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High Class Cuisine in Poland: What foods are eaten by Polish upper classes at 5 star Polish restaurants etc?

7 Jan 2020   #1
What dishes are considered upscale, served at 5 star Polish restaurants, 5 star hotels etc, foods that Polish upper class eats? The foods should at least partially be Polish in origin from Poland or Lithuania. Thank you.
cms neuf  2 | 1943
8 Jan 2020   #2
Maybe check the menus of some restaurants like Sowa, Platter, Amaro - it's normally something like a posh version of pierogi, a posh version of some seasonal Polish soup, game, something involving grzyby and always a steak and a fish dish on menu.

People don't eat that day to day however.
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Feb 2020   #3
What dishes are considered upscale, served at 5 star Polish restaurants,

I think baby octopuses which are notorious for being eaten by high class society representatives in Poland.
pawian  226 | 27817
20 Nov 2020   #4
5 star hotels etc, foods that Polish upper class eats?

Hey, I remember now, you write romances. I guess this one is set in contemporary Poland.

Check this list of exclusive restaurants in Warsaw. You can click the menu link to see the dishes.

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jon357  72 | 23654
23 Sep 2024   #5
Polish upper class

The "upper class" of any country is rarely larger than 500 people, many of whom are out of that country at any given time.

If you mean restaurants frequented by the wealthier end of the middle classes (those that live in or near the capital anyway) there are a few. Amaro is popular (and booked solid long in advance). The menu above looks like one of theirs. Basically fusion food with some local ingredients.

This one is an old favourite of the elite. Its official name is Restauracja Belvedere, however the cognoscenti refer to it by another name. Basically classic European international food. Its website is here:

There's also Fukier, famous in the 90s and 2000s for hair-raising prices, which has become a bit touristy now. Good food though.
Alien  26 | 6527
23 Sep 2024   #6
La Squadra in Katowice, I remember it from previous years, good Italian food from an Italian chef, affordable daily menu. The best and always the same tasting Focaccia I have ever eaten, and at the end the opportunity to look at a dozen Ferraris in one place.
pawian  226 | 27817
16 Mar 2025   #7
Considering the current shortages of eggs, the dishes based on them are royal treat indeed.

Home / Food / High Class Cuisine in Poland: What foods are eaten by Polish upper classes at 5 star Polish restaurants etc?
BoldItalic [quote]
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