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Is brain-damaging vegan fad growing in Poland?

10 Feb 2021   #151
Had arguments with her parents about eating meat since she was 10.

My parents went nuts when my sister gave up eating meat products as a teenager. In our house you ate what you were given so it didn't go down too well. She never brought it up in conversation either. I must admit though that it was hard to know what to cook for her when she used to come over for a meal.Takes a lot more planning when all animal products have to be avoided and you don't want to serve up stuffed peppers for the umpteenth time.

it's the ones that want to convert the rest of us that drive me mad.

Give it a few years and it will cease to be 'trendy' as it is now. It will be replaced with some other cause.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
10 Feb 2021   #152
The only decent vegan food is Indian, but thats my personal opinion, I don't think poland is going to give up meat and smalec any time soon.

P.S if you are ever in India stick to vegan otherwise you might die . oh and no salads which are usually washed in ***.
Miloslaw  20 | 5107
10 Feb 2021   #153
The only decent vegan food is Indian

Agreed.It is the only cuisine that makes vegan food interesting enough.
mafketis  38 | 11128
10 Feb 2021   #154
only decent vegan food is Indian

Vegan or vegetarian? (nb. vegans hate, hate, HATE vegetarians) most meat or fish free Indian food uses dairy products, whether ghee, yogurt or cheese or boiled milk...)
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
10 Feb 2021   #155
Vegan or vegetarian? (nb. vegans hate, hate, HATE vegetarians)

I must admit I don't know the difference and neither do I care to know, I just go by meat eaters and those who don't, every vegetarian I have worked with has always smelled funny, like old cabbage, must be the sweat or something.
jon357  72 | 23361
10 Feb 2021   #156
nb. vegans hate, hate, HATE vegetarians

I wonder why.

most meat or fish free Indian food uses dairy products,

The Jains in India are completely vegan and have their own cuisine. They're so strict they won't even squash a fly.
mafketis  38 | 11128
10 Feb 2021   #157
The Jains in India are completely vegan and have their own cuisine.

Nope. The Jains do consume some dairy products....

Their diet is so off-the-charts restrictive probably as a way of maintaining their extreme clannishness. They effectively can't really socialize with people except entirely on their own terms... this does have benefits - it doubtless helped them displace the Orthodox Jews from the diamond business in Antwerp...
jon357  72 | 23361
10 Feb 2021   #158
They effectively can't really socialize with people except entirely on their own terms

Some family friends are Jain (and very religious). They do entertain however there are some oddities especially since their holy men can't set eyes on a woman or enjoy food (they have to mush it up for them so no single flavour predominates).

One characteristic of their diet is that they can only eat veg that has been cut without killing the whole plant. That excludes all root vegetables and onions/garlic. They don't consume mushrooms or anything made with yeast. Some Jains don't like tap water in case there are microbes in it.

The Jains do consume some dairy products.

In small amounts and it's permissible only because the animal isn't harmed. In the west, they're theoretically allowed to consume supermarket milk but often dislike it due to factory farming. Many Jains living in developed countries are now vegan for this reason.
mafketis  38 | 11128
10 Feb 2021   #159
that they can only eat veg that has been cut without killing the whole plant.

What about nutritional supplements? IIRC early Jain immigrants to the UK had nutritional problems (where they had done fine in India on the 'same' diet). As it turns out the fruits and vegetables they'd been eating in India were full of insect eggs/larvae which gave them nutrients that were missing in first world produce...
Joker  2 | 2390
10 Feb 2021   #160
What about nutritional supplements?

I make sure they aren't made in China. Its costs more but worth every penny to me.

You never know what theyre putting in there, just as I would never buy any pills off the street.
jon357  72 | 23361
10 Feb 2021   #161
What about nutritional supplements?

Possibly. The Jain couple who are family friends are both doctors so presumably they have insight about nutrition. Most strict Jains in developed countries or urban areas follow a vegan diet now due to the methods used in supermarket milk.

I ate a vegan lunch today. Not because it was vegan, but because the other two choices didn't appeal. It was fine.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
11 Feb 2021   #162
animals are talking:
jon357  72 | 23361
19 Feb 2021   #163
Looks like it's getting more popular here.

"Sales of vegan substitutes for meat products in Poland increased by 107% in volume and 138% in value last year. Meanwhile those of plant-based alternatives to dairy rose by 50% in volume and 44% in value."
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
19 Feb 2021   #164
Which is quite sad, as I am rather negative towards anything that hasn't been in nature the last 2 000 years. So I very much prefer meat, fish, eggs, butter, broccoli, coil flower and nuts (almond, macadamia)

The more people put sugar or carbs in to meat the worse it will be for all of us sadly
jon357  72 | 23361
19 Feb 2021   #165
I very much prefer meat, fish, eggs,

Me too, however plant-based foods are not new, and when it comes to processed foods (which this is about in the shops), it's probably better to have something good rather than, say, mechanically separated chicken products.
pawian  224 | 27201
5 Apr 2021   #166
Is brain-damaging veganism a growing fad in Poland or do Poles know better?

Why brain damaging? If you have a suitable blood group like A, you thrive on veg, fruit, beans and other plant products. Like me - I eat meat and sausage but only by tradition - I have days when I consume only veg and feel great - my brain is doing fine, as you can see.
mafketis  38 | 11128
5 Apr 2021   #167
Why brain damaging?

I spent a lot of time listening to vegan and ex-vegan videos... (vegan youtube is not as big as it once was but it's a consistent source of entertaining personal drama).

My impression is that some people can make it work and others can't. This is probably related to individual genetic variation (rather the way that different people need different amounts and types of sleep).

But even a lot of the 'healthy' vegans don't look that good and those who quite it after months or years talk about chronic fatigue and/or chronic hunger. There's also the issue that a non-trivial number of vegans seem to use the diet to cover up an eating disorder...

(And some just have.... weird stuff going on in their heads.... very weird).
Miloslaw  20 | 5107
5 Apr 2021   #168

For me, Veganism is a stupid and potentially dangerous fad.
Hopefully, most people will come to their senses soon.
pawian  224 | 27201
5 Apr 2021   #169
For me, Veganism is a stupid and potentially dangerous fad.

No, it is not. The growing meat consumption greatly contributes to the destruction of environment and depletion of planet`s resources. Better read about it coz you are gravely ill-informed.
Novichok  4 | 8726
6 Apr 2021   #170
meat consumption greatly contributes to.

And I should stop eating meat while China and India don't give a rat's ass about the environment and the planet`s resources.

Is that the idea, the cuddly one?
pawian  224 | 27201
6 Apr 2021   #171
And I should stop eating meat

Yes, coz it will delay this dementia which I have been observing in you for some time - you tend to forget more and more things. :):):)

Besides, why are you instantly getting so radical - nobody expects you to stop eating meat - itm is enough you cut down on it and everybody else does, too. Or are you so selfish you don`t care about your carbon footprint on this planet?? Do you have grandkids? What are you going to leave to them when you pass away? Barren planet?
Miloslaw  20 | 5107
6 Apr 2021   #172
Better read about it coz you are gravely ill-informed.

No mate, you are the ill informed one.
So many of these supposedly eco friendly vegan products are actually worse than raising animals for consumption.
And a totally vegan diet gives you a lack of vitamins and nutrients that can only be supplied by meat or fish.
Yeah, reducing our consumption of meat and fish may help a bit.
But not by much,.
johnny reb  49 | 7964
7 Apr 2021   #173
you don`t care about your carbon footprint on this planet??

Hell No, I am leaving the biggest carbon foot print that I can !

eco friendly vegan products are actually worse

That is a fact.
Speaking of facts:
The inventor of the treadmill died at the age of 54.
The inventor of gymnastics died at the age of 57.
The best football player of the world, Marcone, died at 60.
On the other hand:
The inventor of KFC died at 94.
The inventor of Nutello dies at 88.
The cigarette maker, Winston, died at102.
The inventor of opium died at 116.
The inventor of Hennesy died at 98.
Vegan fad food sucks, eat drink and be merry.
Lenka  5 | 3529
7 Apr 2021   #174
itm is enough you cut down on it

That is what I would like to do (not vegan though, just vegetarian) but I have problems finding dishes that appeal to me.
Tacitus  2 | 1264
7 Apr 2021   #175
That is what I would like to do

Same, eating meat within reason seems to be the best compromise between health and taste.
pawian  224 | 27201
7 Apr 2021   #176
but I have problems finding dishes that appeal to me.

I found certain solution. Firstly, I try to buy meat less frequently. Secondly, I buy less meat than usual. Thirdly, when I cook it, I eat only a part of the whole portion - the other part goes to the fridge or freezer for the next day or even days.. So, there is still meat in my meals but mostly very little - like half of what I used to eat before. The only exception is grill parties in the summer.

I still need to work on my sea food preferences - they are unsurmountable right now.

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