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Polish Pizza !! The best in the world?

Paulina  19 | 4458
27 Aug 2023   #271
Atleast people dont use fork and knife there to eat there freaking pizza lol.

But that's the Italian way of eating pizza! :))):

"Italians eat their pizza with a fork and knife"

Eating pizza with your hands is "the American way":

'"First things first," announces Pizza Pilgrims' website, "eating pizza with a knife and fork is a very Italian way to do things - so don't feel like this is any kind of cop-out." Indeed, there are those who see the New York "slice" and the habit that arose from that of pre-slicing whole pizzas in restaurants as an Italian-American invention, yet another strand of US cultural imperialism alien in Italy itself. Most Italian sources agree that in restaurants, cutlery should be used to eat your (whole, unsliced) pizza, not your hands.'
jon357  72 | 23483
27 Aug 2023   #272
"Italians eat their pizza with a fork and knife"

I've seen this however I've also seen Italians slice the pizza with a knife and fork then eat the slices with their hands. In Italy they do t tend to use pizza wheels to slice before serving.

The lady who showed me how to make pizza was elderly back in the early 90s and is probably dead now. She came to Britain at the end of WW2 from southern Italy with her husband who I think was Hungarian. She didn't make round pizzas but always used a roasting tin and always said that the most important thing was the base. The toppings were simple.
Paulina  19 | 4458
27 Aug 2023   #273
I've seen this however I've also seen Italians slice the pizza with a knife and fork then eat the slices with their hands.

Sure, they, for example, kind of fold a slice of the Neapolitan pizza in two and eat it with their hands. But many Italians eat a pizza with a fork and knife, so that's clearly not the "wrong way" to eat a pizza :)))

Personally, when eating out I would eat a pizza using a fork and knife. At home - it depends on the pizza or whether I feel like getting my hands dirty or not (or whether it's hot or cooled off already) :)
jon357  72 | 23483
28 Aug 2023   #274
Personally, when eating out I would eat a pizza using a fork and knife

I always used to until people in the U.K. started to get a bit snotty about it and said it should be with hands. So I switched. And then worked with Italians for several years and started doing it their way.

At home it depends since we either order two and share or I make a giant one in the biggest roasting tin which does need at least a fork or the middle bits will drop everywhere.

Always with yeast dough (easy work in a mixer) since I've never had much luck with soda doughs.

blue cheese which works remarkably well on pizza....... broccoli slice

Blue cheese is a great ingredient for pizza and a few other things. About broccoli, that could do. With quiche. I only do:the classic Lorraine kind but it's actually OK with broccoli and blue cheese. Somehow works well tnough I've not made that for decades.

I could've murdered a good curry at the time too

Most curry places here are rubbish and overpriced. They take advantage of people not knowing what's what, The pakora is especially bad, and always way too dear. There's a decent one in Hala Koszykowa in Warsaw. I think it's specific regional Indian food since most of it's new to me however it's the best I've found so far.
Paulina  19 | 4458
28 Aug 2023   #275
She didn't make round pizzas but always used a roasting tin

Just like how my mother was doing it for years. My city grandmother's pizza was round though, so I'm guessing she was using a cake pan. 🤔 Their pizzas are the best I've eaten so far.

Did that elderly Italian lady give you a recipe for her pizza??? :d Grannies often make the best food :D


in the biggest roasting tin which does need at least a fork or the middle bits will drop everywhere.

I'd usually eat my city grandmother's pizza with hands, because it would be difficult to eat it with a knife and fork - the crust was as high as a cake would be. I'm not sure if you could even call it a pizza, but it was delicious :D The same with my mother's pizza - the crust is so thick and there's so much of topping on it that if I tried to cut it with a knife too much of the topping would fall off (my mouth is watering as I'm writing this ;D).

jon357  72 | 23483
28 Aug 2023   #276
Did that elderly Italian lady give you a recipe for her pizza?

Yes, she used to make it right in front of me, always very simple and always delicious. There was also a Sikh lady there who used to cook things and I watched like a hawk. Something for a future recipe thread.

Just like how my mother was doing it for years

I can only remember my mum ever making it once. Too dangerously foreign back in those days (though Vesta 'curries' were almost OK); now now they make shakshuka so things have changed.

the crust was as high as a cake would be. I'm not sure if you could even call it a pizza, but it was delicious

I see pizza as part of a family of dishes in a few countries. Everything depends on ingredients, type of oven etc in any given place. Pissaladiere, croque monsieur, zapiekanka, rarebit, all distant cousins.
pawian  226 | 27471
30 Mar 2024   #277
Polish pizza is soooooooooooo the best pizza in the world, the ones from glogow are the best ever !!!
I agree.

Of course. My wife makes excellent pizza which suits the tastes of all the family, especially kids. Everybody likes ketchup made in Poland by Pudliszki company so she uses it instead of tomato sauce which is too bland. Everybody likes champignons, ham and pineapple so she uses all of them. Saturday is always a Polish Hawaian pizza day for us. :):):)

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Alien  25 | 6397
30 Mar 2024   #278

Ketchup on pizza is a no go...apparently.
jon357  72 | 23483
30 Mar 2024   #279
Ketchup on pizza is

A disgusting idea
pawian  226 | 27471
30 Mar 2024   #280
Ketchup on pizza is a no go

We live in crazy times so unorthodox solutions have to be exploited. :):):)

A disgusting idea

Exactly!!!! Like most of British cuisine! hahahaha
Feniks  2 | 809
31 Mar 2024   #281
Ketchup on pizza is a no go.

I agree. Disgusting stuff :(
pawian  226 | 27471
31 Mar 2024   #282
I agree.

It must be the problem with British ketchup which is too salty and too sour (this infamous British vinegar) and doesn`t suit Polish Hawaian pizza! . Try ketchup from Poland, sweet and a little spicy - the best of all. :):):)
jon357  72 | 23483
31 Mar 2024   #283
British ketchup

Ketchup in general.

It's muck.

Try ketchup from Poland

We all have; it's an additive-filled race to the bottom.
pawian  226 | 27471
31 Mar 2024   #284
It's muck.

Yes, British ketchup, like most British cuisine. hahaha

race to the bottom.

Exactly!!! Thrilling like a ski ride down the steep slope!!
Feniks  2 | 809
31 Mar 2024   #285
British ketchup

I don't care where the ketchup has come from, it's vile. Tried it as a kid and that was enough!
jon357  72 | 23483
31 Mar 2024   #286

All ketchup.

like most British cuisine

Most is varied, healthy and delicious, influenced by all corners of the globe (except for Eastern Europe) and a delight to eat.

No preserved pig entrails, decomposing cabbage or mysterious tubes.


More gruesome.

I have a good friend who works in one of the largest ketchup factories in PL. part of his job is scraping the thousands of flies from the top of the open vats.
mafketis  38 | 11142
31 Mar 2024   #287
Ketchup in general.

I don't mind ketchup (I'm American --- my stomache is lined with stainless steel and has battery acid to help digest things) but it has its place and that place is not on pizza....

The key to great pizza is not the toppings but the crust. The best pizza I've ever had was in Lanzarote - hotel restaurant had a pizza chef who turned out small pizzas with minimal (but very good quality) toppings but amazingly delicious crusts.

A place where I went to college (the one with broccoli slices) was the only good deep dish pizza I've ever had.

Let's look at authentic Italian practice... minimal toppings and curated crust....
Alien  25 | 6397
31 Mar 2024   #288
Try ketchup from Poland

Every time I'm in Poland, I bring a dozen or so packages of a certain Polish brand for a special order from my family.
Ironside  50 | 12946
31 Mar 2024   #289
The key to great pizza

Go for zapiekanka.
pawian  226 | 27471
31 Mar 2024   #290
Tried it as a kid and that was enough!

It is simply amasing! You are the first person I met that hates ketchup.
Pity you didn`t have a chance to try Polish ketchup then..... :):):)

pig entrails

Instead, sheep entrails. hahahaha
johnny reb  49 | 7927
31 Mar 2024   #291
I don't care where the ketchup has come from, it's vile.

Tomato concentrate, lots of sugar, vinegar. and salt.
All it's good for is to mask the taste of reprocessed meats like hot dogs and baloney sandwiches . 🌭 yuk 🤢
mafketis  38 | 11142
31 Mar 2024   #292
Most is varied, healthy and delicious

Oh yes.... mouthwatering.....

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jon357  72 | 23483
31 Mar 2024   #293

Jellied eels are sold in about two places in London. Stargaze pie appears more in photographs than on tables. For some reason the Chinese are obsessed with it.

I've never eaten either but would try the pie.

I don't care where the ketchup has come from, it's vile. Tried it as a kid and that was enough!

There used to be a restaurant in the Starówka in Warsaw, a holdover from the PRL era that used to serve pancakes with decorative swirls of it on.

In some Polish supermarkets there are twenty kinds, each vying with each other for the crown of repulsiveness.

Mind you, the only faddiness I have about food is avoiding raw tomatoes.

I quite like HP though with the right thing like a bacon buttie and used to like Hammond's Yorkshire Relish when they were still making it. A bit like HP but more bitter.
pawian  226 | 27471
31 Mar 2024   #294
each vying with each other for the crown of repulsiveness.

Amasing attitude ! Tell us you are joking coz I can`t believe your anti ketchup campaign now. ):)
jon357  72 | 23483
31 Mar 2024   #295
anti ketchup campaign

That's actually a good idea.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
31 Mar 2024   #296
Everybody likes ketchup made in Poland by Pudliszki company so she uses it instead of tomato sauce which is too bland. Everybody likes

Really? even Polish ketchup on a pizza is disgusting... and as for pineapple, that is a total No No!
pawian  226 | 27471
31 Mar 2024   #297
Polish ketchup

How do you know? You have never eaten Polish Hawaian Pizza, let alone visited Poland for one!!! hahahaha
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
31 Mar 2024   #298
You are such an ignoramus liar!I have been to Poland many times and have tried Polish Ketchup..... all I can say is that it is better than British ketchup but still disgusting.As for the Polish Hawaiian pizza, I don't need to try it as I have tried it in the UK and pineapple and pizza just do not work!Ask the Italians!
pawian  226 | 27471
31 Mar 2024   #299
I have been to Poland many times

In your dreams, yes. Like johhny who also strongly believes he does the gardening . hahaha

Polish Ketchup

That was counterfeit ketchup made in GB. They fooled you but you never noticed. Ha!
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
31 Mar 2024   #300
That was counterfeit ketchup made in GB

Moron.I know British ketchup when I taste it and hate it, Polish ketchup was almost as disgusting.
But what kind of a moron puts ketchup and pineapple on a pizza?
Please go to Italy and ask for ketchup and pineapple on your pizza..... LOL!!!!!

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