  72 | 23654
4 Feb 2024   #47
Wrong, it's Russia

Most of r*SSia is outside Europe.

Obviously you spend more time on the internet than in shops in Poland..

it's an Asian wilderness

Tundra and wooden hovels.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
4 Feb 2024   #48
Most of r*SSia is outside Europe.

You mean your British homeland is outside of Europe.

In every sense.

jon357  72 | 23654
4 Feb 2024   #49
No, it's in Europe and your strange views on politicians in a different part of Europe have no relevance to rice in Poland.

There's plenty of it, and instant noodles too. Lots of them.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
4 Feb 2024   #50
No, it's in Europe


Being a regular contestant in Eurovision doesn't make you or your British homeland European either.
jon357  72 | 23654
4 Feb 2024   #51
It is though, and distinct too.

Not that this has anything to do with the popularity of rice in Poland.
Novichok  4 | 8677
4 Feb 2024   #52
You mean your British homeland is outside of Europe.

Brits are very sorry for defeating Nazi Germany.

Eurovision doesn't make you or your country European either.

He doesn't know which is his country. International Jews are not alone...they now have international woke faggots and NGOs.

with the popularity of rice in Poland.

Rice in Poland can be covered in one post: Some Poles eat rice.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
4 Feb 2024   #53
and distinct too.

As in completely separate and never a part (never was anyway).

Forever torn asunder.

mafketis  38 | 11260
4 Feb 2024   #54
Rice in Poland can be covered in one post: Some Poles eat rice.

Will miracles never cease? You made a valid point!
Poloniusz  5 | 969
4 Feb 2024   #55
Brits are very sorry for defeating Nazi Germany.

The native white population raised on a diet of potatoes has regrets now that they see what their country has become.

Not so the Asian politicians and Asian grooming gangs who are raised on a diet of rice.

He doesn't know which is his country.

He admitted that he shops around for passports which suit only his needs.

He is merely a consumer devoid of any sense of responsibility, culture or tradition.
Novichok  4 | 8677
4 Feb 2024   #56
He is merely a consumer devoid of any sense of responsibility, culture or tradition.

...and other words globalist leftist scumbag...
Miloslaw  22 | 5202
4 Feb 2024   #57
Being a regular contestant in Eurovision doesn't make you or your British homeland European either.

Are you a true idiot or just someone who wants to be seen as an idiot?

Britain is an island in Europe.End off!

Are we part of that French invention The EU?No!

Are we glad to have left?Hell yeah!!

Germany is about to go into recession.... whilst the British economy is slowly building up again.

France is mired in farmers strikes that will probably see Macron back down against the EU rules coming from Brussels...

The UK is much better off out of the dying EU.
jon357  72 | 23654
5 Feb 2024   #58
Britain is an island in Europe

Over a thousand islands in fact.
Lazarus  3 | 364
5 Feb 2024   #59
You can eat rice with Thousand Island Dressin.

You can, but only if you can afford both rice and Thousand Island sauce. Perhaps people who know the amount of their social security payments for the month right down to the last two cents can't afford both?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Feb 2024   #60
You can, but only if you can afford both rice and Thousand Island sauce.

Perhaps people who know the amount of their social security payments for the month right down to the last two cents can't afford both?

Perhaps I would think so since an Americans Social Security pays more in a month than say a bicycle repairman such as yourself makes in a year in Poland.

No wonder you have such a huge inferiority complex.

Only an unlearnt person puts Thousand Island DRESSING on rice ? lol

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