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What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods?

rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
10 Dec 2023   #1171
Why is Pavz being so spiteful about Britain?.

I have this Polish sister in law who has spent the last 25 years in London. When she is not complaining about how 'shed' everything is, she admits she would miss all the delicious London food if she went back to Poland.....
OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Dec 2023   #1172
Why is Pavz

Those Pavz are such about everything. Just don`t pay attention to them, it is the best to ignore them. hahahaha

Think of your arteries!

I am that is why I have to consume that fat to keep the necessary balance in my body coz I have been eating too many fruit and veg recently. I harvested alot of them before wintertime and now I am in a hurry to eat them all before they get stale. Kilograms daily. It is crazy and needs to be compensated with smoked lard.
jon357  72 | 23654
10 Dec 2023   #1173



too many fruit and veg

Too much.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Dec 2023   #1174

Show some respect and speak English or Polish in the Polish English threads. Those Brits can be really impudent - they think they can do anything because they had colonies and have a king??? hahahaha

Too much

How many vegetables are too much and how much fruit is too many???
Torq  10 | 1236
10 Dec 2023   #1175

With onions and pickeled cucumbers on a huge slice of home made bread...

Bobko  27 | 2215
10 Dec 2023   #1176
Maybe there is something that Poles, Ukrainians and Russians can finally all rally around.

Do Poles like putting salt on black bread?

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Torq  10 | 1236
10 Dec 2023   #1177

Those koreczki look delicious! They would be perfect as zagrycha for pure, cold, potato vodka. *gets all dreamy-eyed*
jon357  72 | 23654
10 Dec 2023   #1178


they had colonies

We still do. Not quite a land empire from the Baltic to the Black Sea, but we have some nice windswept islands.

And good food from the former colonies (except hamburgers and KFC, they can keep those).
Torq  10 | 1236
10 Dec 2023   #1179

I don't care if it's made of a pig or a cow. As long as it's pure 100% fat, able to kill an average foreigner if he as much as looks at it (never mind eat it), I'm happy. :)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Dec 2023   #1180
putting salt

We put salt on country bread and offer it to guests as a symbol of warm welcome.

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Alien  26 | 6527
10 Dec 2023   #1181
offer it to guests as a symbol of warm welcome.

Will Bobko also get such bread?
jon357  72 | 23654
10 Dec 2023   #1182
I don't care if it's made of a pig or a cow

Both types of dripping are delicious.

The tastiest dripping is that that isn't pure fat. It's all the nice dark bits.

able to kill an average foreigner if he as much as looks at it

We Brits can eat twice the amount you could ever dream of.

And some do.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Dec 2023   #1183
Will Bobko

Does Bobko deserve a warm welcome? If he does, he will. Simple.

And some do.

I highly doubt it. When I mentioned lard instead of butter on my sandwiches, you thought I was speaking about melted one. Ha! It means eating unrendered lard is not popular in GB.
Torq  10 | 1236
10 Dec 2023   #1184
We Brits can eat twice the amount you could ever dream of.

I doubt it.

I can eat smalec by kilograms, drink a litre of vodka to burn it faster and then eat a kilogram of it again. All that preferably at 10 p.m. so that I have nice dreams at night. When I wake up, I take a healthy 100 grams of vodka on an empty stomach and eat kaszanka with some last week's bigos leftovers. Bigos contains cabbage, so I consider it a vegetarian diet.

Beat that, you British lightweight.
jon357  72 | 23654
10 Dec 2023   #1185
I can eat smalec by kilograms, drink a litre of vodka to burn it faster and then eat a kilogram of it again

That's nothing.


A crapper version of proper black pudding. I used to know a girl who could take 2kg at a time, and not orally.

Beat that, you British lightweight.

You've probably never eaten a whole sheep, have you...
Torq  10 | 1236
10 Dec 2023   #1186
You've probably never eaten a whole sheep, have you...

I've eaten a whole wild boar though. Baked in bread dough in a huge bread furnace and then kept warm over a fire. De-li-cious!

But fair enough, perhaps I underestimated British eating powers. :)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Dec 2023   #1187
You've probably never eaten a whole sheep,

Yes, we have. Wawel Dragon showed us how to do it. Ha!!!!

Jon, this misunderstanding we have had about lard is an effect of British laziness in the language.Once any type of pig fat was called lard in English. Later you started using fat mostly in its melted form and you called it melted lard. Today you say lard for short because you are too lazy to say the full name - melted lard.
jon357  72 | 23654
10 Dec 2023   #1188
Wawel Dragon

A part-timer.

wild boar

Delicious, though be careful about eating any of it raw, one of the nicest things about a whole freshly killed sheep is eating the liver and lungs raw while the rest is being cooked. The lungs don't taste of much (not many sheep smoke) but have a nice spongy texture, the liver tastes like liver but fresher.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Dec 2023   #1189
the liver tastes like liver but fresher.

Jon, you scare me when you speak like those Russian cannibals!!!

Today you say lard for short because you are too lazy to say the full name - melted lard.

I hope you understand I can`t be held responsible for your nation`s vices. It is lard what I put on my bread and will always remain so.
jon357  72 | 23654
10 Dec 2023   #1190
an effect of British laziness

Or more accurately, a sign of how the language creatively evolves to suit changes in eating habits. Better that than to remain ossified.

melted lard

Rendered rather than melted, and that term isn't used nowadays for the consumer product since it's redundant. Also, dripping has always been a term, stretching back into history.

when you speak like those Russian cannibals!!!

You should see some of the stuff I eat in Africa. I draw the line at giant bats, since they're cute.
Torq  10 | 1236
10 Dec 2023   #1191
one of the nicest things about a whole freshly killed sheep is eating the liver and lungs raw while the rest is being cooked

*smiles with approval*

I must say that I am surprised but also delighted by this newly found respect for our British friends and allies. It might be a good idea to join our inventions and eat raw sheep liver and lungs, generously covered with melted lard with the addition of a week-old bigos and washed down with first-class potato vodka. Long live the Polish-British alliance!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Dec 2023   #1192
a sign of how the language creatively evolves to suit changes in eating habits.

Keep your evolved language while I stick to traditions coz I am a very conservative type of person. Ha!!! Lard! Ha!!! hahahahaha

I draw the line at giant bats, since they're cute.

I understand you freely devour small bats coz they remind of winged mice so aren`t so cute anymore.
jon357  72 | 23654
10 Dec 2023   #1193

Minor languages are generally less flexible and adaptive than major ones.

small bats

Even cuter, however it's the huge ones that are cooked. Cats too.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Dec 2023   #1194
it's the huge ones that are cooked.

So it was you who spread the covid virus from bats onto people in Europe!!!! Scientists have been looking for that missing piece in the puzzle.
jon357  72 | 23654
10 Dec 2023   #1195
Pangolins, apparently. PrzelotnyPtasiek spread the virus after he'd deflowered one.

Long live the Polish-British alliance

When I have time after the holiday season, I'll post some British/Polish fusion recipes. No African style raw sheep tnough.

Or giant bats.
Torq  10 | 1236
10 Dec 2023   #1196
Minor languages

Hmm... maybe we should reconsider this alliance idea again. Eating raw animals is, of course, a commendable habit, but the linguistic question may be a major obstacle between our peoples. :-/

Ah, well...
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
10 Dec 2023   #1197
Long live the Polish-British alliance!

I'll drink to that! Nasdrowia!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
23 Dec 2023   #1198
Fried potato pancakes in deep and thick mushroom sauce with soft chunks of pork. The so called pancakes ala Hungarian or Gypsy.

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Alien  26 | 6527
23 Dec 2023   #1199
pancakes ala Hungarian or Gypsy.

"Placek po węgiersku" looks different.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
23 Dec 2023   #1200
Stop watching PIS TV. They are lying. :):):)

Sth new:

Home smoked chicken carcass with potatoes and various greens

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Home / Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods?
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