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Polish Pizza !! The best in the world?

jon357  72 | 23482
29 Jun 2022   #211
They all proclaimed it the worst pizza ever

Reasonable. It is usually very very bad

In the decades I've only known two maybe three good places. One was in Ochota and was excellent. The owner had won a prize for the best pizza in Melbourne before coming to Warsaw and opening it. I think it's recently closed unfortunately. His pizzas were the best I've tasted anywhere. They were the opposite of normal Polish pizza (i.e. very good). Perhaps they were just too good for the local market.

The second was a place in the starōwka in Toruń which only had two types of pizza, with mushrooms or without and had long tables that everyone day together at (almost the opposite of any other public place in Poland). To drink, they only served barszcz. There were queues outside however it was over s decade now and I don't know if it's still open

Neither had any ketchup in sight.

The third is our local one right in the North of Warsaw. Their pizzas are good. The owner is Czech.

Odd that Poland has something nice like zapiekanka (though I've seen people ruin that with ketchup often enough) yet in a country of 37 million, they can't do a pizza.

I've also seen lasagne like a wobbly blancmange cake and some pretty bad pasta dishes

One of the things I miss from home is bolognese pizza, a Leeds speciality. Or maybe I don't miss it since in Poland it would be a tasteless dry smear probably containing pork and ketchup.
Bobko  27 | 2079
29 Jun 2022   #212

Your hate for Poland and all things Polish is painfully palpable. But why come online, and in a forum intended for people to share things about Poland, would you come and spew your toxic venom?

Have you not better things to do? Polish pizza makes Poles happy, and ketchup is both nutritious and delicious. Accept it, you imperialist scum.
jon357  72 | 23482
29 Jun 2022   #213
and all things Polish

Only the pizza. It is vile.

The stuff they put on it isn't even cheese, it's "non-dairy pizza topping". Plus in PL they also often have processed pork on it.

ketchup is both nutritious and delicious

I've hardly ever eaten the ready made stuff. It ruins anything it touches. Have you read the ingredients on the label?

The same with mayonnaise. The ready made stuff that comes in jars is just nasty even worse in sachets.

And bottled ketchup or other pots of sauce don't belong anywhere near a pizza. Or a kebab (I've sadly seen this too in Poland).


Who's invading where right now?
jon357  72 | 23482
29 Jun 2022   #214
Here's a link to the place in Ochota. It might still be open. I hope it is and hope it's still as good.

  • 40581690_21388025630.jpg
jon357  72 | 23482
29 Jun 2022   #215

Chocolate pizza does exist. I'm not sure how it works.

So does pizza with almonds and raisins in the UK, probably inspired by Peshawari Naan (a lot of pics shop proprietors come from Pakistan).

Bolognese pizza would be a hit in Poland of it was done right.

Though it wouldn't be.
pawian  226 | 27453
29 Jun 2022   #216
The taste of pizza depends on the outlet. After years of experiments, I know where to take the family for a good pizza, both in town and countryside.

Chocolate pizza does exist

Yes, I saw it two or 3 years ago in Selgros, then it disappeared.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
29 Jun 2022   #217
Polish pizza is crap.Stick to ZAPIEKANKA !
AntV  3 | 670
30 Jun 2022   #218

I'm the other way around. Zapiekanka is kind-of-crappy. Polish pizza ca. 2007ish is pretty good, ca. 2015 is very good, unless you go to some hillbilly joint.

I'm a yank, I know what I'm talking about. 😁
Alien  25 | 6392
1 Jul 2022   #219
Telepizza in Katowice is not bad.
jon357  72 | 23482
1 Jul 2022   #220
Telepizza is pretty bad generally. Not as bad as DaGrasso.

Pizza Marżano (belongs to Pizza Express in the UK) do an ok salade niçoise.

The only half OK chain I've seen in PL is Pizza Hut. A shame they don't translate the name and call it Chata Pizza.

Google says there's a local one, presumably not sued, called Pizza Chata.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
1 Jul 2022   #221

Polish pizza tends to be really crappy.
Although it can vary in quality immensely, I prefer Zapiekanka.
Alien  25 | 6392
1 Jul 2022   #222
Hut in German means hat, so why not Kapelusz Pizza or Pizza spod Kapelusza.
jon357  72 | 23482
1 Jul 2022   #223
It's not a German company as far as I know. Far more countries in which it operates call a hut a hut and not a hat.

Hut sounds more like chata than kapelusz

Anyway, who would want German pizza? Lahmacun or Dõner maybe.

And hat doesn't make any sense, whereas hut does.

I prefer Zapiekanka.

AntV  3 | 670
1 Jul 2022   #224
Pizza Hut is an American company, hence the Hut. It's ok. They make a better pizza in their Polish chains than their American ones, IMO.
Joker  2 | 2374
2 Jul 2022   #225
Pizza Hut is an American company,

I haven't been to a Pizza Hut or KFC in 30 years. The last PH Ive seen was in Florida where those rednecks havent a clue. Go to Chicago or NY for real Pizza.

Polish pizza tends to be really crappy.

Its an insult to real Pizza. They use ketchup as sauce! LOLOL
jon357  72 | 23482
24 Aug 2023   #226
We just had a Telepizza for the first time in ages.

It was edible, except for several very long human hairs in one of the pizzas.

Don't their staff wear food prep caps?
mafketis  38 | 11137
24 Aug 2023   #227
Pizza Chata.

Anyone know off the top of their head if chata and hut are cognates like chleb and loaf are?
jon357  72 | 23482
24 Aug 2023   #228
chata and hut

I think so. There's something similar in Hochdeutsche.
jon357  72 | 23482
25 Aug 2023   #229
An update.

They (UberEats) refunded the dosh straight away after receiving the photo.
mafketis  38 | 11137
25 Aug 2023   #230
They (UberEats) refunded

Does the delivery guy still get paid in that case?

There's something similar in Hochdeutsche.


I'm going to assume they're all related....

A couple of weeks ago I found another weird cognate pair in Polish/English but I forget what it is... I'd thought the word was romance (then remembered it's not in Spanish or Italian).....

Not being able to remember is driving me crazy...
jon357  72 | 23482
25 Aug 2023   #231
I would hope so, and in any case if you order Telepizza (and most others near us) the delivery person is from the shop rather than UberEats. And we always tip them well anyway.


The refund amount was the cost of the pizzas, 96zl and didn't include the delivery charge which is actually surprisingly small.
jon357  72 | 23482
25 Aug 2023   #232

That's what I was thinking of.

I also saw a good one this week. And also spent an hour wondering whether "ooze" was part of the pre-IndoEuropean substrate. I need a new hobby maybe.
mafketis  38 | 11137
25 Aug 2023   #233
That's what I was thinking of.

Now I remember.... gadać and 'quoth' (is that part of quote or a separate form?)
jon357  72 | 23482
25 Aug 2023   #234
s that part of quote

A literary form of that, I think.

BTW, the pizza restaurant that I've mentioned as being excellent (Cucciolina) has now closed. A great shame.
Joker  2 | 2374
26 Aug 2023   #235
BTW, the pizza restaurant that I've mentioned as being excellent (Cucciolina) has now closed.

Oh, the irony! Polish Pizza! LOL Put some more corn on it! And a gallon of Ketchup to boot!
jon357  72 | 23482
26 Aug 2023   #236
Polish Pizza

This one was actually pretty good. The guy who ran it won a prize for the best pizza in Melbourne.

Maybe it closed because it wasn't Polish enough and the pizzas weren't dry/bland/porky with dollops of tomato ketchup.
Joker  2 | 2374
26 Aug 2023   #237
now closed.

Its says it all..........
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
26 Aug 2023   #238
Put some more corn on it! And a gallon of Ketchup

Add some smoked kielbasa (as sausage) and there is your Polish pizza.
Lately on Chemilna street they sell thin crust pizza with crappy toppings for 7 pln,goes down perfect with beer in a nearby Irish bar where I am allowed to bring my slice of pizza from that place.
Novichok  4 | 8478
26 Aug 2023   #239

Chmielna. I used to live within 1/4 mile.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
26 Aug 2023   #240
I stay exactly 425 steps from Chemilna and zgoda on Zgoda,and the Irish bar is 350 steps(I counted my steps lol).
But that time Chemilna was a shi.t hole now its one of the most prestigious streets in centrum.

Home / Food / Polish Pizza !! The best in the world?

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